The Digital Dilemma: Exploring the Medical Implications of Technology on Child Development

Medical Implications of Technology on Child Development

Author: Dr. Surender Kumar,  MBBS, Diploma in Child Health (DCH), DNB – Paediatrics

Consultant – Pediatrician & Neonatologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Gurgaon.


In an era defined by screens and smartphones, the pervasive presence of technology in children’s lives raises important questions about its impact on their health and development. From a medical standpoint, understanding how technology influences child development is crucial for promoting optimal growth and well-being.

1. Vision Health:

Extended usage of screens by young people can cause eye strain and a variety of vision-related problems. Children’s screen time should be restricted, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, to prevent myopia, dry eyes, and digital eye strain. Regular pauses, keeping a suitable viewing distance, and having enough illumination can all help reduce the risk of eye strain that comes with using screens too often. Eye care – should follow the 20/20/20 rule look away from the screen every 20 minutes,focus on an object at least 20 feet away, for at least 20 sec, and follow the 1,2,10 rule i.e, keep the screen like a Mobile phone at 1 feet away, desktop and laptop at  2 feet and tv screen at 10 feet.

2. Sleep Disruptions:

Children’s sleep habits might be disturbed by screen time, especially right before bed. Device blue light inhibits the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls sleep-wake cycles, making it harder to fall asleep and resulting in less restful sleep. Creating tech-free zones in bedrooms and instituting screen-free nighttime habits can enhance general well-being and improve sleep hygiene. 

3. Physical Activity: 

Overindulgence in screens frequently takes the place of physical activity, which promotes sedentary behavior and raises the risk of obesity and associated health problems. Children who spend more time in front of screens are less likely to play actively and participate in outdoor activities, which has a detrimental effect on their development of muscles, cardiovascular health, and general fitness. Promoting a healthy lifestyle requires limiting screen time and encouraging frequent breaks for exercise. 

4. Cognitive Development:

Even though technology can be beneficial for schooling, too much screen time can harm kids’ cognitive development. According to research, using digital gadgets excessively is linked to concentration issues, poor academic performance, and delays in language development. It’s essential to strike a balance between screen time and other stimulating pursuits like reading, creative play, and hands-on learning to promote academic achievement and cognitive development. 

5. Mental Health:

Concern over how technology affects children’s psychological development is growing. Children who spend too much time on screens are more likely to have anxiety, despair, and behavioral issues. Use of social media in particular can worsen loneliness, inadequacy, and cyberbullying sentiments, all of which have a detrimental effect on mental health. Encouraging transparent communication, keeping an eye on digital activities, and supporting constructive coping mechanisms are crucial for protecting children’s mental health in the digital age.


Even though technology has many positive effects, moderation, balance, and parental supervision are crucial given the negative effects technology has on children’s development from a medical standpoint. We can guarantee that children flourish in today’s digital world while preserving their long-term health and well-being by emphasizing healthy tech habits, encouraging physical activity, and fostering holistic development.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best pediatricians in Gurgaon. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do make an appointment with the best women’s care hospital in Gurgaon at a center closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Surender Kumar, please book your appointment here.

Importance of Deworming in Children and Home Remedies

importance of deworming in childrens

Author –  Dr Ekawali Gupta

MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, Consultant,

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mohali.

Importance of Deworming in Children and Home Remedies

I. Introduction:

Parasitic infections in children are a concerning health issue, particularly in developing countries like India. One effective way to combat this is through a regular deworming schedule. This article  Dr Ekawali Gupta, MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, aims to shed light on the importance of deworming, its recommended schedule, available medications, and some effective home remedies.

II. What is Deworming?

Deworming is the process of eliminating parasitic worms from the gastrointestinal tract, using medications or natural remedies. The best Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Sector 32 is saying that deworming is an essential aspect of preventive healthcare, particularly for children who are more susceptible to these infections.

III. Why is Deworming Important?

Health Benefits:

1. Improved Nutrient Absorption: Parasitic worms reside in the digestive system and feed off the nutrients ingested by the host. By eliminating these parasites, the child’s body can better absorb essential nutrients from food, which is critical for their overall well-being.

