Infertility And Aging: How it Affects Men?

Infertility and aging

Author – Dr. Shruti Mane 

MBBS, M.S, PG Diploma in ART AND Reproductive Medicine, FELLOWSHIP IN REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE (MUHS), Consultant – Infertility Specialist


Infertility And Aging: How it Affects Men?

Contrary to what people believe, men are not born with any fertility potion. In fact, men are also affected by ageing and experience infertility with advancing age. It is true that the reproductive years are different for both men and women. The biological clock, however, also ticks for men and impact their fertility with age. According to Dr Shruti Mane, MBBS, MS, PG Diploma in ART and Reproductive Medicine, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (MUHS), Consultant- Infertility Specialist¸ the peak reproductive age in men is between 30 to 35 years. This implies that the highest quality semen is produced in this particular age range. After the age of 35 years, the quality of sperms goes on a declining and the lowerst quality is produced at and aftet the age of 55 years. 

Sperm Motility and Age 

The ability of sperms to swim refers to sperm motility. For fertilization to occur, the sperm has to travel all the way from vagina to the ovaries. Since a greater path has to be traversed, the motility of sperm plays a defining role in conception. Dr Shruti Mane tells us that the sperms are most motile before the age of 25 and the lowest aftet the age of 55 years.

As mentioned above, thus, the top IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai corroborates that “good swimmers’ are produced in men between the age of 30 to 35 years. This particular age range thus can be viewed as the peak reproductive age in men.

Sperm Count, Concentration and Age

The number of sperms produced per ejaculation is called a sperm count. The lower the sperm count, the lesser are chances of you getting pregnant. It has also been found that the sperm count or the concentration of sperm per ejaculation also decreases with age. This way, it also affects your natural conception.

Genetic Problems

Age not only leads to lower quality sperms, but it also affects the genetic materials inside your sperms. When conceived in the later age, there are high chances of your baby to have genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. The common problems caused by defective sperms include: 

  1. Decreased fertility. 
  2. Frequent miscarriage. 
  3. More birth defects. 
  4. Greater chances of stillbirths.

Thus, older men do not only suffer from infertility but also pass genetic problems to their babies. Moreover, if the age of mother is also above 35 years, it can put the life of your baby at a serious risk with much higher chances of birth defects. The most common genetic defect in such cases is Down’s Syndrome. The other possible birth defects include:

  • Autism. 
  • Bipolar disorder. 
  • Childhood leukaemia. 
  • Schizophrenia. 
  • Achondroplasia. 

Male Age and In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) 

The fertility specialist in Navi Mumbai observes a wide range of male infertility cases. Various couples seek help from therapies and assisted reproductive technology include IVF to conceive. The doctor observed that the age of men also affected the success or failure of IVF. Men above the age of 35 years had low sperm motility and thus produced lower quality eggs. Although, the women did get pregnant, the child still suffered from many genetic problems.

Hence, it is important to us to stop believing in old adages and accept the fact that fertility in men is affected by age. When it comes to conception, the biological clock is significant in both males and females. Going beyond a certain age or waiting too long for pregnancy deteriorates the quality of gametes in both genders.

If you are dealing with infertility or having trouble conceiving, consult Dr Shruti Mane at the Motherhood Hospitals.

All You Need to Know About Fibroid Treatments

all you need to know about fibroid treatment

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

All You Need to Know About Fibroid Treatments

Treatment for fibroids can range from no treatment at all to surgery. Usually, small fibroids do not cause any symptoms and are not treated. The big fibroids, on the other hand, show symptoms including excessive bleeding or bladder problems for which treatment is required. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, fibroids are generally harmless until they show disabling symptoms. If your fibroids are causing excessive pain and making it difficult for you to carry out your daily activities, it is time to get yourself treated.

All You Need to Know About Fibroid Treatments

The best laparoscopic gynaecology doctors in Gurgaon suggest the following treatment modalities for patients with fibroids:

1. Medications

The medications are a temporary solution to fibroids and generally improve symptoms. The medications cannot make your fibroid go away. The medications, however, do help with heavy bleeding or pain.

