Is There A Right Time To Get Pregnant? Consult The Doctors

pregnancy week calculator

Timing is Key: Understanding Ovulation and Getting Pregnant

Timing is the key to getting pregnant. All you have to do is be in sync with the ovulation cycle. A brief window is available each month for conceiving. Women are more likely to get pregnant at the most fertile point of their monthly menstrual cycle which is marked by an upsurge in the luteinizing hormone. The most fertile phase lies 5-6 days before and after the day of ovulation.

While sperm can survive in a woman’s reproductive tract for five days, the egg can be fertilized only between 12-24 hours after being released from the ovaries.

What happens during ovulation?

The ovary releases a mature egg.
The egg travels way down the fallopian tube.
The sperm may meet it in the process and fertilize the eggs.

Estimates say that the majority of pregnancies result from having sex during the periods. The likelihood of conceiving is therefore marked at 10% five days before ovulation and 33% on the day of ovulation.

In many cases, the lack of knowledge about the ovulation cycle and the signs of ovulation creates an obstacle to conceiving. The tricky part lies in identifying when ovulation occurs because every woman’s menstrual cycle is different.

Ways to Track the Ovulation Period

Track your basal body temperature: It is the temperature when you wake up in the morning. During ovulation, it goes slightly up and stays up until the next period.
Make use of an ovulation predictor kit that is used to detect a surge in Luteinizing hormone.
Cycle charting apps could be helpful
Fertility monitors to keep a check on Luteinizing hormone and estrogen levels.
Cervical mucus method

There is a right time to get pregnant. All you have to do is track your cycle and time it right. Making out on the days close to ovulation is important.

Birth Defects & Exposure To Prescription Drugs In The Womb

Birth Defects

What are Birth Defects?

When there is any visible, chemical or internal abnormality in the newborn, it is referred to as a birth defect. This defect may be a result of genetic factors, radiation or exposure to some drugs. It is important to know how some drugs can pertain to birth defects if taken without acknowledgement. It is due to the fact that some substances can affect the development of a fetus along with influencing the health of the mother as pregnancy is the crucial stage in one’s life.
Prescription medicine is used to treat a health condition when recommended by a health provider. A certain exposure to some drugs proffers high chances of disabilities in the fetus, particularly congenital disabilities, which are known as teratogenic drugs. These disabilities can concur to infant mortality along with leading to premature birth, low birth weight, miscarriage etc.

Factors that Can Harm the Development of the Fetus

The baby inside the womb goes through two important developmental stages; an embryo stage during the first 10 weeks where the systems and organs are formed, and the fetal stage where the growth of the organs and fetus happens. During the fetal stage, the developing baby is more at risk of injury or any abnormality where infections and drugs are some significant causes that can damage it. There are certain factors that are underlined for potentially harming the development of the fetus, like the type of drug, size of the dose, how frequently it is used, the stage of pregnancy, individual response etc.

The Risk of Teratogenic Drugs During Pregnancy

Some drugs are most severe during the first three months of pregnancy, like Thalidomide which was used to treat nausea can cause birth defects known as phocomelia, and Isotretinoin (used to treat skin conditions) can cause malformations and abnormalities in the skull, CNS and heart.

What A Woman’s Body Experiences In Their 50s?

Immune System Changes

Hormonal Shifts and Menopause Symptoms in Women Over 50

Ageing relates to many changes in the body where a woman undergoes some major changes during her 50s. The hormonal changes along with the physical changes are worth noticing during this period, as:

Hormonal changes: During this phase of life, menstruation will cease in women where there will be changing levels of estrogen and other dominant hormones. This alteration can lead to some uncomfortable symptoms while the body is dealing with it, like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep issues, and importantly, anxiety. Besides, the lining of the vagina also becomes thinner and drier.

Immune System Changes and the Importance of Staying Healthy After 50

After the age of 50, the immune system can gradually go slower to invade viruses or any outside threats that can cause infections or any other disease. Besides, the number of fighter cells in your body will also decrease and you are likely to get sick when in contact with any virus, bacteria or pathogen.