2. Better Immune Function: Parasitic infections often compromise the immune system, making children more susceptible to other infections. Deworming helps in restoring optimal immune function by ridding the body of parasitic worms, thereby allowing the immune system to focus on other potential threats.

3. Enhanced Cognitive and Physical Development: Chronic parasitic infections can lead to malnourishment, stunting growth and cognitive development. Regular deworming schedules can help mitigate these risks and contribute to a child’s overall development.

4. Reduced School Absenteeism: Children suffering from parasitic infections often miss school due to related health issues. Regular deworming can significantly reduce absenteeism, contributing to better academic performance.

5. Better Quality of Life: Constant itching, abdominal pain, and other symptoms of worm infections can adversely affect a child’s day-to-day activities. Deworming can alleviate these symptoms, leading to a better quality of life.

Risks of Not Deworming:

1. Anemia: Worms like hookworms feed on blood, leading to significant blood loss and anemia.

2. Weakness and Fatigue: Lack of essential nutrients and anemia can lead to general weakness and fatigue.

3. Cognitive Delays: As mentioned, persistent infections can impact a child’s cognitive functions, potentially leading to learning difficulties and developmental delays.

4. Gastrointestinal Issues: Parasitic infections can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems.

5. Spread to Family Members: Many of these parasitic infections are contagious and can easily spread to other family members if not addressed.

IV. Deworming Schedule:

According to Indian healthcare guidelines, deworming should start as early as one year of age and continue periodically. Usually, Albendazole or Mebendazole are prescribed.

  • 12-24 months: Once every 6 months
  • 2-14 years: Once every year

V. Common Medications for Deworming

1. Albendazole: A broad-spectrum antiparasitic medication.

2. Mebendazole: Another effective medication, although less commonly used.

Other over-the-counter medicines are also available but should be used under medical supervision.

VI. Home Remedies for Deworming

Ayurvedic Remedies:

1. Neem Leaves: Consuming neem leaves can help in the natural expulsion of worms.

2. Turmeric: A pinch of turmeric in warm water can also be effective.

Herbal Solutions:

1. Garlic: Known for its anti-parasitic properties.

2. Pumpkin Seeds: Can help in the removal of tapeworms and roundworms.

Diet Modifications:

1. High-fiber foods

2. Probiotics

VII. Side Effects and Precautions

Common Side Effects:

1. Nausea and Vomiting: Some children might experience nausea and occasional vomiting after taking deworming medications.

2. Abdominal Pain: Mild abdominal pain is another common side effect but usually subsides within a day or two.

3. Diarrhea: A less common side effect, but possible, particularly if the medication causes a rapid expulsion of the worms.

4. Skin Rashes: Some children might develop mild skin rashes, which usually disappear after a couple of days.

5. Headache: A very rare side effect, but worth mentioning.


1. Consult a doctor: best gynecologist and obstetrician in sector 32 says Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any deworming regimen, especially if your child has other medical conditions or allergies.

2. Follow Recommended Dosage: Never exceed the recommended dosage as it could lead to severe side effects.

3. Monitor for Allergic Reactions: Keep an eye out for symptoms like difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or lips, and severe rashes as these could be signs of an allergic reaction.

4. Hygiene Practices: Along with medication, ensure good hygiene practices like regular handwashing to prevent re-infection.

5. Family Deworming: Since these infections can spread easily, it’s often recommended that all family members undergo deworming simultaneously.

VIII. The Role of Motherhood Hospitals/Fertility Clinics

Consultation services and expert opinions on deworming are available. It’s essential to consult with specialists to personalize the deworming schedule for your child.

IX. Conclusion

Deworming is an essential aspect of child healthcare. It not only safeguards against parasitic infections but also fosters better growth and development.

X. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the best age to start deworming?

     As early as one year of age.

2. Are home remedies effective?

    They can be, but medical consultation is advised.

3. Are there any side effects?

     Usually mild but consult a healthcare provider for any persistent issues.

Dr Ekawali Gupta will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Mohali.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Ekawali Gupta, please book your appointment here.