2. Intrauterine Devices (IUD)

Although IUDs are normally used to prevent pregnancy, they may also provide other benefits. An IUD releasing a small amount of hormone into the uterine cavity can decrease the bleeding caused by fibroids.

3. Myomectomy

Myomectomy refers to removing fibroids while preserving the uterus. The surgery is suitable for women with fibroids who want to have children in the future. Although the surgery is effective the fibroids can re-grow. The surgery can be performed in the following ways:

  • Abdominal myomectomy: During this procedure, the doctor will make an incision on the lower abdomen. The fibroids will be removed and the incision will be sewn back together. The recovery may take four to six weeks. 
  • Laparoscopic myomectomy: During this procedure, the doctor will make a small incision on your abdomen. A thin, telescope-like tube will be inserted through the incision to remove the fibroid. The recovery with this procedure is shorter from around two to four weeks. 
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy: Women with only submucosal fibroids are treated with this procedure. During this surgery, the doctor will place a speculum in the vagina and a telescope will be inserted. The telescope will remove the submucosal fibroids. The recovery with this procedure is also within two to four weeks.

4. Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy refers to the surgical removal of the uterus. The majority of women go for a hysterectomy instead of a myomectomy to prevent the recurrence of fibroids. After hysterectomy, however, a woman cannot get pregnant. It is performed in the following ways:

  • Vaginal hysterectomy: During this procedure, the uterus is removed through the vagina. The recovery is for four weeks. 
  • Abdominal hysterectomy: During this procedure, the uterus is removed through the lower abdomen.  
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy: During this procedure, the best laparoscopic gynaecology doctors in Gurgaon will create a small incision on the lower abdomen. The doctor will insert a telescope fitted with a camera and tiny surgical instruments. The surgical tools will cut the uterus into small segments and remove it from the incision. The recovery after this procedure is usually shorter with two to four weeks.

5. Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE)

Uterine artery embolization is a new procedure that blocks the blood flow to the fibroids. Limiting blood flow causes the fibroids to shrink and die. This helps with decreased menstrual blood flow, pain, and urinary frequency.

Fibroid symptoms can cause excruciating pain and make it difficult for you to carry out your daily activities. If you are suffering from fibroids or are noticing such symptoms, consult Dr Preety Aggarwal  at the Motherhood Hospitals.

Everything You Need to Know About Babyproofing 

Everything You Need to Know About Babyproofing_

AuthorDr. Devesh Aggarwal



Everything You Need to Know About Babyproofing 

When it’s time to welcome your newborn home, you need to be sure that the house is completely ready to receive him. The best way to ensure that your house is ready and safe for the baby is by baby-proofing. Ideally, according to Dr. Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, baby proofing should start at least three months before your due date. Since, some baby-proofing preparation can take time, make sure that you have sufficient time in your hand. The best paediatrician in Gurgaon also recommends second baby proofing when your baby is 6 to 10 months old.  

Tips On How to Baby Proof Your House

The paediatrician in sector 55, Gurgaon recommends baby-proofing to keep your home safe throughout for the baby. You can ensure baby-proofing with the following: 

1. Ensure curtain rods, blind cords, and wires are out of the baby’s reach. 

2. Do not keep small or harmful items around your baby’s reach as they tend to put everything into their mouth. 

3. Cover sharp corners on furniture. 

4. Use door jammers to stop doors from trapping your baby’s fingers. 

5. Secure furniture to the wall to prevent it from falling over your child. 

6. Keep batteries, matches, lighters, and cigarettes out of your child’s reach. 

7. Do not leave windows open or even unlocked as your child might climb or fall out of it. 

Baby Proofing Cupboards and Drawers 

The best paediatrician in Gurgaon suggests baby-proofing your cupboards and drawers all around your house as you would not know where your baby’s hands get into. For instance, you can replace the locks with adjustable ones or latch hooks. 