Maintaining Strong Bones and Heart Health Through Exercise and Nutrition

Weaker Bones and joints: Postmenopausal phase often leads to calcium deficiency which can lead to weaker bones. During younger years, the body has the capability to replace the broken cells with new and strong ones. However, with age, this tendency decreases where a person has more broken-down cells than replaced ones. In the same way, the joints also become weaker as the tissues and cartilage surrounding them begin to thin over time.
Muscle changes: Besides bone strength, muscle strength is also lost at a rapid rate after turning 50.
Chances of heart attack: With increasing age, the chances of heart attack also increase. The Postmenopause phase results in the decline of estrogen which is linked with the increasing risk of heart disease in women.
A combination of a healthy diet along with exercise can attribute to healthy living in ageing women.

Importance Of Good Gynaecologists In Women’s Health

Health checkup's at motherhood india hospital

Annual Gynaecologist Check-ups for Women’s Health

In order to sustain a healthy life, a woman must visit a good gynaecologist. A gynaecologist deals with the medical care of women and their reproductive system. Every woman should make a visit to a gynaecologist annually for better health and to manage other changes in their life. Women can face a lot of health issues that can become serious if not treated at the right time so it becomes essential to look for treatment.

Managing Changes and Complications with Gynaecological Care

From the very onset of puberty, there are significant changes like breast development, pregnancy to menopause, etc. during which the risk of diseases also increases in women. Managing these changes and other diseases is a field specialized by a gynaecologist who creates awareness and gives suggestions to maintain sound physical and mental health.
It is recommended to visit the gynaecologist between 13 and 15 years of age where a relationship can be established between the patient and the doctor. It can lead to creating awareness about reproductive health topics which includes menstruation. After crossing the age of puberty, during pregnancy, visiting a gynaecologist is a must-go. There are various aspects of pregnancy that can lead to high-risk conditions that can affect the mother and a gynaecologist comes to safeguard the person.

Gynaecologists: Educators and Counselors for Women’s Reproductive Health

The general recommendations and planning to reduce complications of the pregnancy are a way out where a gynaecologist plays an important role to help in the management of this period.

Throughout different stages of life, proper education, counselling and prevention methods are excellent guidance that can help a woman to maintain her overall health being. These services are rendered by gynaecologists who can also manage complications of major diseases as well. Therefore, in order to understand the importance of health, it is important to visit a gynaecologist once in a while.

Daily Nutrition Requirements For A Woman

balanced diet for women

Introduction to Daily Nutritional Requirements for Women

When it comes to healthy eating, your diet should encompass all the important nutrients that are required by your body to function as a healthy and strong unit.

Quick Fact:
On average, an adult woman requires between 1600 to 2400 calories a day.

Essential Nutrients for Women’s Health

A balanced diet comprises of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean protein. An adult woman should make a habit of consuming the following nutrients every day:
Calcium: Bone health, along with the buildup of teeth and muscular function of the body corresponds to the requirement of calcium in the body. 1000 milligrams of calcium should be incorporated into the daily diet. Examples of calcium-rich foods: are milk, oranges, soybeans, okra etc.
Iron: Iron is required for the transportation of oxygen to body tissues through the haemoglobin content in the blood along with rendering the role of balancing hormones. A woman should at least consume 18 milligrams of iron each day. Examples: cauliflower greens, turmeric powder, cowpea leaves etc.
Vitamin D: Along with bone and muscular health, it is required for the proper functioning of the immune system and glucose metabolism. It should be taken at least 15 micrograms each day. Examples: Egg yolk, crimini mushroom, oranges etc.
Vitamin E: It helps in boosting the immunity of the individual along with acting as an antioxidant and regulator of inflammation. With respect to its vivid role in the body, it should be consumed at least 15 milligrams each day. Examples: spinach, mustard greens, green leafy vegetables etc.
Magnesium: Being involved in the regulation of blood pressure and protein synthesis, it is important in the working of enzymes for protein synthesis. 310-320 milligrams of magnesium are required every day. Example: avocado, tofu, legumes etc.
Protein: They are important for growth and development, along with helping in the repairment of cells. On average, a woman should consume about 46 grams of protein. Examples: chickpeas, kidney peas, green peas etc.
The daily amount of nutrient intake can change at different stages of life, like during pregnancy where the intake of folic acid is supplemented for feeding an extra life in the body.