Signs Your Child Should See a Paediatric Urologist

signs of neurological issues in child

Author – Dr. Pawan Deep Singh

M.B.B.S, DCH, DNB Pediatrics, Consultant – Paediatrics & Neonatology

Signs Your Child Should See a Paediatric Urologist


As a parent, it could be difficult for you to know when your child’s bladder problems need attention. At times, you may not know if your child’s bedwetting is normal or highlighting other issues. According to Dr. Pawan Deep Singh, M.B.B.S, DCH, DNB Pediatrics, as a parent, you should consult the best paediatrician in Chandigarh preferably a paediatric urologist if you notice any change in the bladder patterns of your child.

What Does a Paediatric Urologist Do?

Paediatric urology is a different discipline from paediatrics. If you visit the best paediatricians in Chandigarh for consultation, they will provide treatment for many minor urological problems including urinary tract infections without fever, and so forth. You should, however, consult a paediatric urologist for ongoing, urgent, and non-routine urology issues involving your child’s kidney, ureters, bladder, urethra, testicles, and genitalia.

Signs Your Child Should See a Paediatric Urologist

You should visit the best paediatrician in Chandigarh for the following:

1. Bedwetting and Bladder Issues

Potty training of kids is not always easy. Sometimes you may not even know if your child has a medical problem or he is just a late bloomer. Bedwetting can occur because of urinary incontinence, stress, or a urinary tract infection. Of course, every child is different. As a general rule, however, if your child is not dry through the night by the age of six, you may have to consult a paediatric urologist.

2. Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection or UTI can affect even babies and children. It may also be common in children. You should, however, visit a paediatric urologist if your child has had multiple UTIs.

Dr Ashish Dharmik tells us that recurrent urinary tract infections may be a sign of anatomic abnormality leading to infections. Children having recurrent UTIs also have some type of abnormal voiding behaviours. Hence, it is important to identify such traits and get those treated.

3. Congenital Issues

A lot of children may have urological problems due to congenital issues. Paediatric urologists also perform surgery to treat a wide range of birth defects involving organs inside the body including kidney, bladder, or reproductive organs in both girls and boys. The primary goal of such surgeries is to let the child achieve or maintain a normal urologic function.

What are the Telltale Signs of Urologic Condition?

Your child may not be able to explain the cause of the pain to you. The telltale signs, however, can help you in discovering a urological condition. For instance, the most common sign of urological condition in children is bedwetting. Although your child has reached a certain age, he/she may not be able to control the urine. This can be a warning sign for you to visit a paediatric urologist. The other common symptoms include:

1. Pain while urinating.

2. Burning or stinging sensation when urinating.

3. Frequent urination.

4. An urgent need to urinate.

5. Foul smell in the urine.

6. Cloudy or bloody urine.

7. Pain in the lower back.

8. Pain around the bladder.

9. Fever.

If you notice any change in the regular urinating pattern of your child, visit a good paediatric urologist or Dr. Pawan Deep Singh at Motherhood Hospitals in Chandigarh.

Understanding Pneumonia in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Pneumonia in Children

Autor – Dr. Amit Gupta 

MD (peds) KGMC LUCKNOW, PGPN (Boston), NNF Instructor, Fellowship in Neonatology (Canada ) 

Senior Consultant – Peadiatrician & Neonatologist 

Understanding Pneumonia in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Pneumonia is a common respiratory infection that can affect people of all ages, but it can be particularly concerning when it strikes children. As a seasoned child specialist with 18 years of experience, I aim to provide you with a comprehensive educational article on pneumonia, covering its causes, symptoms, and treatment, to help parents and caregivers better understand this condition and its management. 

What Is Pneumonia? 

Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lungs caused by various infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. In children, bacterial and viral pneumonia are the most common culprits. Pneumonia can range from mild to severe, and it is crucial to recognize its signs and symptoms to ensure timely intervention and proper treatment. 

Causes of Pneumonia in Children: 

Bacterial Infections: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and Staphylococcus aureus are some common bacterial pathogens responsible for pediatric pneumonia. 

Viral Infections: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza virus, and adenovirus are frequent viral causes of pneumonia in children. 

Fungal Infections: While less common, fungal pneumonia can occur, primarily in children with compromised immune systems. 