Baby Proofing Hallway and Stairs 

Babies also tend to climb stairs which puts them at the risk of falls. Hence, baby-proofing stairs and hallways is crucial. You can do this by: 

1. Fit your stair gates securely at both the top and bottom. 

2. Make sure that you do not leave objects lying around on the stairs as these could cause tripping.  

3. Make sure that the rugs or carpets around do not cause tripping. 

4. Keep your stairs well-lit so that you do not trip while carrying your baby up and down. 

5. Take extra care if your home has a balcony to prevent your child from accessing it. Do not leave objects lying around as your child could climb near the balcony. 

Baby Proofing Corners 

Corners are the most harmful. Hence, these are the ones you should be most watchful for: 

1. Use corner protectors, especially for tables. 

2. Use foam corners. 

3. Use corner cushions. 

4. Use impact protection foam. 

 Baby Proofing Your Kitchen 

The kitchen is also dangerous for crawling babies. Here are some ways you can reduce the danger: 

1. Keep all cleaning products including washing detergents out of your child’s reach. Mostly, make sure that you keep these items locked in a cupboard. 

2. Do not leave knives or appliances including iron or kettles on the worktop. 

3. Always cook using the back rings of the hob and don’t let pan handles overhang. 

4. Fit safety catches on low cupboards and appliances including fridge and freezer. 

       Baby proofing is important to safeguard your baby from tripping. You must start baby-proofing your home way before your baby arrives. If you want to know expert opinion on the same, you can consult Dr. Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

Low Sperm Count- Causes and Treatment

Low Sperm Count- Causes and Treatment

Author – Dr Poonam Garg
Consultant – Obstetrician, Gynaecologist at Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital, Chandigarh

Low Sperm Count- Causes and Treatment

Oligospermia or low sperm count is not something that strikes anyone’s mind until you wish to start your family. While it takes only one sperm to fertilize the egg, the journey to fertilize the egg can be difficult. According to Dr Poonam Garg, Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, and Foetal Medicine, the more sperm your partner has, the better your chances of getting pregnant. The only way, however, to know if you have a low sperm count is through tests. If you have been trying to conceive for a year, visit the best infertility doctor in Chandigarh immediately for early detection.

What is Oligospermia?

The best doctor for infertility treatment defines oligospermia as a condition when you have less than 15 million sperm in 1 millilitre of semen. A healthy sperm count is more than 15 million sperm per 1 millilitre of semen. Another term for severely low sperm count is oligospermia which refers to less than 5 million sperm in 1 milliliter of semen.

What is the Difference Between Oligospermia and Azoospermia?

Oligospermia refers to a condition when you have a nominal amount of sperm in your semen. The numbers, however, are not adequate for pregnancy. Azoospermia, on the other hand, refers to a condition when you have no sperm in your semen.

What Causes Low Sperm Count?

Although the exact cause of low sperm count is not known yet the best infertility doctor in Chandigarh considers the following reasons:

  1. Certain hormonal or genetic diseases

    Some diseases including cystic fibrosis, sexually transmitted infections, urinary tract infections, and hypogonadism can result in oligospermia.

  2. Environmental toxins 

    Toxins are not good for any part of your body, especially for sperm count. Some toxins including arsenic, cadmium, lead or mercury can also cause oligospermia.

  3. Drugs 

    The best doctor for infertility treatment tells us that both prescribed and non-prescription drugs can cause low sperm counts.

  4. Heat 

    Testicles in your body only produce sperm at a particular temperature. The temperature of testicles is usually lower than your body temperature. Certain heat-related situations including having undescended testicles, varicocele, using a laptop on a lap, and spending a long time in hot tubs can cause low sperm count.

What are the Symptoms of Oligospermia?

The main symptom of a low sperm count is the inability to conceive a baby after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse.

How is Oligospermia Treated?