Hormonal Imbalance: Treatment Options To Help Balance Your Hormones

treatments for Hormonal imbalances

Hormones are chemicals produced in the endocrine glands that coordinate and work as messengers. In the overall health of an individual, hormones control major processes of the body. However, there can be an imbalance in their levels where they can be too little or too much that can affect the overall working of the body. Even little changes can relate to many symptoms that point towards hormonal imbalance.

Understanding Hormonal Imbalances: Causes and Symptoms

Hormonal imbalances can be temporary as well as chronic, where some can affect your daily life while others may not impact your health. There are many medical conditions caused by hormonal issues like irregular menstruation, diabetes, infertility, acne, thyroid disease, obesity etc. While hormonal levels can fluctuate at different stages of life like puberty or pregnancy, there can other reasons for their irregularity like stress, medications, steroid usage, etc. Chronic hormonal changes can be attributed to many possible causes, like tumours, injuries to the endocrine gland, or any autoimmune disease.

Treatment Options for Hormonal Imbalances

The treatment for such a condition will depend on its cause, whereas in the case of low levels, the treatment will include hormone replacement therapy. Oral medications like pills and injections may be prescribed depending upon the hormone that is deficient in a person. For example, if a person has a deficiency of growth hormone, he may be prescribed shots of synthetic growth hormone. In case of having high-level hormones, treatment options can vary like medication, surgery, therapy etc. to balance the hormonal levels.

Natural and Lifestyle Remedies for Balancing Hormones

Besides, natural supplements have also been used to reduce the symptoms of hormonal imbalances, black cohosh, dong quai, red clover etc. for menopause-related conditions. There are also some lifestyle changes that may help to balance the levels of hormones, like maintaining body weight, eating a nutritious diet, exercising, personal hygiene, managing stress, limiting sugary foods, etc.

How To Care For Your Mental Health & Lead A Better Life

taking care of physical health

Mental health constitutes the overall emotional, psychological and social well-being of a person. To lead a happy and healthy life, mental health should be taken care of as it affects the overall health of an individual.

Importance of Mental Health for Overall Well-Being

Mental health affects the way a person can think, feel or act when it comes to coping with life and its pertaining issues. It is really important to take care of your mental health as it can help you to cope with the stresses of life, be physically active and healthy, have good relationships around you, contribute to the community’s well-being, work efficiently and productively, and come with your potential.

Ways to Take Care of Your Physical Health for Better Mental Health

• Staying positive and focused: It is important to balance your emotions to have a positive outlook that can influence your activities. It will help you to face negative emotions and respond in the best of ways. Besides, a positive attitude relates to a better focus towards your goals.
• Taking care of physical health: Mental health corresponds to the physical being where being physically active can reduce strain and depression. It can help you to stay in a good mood while practising some beneficial life hacks, like getting adequate sleep, having healthy food, practising meditation such as yoga and relaxation techniques etc.
• Connecting with others: Having some strong social relationships can help you to cope with stress and get involved with friends or family in building a connection.
• Developing coping skills and meaning of life: It is better to learn some methods that can help you get out of stressful situations along with going through new learning skills to explore your life.

Tips To Cope With Menopause

Treatments for Menopause

Menopause concurs with hormonal changes in the body due to which there can be many signs and symptoms of this transition. This transition may affect the quality of life as the symptoms may stay for a longer time, making you feel uncomfortable. While there can be mood fluctuations, hot flashes, insomnia, etc. as a result of menopause, it is important to cope with these changes and adjust to this phase of life.