Symptoms of Pneumonia in Children: 

Recognizing the symptoms of pneumonia in children is essential for early diagnosis and prompt treatment. These symptoms may vary in severity and can include: 

  • Cough, often producing yellow or green mucus. 
  • High fever, sometimes accompanied by chills. 
  • Rapid or difficult breathing, which may be visible as chest retractions (sucking in between the ribs or below the ribcage) or flaring of the nostrils. 
  • Wheezing or grunting. 
  • Fatigue and decreased activity. 
  • Loss of appetite. 
  • Rapid heart rate. 
  • Cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the lips, nails, or skin). 
  • Diagnosis of Pneumonia: 

When a child presents with symptoms suggestive of pneumonia, a thorough evaluation is necessary. Diagnostic measures may include: 


Physical examination: Listening to the child’s breathing sounds with a stethoscope to identify abnormal breath sounds, crackles, or wheezing. 

Chest X-ray: An essential tool for confirming the presence of pneumonia and determining its extent. 

Blood tests: To assess the severity of infection and the type of pathogen involved. 

Sputum culture: To identify the causative bacteria and guide antibiotic treatment. 

Treatment of Pneumonia in Children: 

The treatment approach for pediatric pneumonia depends on the underlying cause and the child’s age and overall health. Key strategies include: 

Antibiotics: If bacterial pneumonia is diagnosed, antibiotics are prescribed. The choice of antibiotic depends on the suspected pathogen. 

Antiviral medications: For pneumonia caused by specific viruses, such as influenza or RSV, antiviral drugs may be considered. 

Supportive care: This includes ensuring the child gets plenty of rest, maintaining hydration, and managing fever and discomfort with appropriate medications. 

Oxygen therapy: In severe cases, oxygen supplementation may be required to ensure adequate oxygen levels in the blood. 

Hospitalization: Some children with pneumonia, especially infants or those with severe symptoms, may require hospitalization for close monitoring and intravenous treatments. 

Prevention of Pneumonia: 

Preventing pneumonia in children is a priority for parents and caregivers. Here are some essential preventive measures: 

Vaccination: Ensure that your child is up-to-date on vaccinations, including those against common pathogens like pneumococcus and Hib. 

Good hygiene: Promote handwashing and respiratory hygiene to reduce the spread of infectious agents. 

Avoid secondhand smoke: Exposure to tobacco smoke can increase the risk of pneumonia. 

Breastfeeding: Breastfed infants have better immunity against infections, including pneumonia. 


As a child specialist, I understand the concern and worry that parents and caregivers may experience when a child is diagnosed with pneumonia. Early recognition of symptoms, prompt medical attention, and appropriate treatment can significantly improve the outcome for children with pneumonia. By focusing on prevention and staying informed, we can work together to keep our children healthy and safe. 

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development  

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Developmentt

AuthorDr. Devesh Aggarwal



7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development  


Toddles are quick to observe, learn, and adapt. According to Dr Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, toddlers grasp learning basic concepts including shapes and colours quickly in their initial days. They also begin to grasp more complex skills including language and maths with advancing age. The best paediatrician & neonatologist in Gurgaon recommends utilizing this opportunity by introducing their toddler to learning activities at home. 

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development 

 The best neonatologist doctor in Gurugram suggests easy projects for toddlers including recognizing names, counting items, differentiating colours, and so forth. Here are a few educational activities that can help your toddler learn: 

 1. Displaying Their Name 

 Dr. Devesh Aggarwal tells us that at the age of 2, the child begins to recognize letters that create their name. To help them learn you can display it throughout your home including on the bedroom door, fridge, and so forth. 

 2. Reading Signs 

 The best paediatrician & neonatologist in Gurgaon recommends pointing out words and letters on street signs, stores, and so on. You can also use the rhyming words together to help them understand. 

3.  Counting Everyday Items 

 To your surprise, your toddler may be able to recite the numbers from one to ten in order. You cannot, however, expect them to do so until their preschool. What you can do is make them count the buttons of their dress or the number of rotis on their plate. This will acquaint them with numbers. 

 4. Differentiate Objects by Type or Colour 

 Early mathematics development starts with observing, comparing, and contrasting objects. You can ask your toddler to separate their soft toys based on colour or type. Another way is to let them segregate different-sized spoons. 

