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Toddler Nutrition: Everything You Need To Know

Toddler Nutrition: Everything You Need To Know - Motherhood India Hospital
Toddler Nutrition: Everything You Need To Know

Toddler years are said to be a period of transformation; especially between 12-24 months, when your toddler is learning to consume table food and absorbing new tastes and textures. When your child was an infant, breast milk and formula were ideal, but now that they're toddlers, it's time for them to start obtaining what they need from a range of foods.

Recommended Food Groups for Toddlers: What Your Child Needs to Stay Healthy

Toddlers require between 1,000-1,400 calories per day, depending on their age, size, and amount of activity. And to provide your child with the required amount of nutritious diet, you must understand exactly what a healthy diet is, and today, we're going to focus solely on that topic. Listed below are 5 must-need food items that you should add to your child’s diet.

Veggies and fruits:

You weren’t surprised to see it, were you? Well, that’s the thing, fruits and vegetables are must-needed items in your little one’s diet for proper nutrition. While if your little one is a picky eater and is more biased toward fruits, it’s fine! Children tend to favour fruit over many veggies because of the fruit's inherent sweetness. But if it’s the vice-versa, then congratulations, mommy! No more tension for you.


You should consume grains in about 25% of your diet. Pasta, rice, and bread fall into this category. And if your toddler is already in love with these, then it’s a win-win situation for you.


Eggs are an extremely nutritious, affordable, versatile, and delectable complete protein.

Lentils and legumes:

Most individuals don't eat enough garbanzo beans, often known as chickpeas, which are inexpensive and flavorful. Red lentils are pleasant and simple to prepare, which I find youngsters really enjoy. In many dishes, ground beef can be replaced with puy lentils, other brown lentils, or black beans.


Fish provides additional advantages besides being a good source of protein. Oily fish like sardines and mackerel are the richest sources of omega 3. Many children dislike "fishy fish." Whitefish, on the other hand, has far less omega 3 but is typically more well-liked by children.

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