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Preparing for Motherhood


Pregnancy comes as a surprise to some women. For others, it is a result of much planning and waiting. If you and your spouse are ready for the pattering of little feet around your house, here's what you should know before trying to conceive.

Stop the pill

If you have been using contraceptives in the form of injections or pills, now is the time to stop using them. Let your periods regularize so you can keep track of your cycles.Research also suggests that use of lubricants act as barriers to sperms and so, use of lubricants should be avoided.

Know your body

It helps to know what happens during conception and how a pregnancy advances. Prior to that, observe and time your menstrual cycles and figure out when you ovulate. This is very essential as you stand a chance of conceiving only when the egg is still in your reproductive system. You will find several online tools to help you calculate your ovulation period or your most fertile period.

Also remember that you have just a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. So don't be alarmed if you did not get pregnant in your first attempt. Regular sexual intercourse specifically during the fertile period is important. However, if you have been trying for more than a year (or 6 months for women over 35 year), it might be time you met a fertility specialist.

Visit a gynaecologist

You don't necessarily need to wait to get pregnant, in order to meet a gynaecologist. It is recommended that you schedule your first appointment as soon as you decide you want to have a baby. You can discuss your fears, apprehensions, medical history, and nutritional habits with your doctor. A gynaecologist might put you on multivitamins and folic acid supplements couple of months in advance.

It is also advisable to get a dental check-up done before you get pregnant.Some dental complications cannot be treated effectively during pregnancy and are linked to pre-term birth and underweight babies.

Eat healthy and exercise

You could also book an appointment with a nutritionist who can inform you the recommended daily nutrition needs based on your lifestyle and diet preferences. If you are underweight or overweight, it is advisable to get to a healthy weight before pregnancy. Also note that underweight/overweight women can have irregular ovulation, which can delay pregnancy.

Quit smoking and drinking

If you are a heavy drinker and smoker, you will have to cut down on it and eventually, stop completely. These habits have a very negative impact on reproductive health including ovulation and pregnancy. Talk to your physician about how you can quit smoking and drinking.

Most women get pregnant without much problem but if you follow the above tips, you can be assured that you are on the right track. We hope you found this information useful. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this topic in the comments section below.

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