5.  Create a Shape Book 

 Although you can easily find one shape book in the store, yet, it would be better if you let your toddler create their own. The best neonatologist doctor in Gurugram suggests copying shapes from newspapers or magazines onto a drawing book. Moreover, let them identify the shapes around them. For instance, let them draw a square, and ask them to observe and tell if they can notice any square shape around them. 

6. Finger Painting 

Another way to familiarise your toddler with colours is by letting them dip their finger into paints. Name the colour as they begin to spread it on a book. Once the colours dry, you can ask them to identify these colours around your home.  

7. Teach Them Shapes in the Kitchen 

 If you want your toddler to recognize shapes efficiently, the kitchen is the best place to do so. Instead of giving them the food in its proper shape, you can cut it differently and let them recognize the shape. For instance, you can cut your pancakes into triangles, or bread in a round shape to help them recognize. 

Another kitchen hack is to talk to them with descriptive language. For instance, ask them if they want a red apple or a yellow banana. This will help them relate colours with food items. 

 Teaching your toddler with creative activities can be fun, both for you and your child. Apart from the ones listed above, you can also come up with innovative ideas to connect with your child. If you wish to learn more about such helpful techniques, you can also consult Dr Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals to help you with toddler development.  


 Effective Fever Management: 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know 

Effective Fever Management 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know_

AuthorDr. Devesh Aggarwal



Effective Fever Management: 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know 


When it comes to children, parents are extremely concerned about their health. Sometimes they might be awakened in the middle of the night and notice the forehead of their child is too hot to touch. The first thing that comes to mind in such cases is to visit the best child specialist in sector 57 Gurgaon. Dr Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, however, suggests managing symptoms at home instead of running to a doctor in the middle of the night. If the temperature of your child is constantly at its peak, do not hesitate to visit a doctor at the earliest. The common symptoms, however, can be managed at home. 

Effective Fever Management: 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know 

Here are some tips that can help you manage the fever of your child: 

1. Let Them Rest 

Any type of activity can raise the body temperature of your child. Hence, getting ample sleep is important to fight fever-causing viruses. If, however, you notice that the fever is accompanied by shortness of breath or any other unusual symptom, visit the best child specialist in Gurgaon at the earliest. 

2. Sufficient Hydration 

Fever can lead to fluid loss and dehydration. Hence, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and water to keep the body hydrated. 

3. Cool Environment 

Keeping the room temperature cool and sleeping with a light blanket and help your child relax and feel cooler. 

4. Light Clothing 

When in fever, you must get your child dressed in light clothes since lighter clothing can also have a cooling effect. A study has shown that warm clothing can increase the body temperature of your child even when they are not sick. Hence, make sure that the clothes are light. 

5. Tepid Sponging 

Place a cool, damp washcloth on your child’s forehead and the back of their neck to make them feel better. You can also give them a tepid sponge bath in high-heat areas including armpits and groin. Wearing lighter clothes, a cool environment, and tepid sponging together can help your child lower the temperature. 

6. Over the Counter Medicine to Reduce Fever 

Fever can be uncomfortable for your child. In such cases, you can try giving them an over-the-counter medicine to reduce body temperature. 

7. Give them a Hot Drink 

Fever also affects the palate and makes it difficult to eat. If your child refuses to eat, give them a hot cup of milk or turmeric milk to keep the body full. 

 8. Give Oral Rehydration Solution  

 If you notice diarrhoea along with fever, give your child an oral rehydration solution. This will not only restore the electrolyte balance but will also help in managing fever. 

 When to Visit a doctor? 

 All kids get a fever from time to time, and in most cases, they are back to the normal routine within a day or two. As a parent, you must make your child feel comfortable, follow the above tips, and watch their symptoms throughout. You should, however, visit the best paediatrician in sector 55 Gurgaon at the earliest, if you notice: 

1. A temperature higher than 100.4°F (38°C). 

2. The child develops other symptoms along with fever such as diarrhoea, vomiting, or rash. 

3. Extreme sickness. 

4. Extreme dehydration. 

5. A rash. 

 If you wish to consult the top paediatrician in the city, you can consult Dr Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

 Common Childhood Allergies and How to Handle Them 

Common Childhood Allergies_

AuthorDr. Devesh Aggarwal



Common Childhood Allergies and How to Handle Them


Children have weak immune systems compared to adults and thus are more prone to allergies. According to Dr. Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, any child can develop allergies but kids with a family history of allergies are at greater risk. Of course, as a parent, you cannot control everything your child is exposed to. You can, however, focus on monitoring their symptoms. The top paediatrician in Gurgaon recommends monitoring symptoms for early identification of allergies. This will improve the child’s quality of life and help you understand the health of your child. 