Hot Flashes and How to Manage Them

Here are some tips enlisted to help you cope with menopause:

• Hot flashes are common during menopause which may be triggered by hot beverages, spicy food, warm air temperatures, stress, alcohol, caffeine, etc. it is better to avoid such things, where you can keep a note of the things that have the potential to trigger your flashes.
• Dress up in layers so that you can take off the garments if you feel the need to do so. You can also regulate the temperature of your surroundings, where you can prefer a cold room. Moreover, deep breathing exercises can also help you to get away from hot flashes.
• While vaginal dryness may be a result of menopause, you can treat it using a simple vaginal lubricant or moisturizer as they are quite effective over the area.
• There may be frequent mood swings during this phase which can be treated by adopting some healthy lifestyle changes. You should get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and perform some meditation activities to cope with the stress. Besides, you can also boost your brain health by being active and taking up new challenges.
• Your bones may begin to weaken where you can consume foods rich in calcium and vitamin D to strengthen the bones.
• Consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can alleviate many symptoms of menopause, where they can also be helpful in weight loss, and preventing many diseases like cardiac diseases.

Treatment Options To Counter The Suffering Of Menopause Symptoms

Hormone Therapy at best gyneacology hospital

Menopause is the transitional stage in a woman’s life that can cause symptoms that may last for months or even years. Some common symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, irritability, tiredness, insomnia etc. Besides these symptoms, a woman is at risk of several diseases during this period including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. It may be a concern for some but it is always better if you consult the doctor and go through the evaluation process.

Non-Hormonal Treatments for Menopause Symptoms

Hormone therapy: When it comes to hot flashes, estrogen therapy is the effective option to get relief from this. Besides, estrogen also helps in the prevention of bone loss. Though long-term uses may concur with some risks, but this therapy has shown benefits for women during menopause.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): This talking therapy can be used to help with low mood and anxiety problems, along with some symptoms of hot flashes and joint pain.
Low-dose antidepressants: There are some antidepressants from the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that help in decreasing hot flashes. Besides, these can be helpful for mood disorders.
Vaginal estrogen: Estrogen can be directly used over the vagina in the form of vaginal cream or tablet to relieve vaginal dryness.
Medications for osteoporosis: While bones are affected during this phase, your doctor may prescribe medications for the same to reduce bone loss. You may be given some vitamin D supplements to strengthen the bones.
Clonidine: This medication may be administered to treat high blood pressure which in turn can help you get some relief from the hot flashes as well.
Gabapentin: While some women may not be able to use hormone therapy due to their health concerns, this dosage of drugs can help prevent seizures and reduce hot flashes.

Menopause Treatment: Medication & Lifestyle Changes

Menopause Symptoms

Menopause can prompt many symptoms where the need for medications and proper treatment can arise. With the changing physical and psychological paradigm of a woman’s body, a doctor can recommend therapies to counter the hormonal imbalance and medications as well to get relief from the symptoms.

Quick Fact:
Some symptoms of menopause, such as irregular periods and hot flashes may appear before you undergo menopause.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

The most common treatments preferred during menopause are:
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): This therapy is the primary treatment for menopausal symptoms and comprises the hormones namely estrogen and progesterone that may be lacking in the body. With estrogen supplements, symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness and osteoporosis can be treated. However, estrogen can also increase the risks of some diseases, like uterine cancer. Therefore, with respect to the health condition of a woman, a doctor can choose the right option for her.
SSRI: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can be used for hot flashes, anxiety and depression symptoms.
Vaginal moisturizers: For vaginal dryness, non-hormonal vaginal lubricants or moisturizers may be suggested.

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Menopause Symptoms

I. Staying cool and comfortable: Dressing in loose and layered clothing during warm and torrid temperatures can help you cope with hot flashes.
II. Exercising regularly: It is advised to exercise moderately for 20-30 minutes a day which can boost your energy and improve your mood.
III. Managing weight: It is always recommended to manage weight during menopause where the calorie intake should be reduced by 400 to 600 calories.
IV. Consult a specialist: You can consult a therapist or psychologist when you are feeling depressed or stressed or you can talk to your family members or loved ones so that they know what are you going through.
V. Taking Supplements: Taking vitamin D, calcium and magnesium supplements to improve your energy, and sleeping patterns and also reduce the risk of bone loss.