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A Step-By-Step Guide to IVF 

Step by step guide for IVF guid
A Step-By-Step Guide to IVF 

Author -Dr Shruti Mane

MBBS, M.S, PG Diploma in ART and Reproductive Medicine, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (MUHS),

Consultant Infertility Specialist

A Step-By-Step Guide to IVF 


 In-vitro fertilization or IVF is a type of fertility treatment for couples dealing with infertility. According to Dr Shruti Mane, MBBS, MS, PG Diploma in ART and Reproductive Medicine, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (MUHS), Consultant- Infertility Specialist, IVF is a type of assisted reproductive technique (ART) that is effective in patients who are unable to conceive naturally. It involves various steps including pre-evaluation to ensure that your body is ready for the procedure. Since it is a complex process, it is best if you refer to the best IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai. 

What is In-vitro Fertilization (IVF)? 

As mentioned by the top IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai, IVF is a type of ART. During this process, the sperm and eggs are fertilized outside of the human body in a laboratory. The entire process starts from retrieving eggs from your body and sperm from your partner. Once the egg is fertilized in the laboratory, it is placed inside your uterus. Your pregnancy starts the moment this fertilized egg or embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall. 

What are the Steps of IVF? 

If you are unable to conceive naturally, the best IVF specialist in Navi Mumbai will discuss your options to achieve pregnancy; IVF being one of the top-most treatments. Here are the steps involved in the IVF process: 

1. Enhancing Your Egg Production with Superovulation 

At the beginning of the process, you will be given fertility drugs to initiate stimulation or superovulation. The drug contains follicle-stimulating hormone which signals your body to produce more eggs. The more your number of eggs, the more your chances of successful fertilization. Apart from this, the top IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai will also conduct ultrasounds and blood tests to monitor your hormone levels and ovaries. 

2. Egg Removal 

Once the best IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai is sure that your eggs can be retrieved, you will receive another hormonal injection a day before the retrieval. This injection will ensure that your eggs mature quickly. Following this, you will also have a minor surgical procedure to remove eggs from your body.  

3. Sperm Collection from Partner 

When your eggs are removed, the sperm of your partner or donor will also be collected simultaneously. The collected sperms are put through a high-speed wash and spin cycle to find the healthiest one. The healthiest sperm, thus, is selected for fertilization. 

4. Combining Sperms and Eggs 

Once the doctor has sperm and egg samples, the mixing stage will begin. Your best eggs will be selected along with the healthiest sperm and combined for insemination. It usually takes a few hours for a sperm to fertilize the egg. If needed, your doctor might also inject these sperms directly into your egg known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).  

5. Transfer of Fertilized Egg into Your Uterus 

Once your egg is fertilized, you will receive another medication to prepare the lining of your uterus for the fertilized egg. After around 3-5 days of your fertilization, the doctor will place embryos in your uterus. Multiple embryos are placed to increase your chances of implantation. At times, more than one embryo can be implanted in the uterus which is common for IVF. A few days after this process, a pregnancy test will be conducted to confirm your pregnancy. 

In-vitro Fertilization is a safe and effective procedure for pregnancy. If you are having problems conceiving, you can discuss more about it with Dr Shruti Mane at the Motherhood IVF. 

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