What Causes Allergies in Children? 

Certain allergic triggers can lead to allergies in children. The common triggers or allergens are: 

1. Tree, grass, and weed pollen. 

2. Certain food items. 

3. Dust mites. 

4. Molds. 

5. Animal dander, urine, or oil from the skin. 

6. Certain medicines. 

7. Feathers. 

8. Bee stings. 

9. Pests include cockroaches and mice. 

What are the Common Allergy Symptoms in Children? 

An allergic reaction can occur anywhere in the body including skin, eyes, lining of the stomach, sinuses, throat, and lungs. These are the places where immune system cells are present to fight off germs that are breathed in, swallowed, or met on the skin. Hence, the top paediatrician in Gurgaon recommends to watch out for the following symptoms: 

1. Red, itchy, and watery eyes. 

2. Stuffy nose, sneezing, itching, or running nose. 

3. Itching in ears in the mouth. 

4. Red, itchy, and dry skin. 

5. Itchy welts or hives. 

6. Itchy rash. 

7. Asthma symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. 

8. Severe, life-threatening allergic reactions or anaphylaxis such as troubled breathing, diarrhoea, vomiting, low blood pressure, and fainting. 

How are Allergies Treated in Children? 

The allergic symptoms in children may mimic symptoms of other medical conditions. Hence, you must get your child’s allergy tested by the top paediatrician in Gurgaon. The most effective way to handle allergies in children is avoidance. Avoidance refers to staying away from anything that can cause an allergic reaction. Here are a few suggestions you can focus on: 

1. Control dust in the home especially in your child’s bedroom. 

2. Stay indoors when the pollen count is high and on windy days. 

3. Use air conditioning instead of opening the windows. 

4. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas of the home and clean it often. 

5. If your child is playing outside in high pollen count, make sure to bath them, wash their hair, and change clothes. 

6. Avoid having pets or indoor plants. 

7. Keep the house clean and dry. 

8. Prevent anyone from smoking anywhere near your child, especially in your home and car. 

9. Avoid those things that you know cause allergic reactions in your child. 

10. Check with the best paediatrician near me in Gurgaon, Dr Devesh Aggarwal for effective, and safe allergic relief for your child. 

Apart from avoidance, allergy shots (immunotherapy), and medicines can help in managing common allergies in your child. Make sure that you visit the top paediatrician in Gurgaon for any allergic symptoms in your child. The doctor will conduct an allergy test and provide appropriate prevention and treatment. If you are wondering which doctor to visit, you can consult Dr. Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

Common Childhood Illnesses 

Common childhoos illness

Author –  Dr. Sanjay Wazir

MD- Paediatrics, DM-Neonatology,

Medical Director (NCR)- Neonatology

Common Childhood Illnesses: A Paediatrician’s advice 

Children are more prone to sickness due to their underdeveloped immune system. At most, a child may have at least 6 to 8 colds a year. Hence, you need to understand which illness can affect your child. Dr. Sanjay Wazir, MBBS, MD- Paediatrics, DM-Neonatology, Medical Director (NCR)- Neonatology, emphasizes the role of parents in managing childhood illnesses. The best paediatrician in Gurgaon suggests parents be aware and know the symptoms of common childhood illnesses, and how to manage them at the initial level. Of course, the parents should always seek the advice of a paediatrician in Gurgaon for managing illness. They, however, should be able to handle it initially.

Common Childhood Illnesses 

1. Respiratory Tract Infections

Common colds, swollen tonsils, and sore throats are some of the common respiratory tract infections affecting children. These are caused by viruses and bacteria attacking the upper respiratory tract. The common symptoms may include congestion in the chest, swollen glands, runny nose, and coughing. All of these symptoms usually last from 7 to 10 days. In such cases, you can help your child by giving them warm liquids to drink. Additionally, gargling with lukewarm salt water at regular intervals also helps in curing the throat. If you observe that the symptoms persist even after 10 days, consult the best paediatrician in Gurgaon and abstain from self-medication.

2. Ear Pain 

A pain in the ear is a telling sign of inflammation or infection in the ear. Infections in the ear are usually located in the inner ear canal or middle canal. At times, the ear pain may also radiate to the lower jaw due to pressure buildup in the sinuses.

Usually, ear infections affect children between the ages of 6 to 18 months due to poor immunity, allergies, and passive smoke. If your child complains of ear pain, consult a paediatrician in Gurgaon immediately as prolonged ear pain can lead to loss of hearing.

3. Fainting 

Children can sometimes faint at school or home due to decreased blood flow to their brains. The fainting is usually transient and most of the children regain consciousness within a few minutes. Your child may faint due to extreme exhaustion, heat, or emotional stress. It can also be a sign of low blood sugar levels, low red blood cell count, or irregular heartbeats. If your child goes through fainting spells frequently at school or home, get a doctor’s examination done to check for epilepsy or seizures.

4. Skin Infections 

An itchy, dry skin and red spots on your child’s body can be a sign of Eczema or atopic dermatitis. Children usually develop eczema due to excessive scratching when irritated. In such cases, refrain from woollen clothes and harsh soaps as these strip away the natural oils from the skin.

Furthermore, toddlers may also face fungal infections including a diaper rash due to wet diapers. Such infections require expert and careful management as directed by your paediatrician in Gurgaon.

5. Abdominal Pain, Diarrhoea, and Vomiting 

Abdominal or stomach pain is also a common illness in children. Your child may also have diarrhoea if he goes frequently to the loo. On the contrary, constipation with no loo visits. Prevent such from happening by ensuring a healthy diet and physical hygiene. You can also deworm your child to prevent parasitic infections.

Taking care of your child’s health in the initial stages of their development is crucial for other overall health. Giving them a nutritious meal, taking precautions, and practising hygiene are important. If you notice, however, that your child is getting sick frequently, visit Dr. Sanjay Wazir at the Motherhood Hospitals.

 Strategies to Promote Healthy Eating Habits in Children 

Healthy Eating Habits in Childrenn

Author –  Dr Sanjay Wazir

MBBS, MD- Paediatrics, DM-Neonatology,

Medical Director (NCR)- Neonatology


Strategies to Promote Healthy Eating Habits in Children


Since ancient times, we have grown up listening to the adage “You are what you eat”. It has been proven that our food choices play a crucial part in shaping the quality of our lives. According to Dr Sanjay Wazir, MBBS, MD- Paediatrics, DM-Neonatology, Medical Director (NCR)- Neonatology, the food choices of children impact their overall development and health. Hence, as a parent or a caregiver, you need to make healthy choices for them as well as teach them to eat the right thing.

You cannot, however, expect your child to heartfully eat a bowl of salad. Therefore, the best paediatrician in Gurgaon suggests making a balance between the right thing and lip-smacking junk. The best way to do so is by teaching them to make the correct decisions. If you have a toddler and are wondering how to do it, here is what you need to do,

If you visit any best paediatricians in Gurgaon for consultation, they will force you to create a healthy relationship with good rather than restrictions. As a parent, you first must create a correct mindset around food.

1. Schedule Family Meal Times

Kids work well on routines. Hence, try eating together as a family and stick to a similar routine throughout. In this way, your kids will likely shy away from overeating or unnecessary grazing. Moreover, you can also utilize this time to teach them healthy eating habits and table manners.

According to the best paediatrician in Gurgaon, eating together as a family is good for the development of your kids. What matters is how well you are teaching them about healthy food during this time.

2. Do Not Skip Breakfast 

So far, we all know that skipping any meal throughout the day is harmful to our health. Breakfast, on the other hand, is the most important meal of the day. It gives your child the fuel they need to sustain throughout the day. The best paediatrician in Gurgaon recommends to inculcate breakfast habits in your children. This not only gives them the energy but also takes them away from the junk.

3. Observe Picky Eating

Kids are generally picky with their food preferences. They may sometimes even be adamant about their demands. With daily practice and patience, you can address this problem early. Instead of giving away to their picky demands, offer them variety. Most of the time, kids are bored by the mundane food menu. You can cook a variety of foods and allow them to explore. This will also help them figure out their palate.

4. Involve Them in the Meal Planning

Kids love being involved especially when it is related to food. The best paediatrician in Gurgaon suggests parents take kids to the grocery store and let them choose the fruit or vegetable they want to eat. Moreover, you can also involve them in the kitchen by giving them simpler tasks including washing fruits or mixing ingredients. This will help them in connecting with the process and eventually with the food.

5. Let Them Hydrate 

At times, kids forget to even drink water. This may also be a reason why your kid craves for certain foods. Make it a habit to remind your kids to drink some water instead of grabbing a snack.

Kids are picky with their food and usually stay away from healthy food choices. Making them aware and teaching them can go a long way in creating a healthy food relationship. If your kids are finding it hard to stick to healthy food habits, you can visit Dr. Sanjay Wazir at the Motherhood Hospitals.

How to Build Strong Immunity

How to build strong immunity in kids

AuthorDr. Sanjay Wazir

MBBS, MD- Paediatrics, DM-Neonatology, 

Medical Director (NCR)- Neonatology.

How to Build Strong Immunity: Top Foods to Include in Your Child’s Diet 


For all parents around the globe, the health of their child is the foremost priority. The parents always think of the ways they can promote the health of their child by seeking advice from the best child specialist in Gurgaon. Dr. Sanjay Wazir, MBBS, MD- Paediatrics, DM-Neonatology, Medical Director (NCR)- Neonatology, tells us that strong immunity can be built by including immunity-boosting foods in your child’s diet. Although food alone cannot protect your child from infections such foods can help reduce the effects. If, however, you observe that your child gets sick too frequently even with a healthy diet, it is time for you to visit the best child specialist doctor in Gurgaon.  

Top Immunity-Boosting Foods 

Here are the top immunity-boosting foods that you can include on your child’s plate: 

1. Turmeric

 Turmeric is one of the key ingredients in Indian cooking. It contains active ingredients such as curcumin which helps in building immunity and provides relief from cough, cold, and sore throat. Additionally, it can also reduce the symptoms of fever. The best way to include turmeric in your child’s routine is by giving them a glass of turmeric milk at night. 

2. Citrus Fruits  

The best child specialist in Gurgaon suggests adding citrus fruits to your child’s diet. Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C which is a free radical and prevents cold, cough, and flu. You can include at least one citrus food in a day for your child such as oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, and so forth. 

3. Green Leafy Vegetables  

Green leafy vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrition with iron, fibre, and antioxidants. Vegetables such as spinach, kale, moringa, and radish leaves are good sources of copper and vitamin A which also helps with immunity. 

4. Yoghurt 

Yoghurt or curd is a probiotic that keeps your gut healthy. It is also a rich source of essential nutrients including potassium, vitamin D, and calcium. A study has shown that children who consumed yoghurt every day had a 19% lower risk of catching a cold and cough. 

5. Nuts and Seeds 

 If your child feels dull on energy, the best child specialist doctor in Gurgaon suggests giving a handful of nuts and seeds instead of junk. Nuts contain antioxidants, minerals, and protein that provide the energy your child needs.  

Moreover, some nuts including flaxseeds and walnuts are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids which aid the immune function as well as prevent respiratory infections. Apart from this, chia seeds are also a good source of omega-3 and can be added to smoothies or oatmeal. 

6. Eggs 

Eggs are considered as one of the complete foods. These are packed with vitamin D, essential nutrients and minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and antioxidants. These also contain vitamins A, B12, D, zinc, and selenium which are responsible for strengthening immune function. Adding at least one egg to your child’s meal plan can not only provide them with essential nutrients but also give them the energy to stay active throughout the day. 

7. Lean Meat and Fish  

Lean meat and fish are a great source of protein and excellent for improving your overall health. Additionally, fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that help in strengthening immune function. 

An effective meal plan for children is responsible for their overall growth, development, and immunity. Adding certain immunity-boosting foods can help them stay away from infections and getting sick. If your child, however, does not see any results you can visit Dr. Sanjay Wazir at the Motherhood Hospitals.