If you are unable to get pregnant for a year, visit the best doctor for infertility treatment in Chandigarh to get yourself evaluated. The doctor will diagnose the cause of infertility and begin treatment depending on your medical condition. The treatment may involve the following:

  1. Surgery to treat varicocele or blocked sperm ducts.
  2. Hormone supplements.
  3. Antibiotics for infections.
  4. Counselling to deal with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

What Precautions Should You Take During Treatment?

Once you have visited the doctor and received a treatment plan, make sure that you also make certain lifestyle changes in your routine. This includes:

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight by exercising and eating a balanced meal.
  2. Stopping alcohol or tobacco consumption.
  3. Reducing the consumption of other intoxicating beverages.
  4. Stopping the use of marijuana or other substances.

The best way to treat oligospermia is by making lifestyle changes and following the doctor’s treatment. The sooner you consult the doctor, the better your chances of conceiving a baby. If you are going through a difficult time conceiving a baby, consult Dr Poonam Garg at the Motherhood Hospitals for expert guidance.

How to Handle Pregnancy Without Stress?

How to Handle Pregnancy Without Stress

Author: Dr. Shweta Nayak MBBS, DNB(OBG), MNAMS, CCGDM, KISAR Fellowship in Infertility, Fellowship in Basic Ultrasound
Consultant:  Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital Mysore.

Music therapy can be a beneficial and pleasurable way to lessen the symptoms of many ailments, including depression, mood swings, and anxiety, even if it cannot treat any mental health conditions. Through music therapy, people can communicate their feelings and experiences in a special and approachable way. Ancient civilisations had a strong musical tradition, which is present in all cultures today. However, music is now understood to be essential to overall health and wellbeing. Our brains release dopamine and serotonin when we listen to energetic, enjoyable music, which makes us feel happy. On the other side, quiet music encourages peace and relaxation.

Music is a universal human trait. The healing power of music has been acknowledged in almost all traditions of music. Music therapy is moving from a social-science model focusing on overall health and well-being towards a neuroscience model focusing on specific elements of music and its effect on sensorimotor, language and cognitive functions. A handful of evidence-based music therapy studies on psychiatric conditions have shown promising results. 

Music therapy is an evidence-based treatment that helps with a variety of disorders, including cardiac conditions, depression, autism, substance abuse and Alzheimer’s disease. It can help with memory, lower blood pressure, improve coping, reduce stress, improve self-esteem and more.

Music therapy may help you psychologically, emotionally, physically, spiritually, cognitively and socially. When used in conjunction with conventional therapies like talking therapy, research demonstrates that music therapy is effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. Dopamine, a hormone released by music, and endorphins both contribute to the “feel good” emotions that people experience. It also helps to encourage self-expression, improves social connection, and enhances the mood of patients. 

Music helps people feel more confident, relaxed, and emotionally healed. Additionally, music can help those who have endured traumatic events and can aid people in managing pressure and stress.

  • Helps with anxiety
  • Reduces stress
  • Improve symptoms of depression
  • Improves cognitive functions and delays Alzheimer’s
  • Promotes emotional wellness 

People have listened to music for a very long time because it can have a good effect on their moods and emotions. Music therapy has many other benefits in addition to helping with mental health difficulties, such as providing a creative outlet, strengthening education and cultural awareness, and improving cognitive skills like memory.

Many therapies can help individuals improve their emotional growth, social skills, and motor control. Music therapy is no exception to these benefits. Some may say music therapy goes a step beyond normal therapies by helping to change the brain. Music can retrain certain cognitive abilities and promote behavioural changes. But, as great as this all sounds, music therapy does have its cons. Music does have a powerful impact on our emotions and our physical health.

At Motherhood Hospitals we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Indore. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries, including various laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best womancare hospital in Indore at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors, who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Archana Dubey, please book your appointment here.

The Benefits Of Yoga Therapy

Benefits Of Yoga Therapy

Author: Dr. Archana Dubey MBBS, MS (OBG)
Consultant:  Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital Indore 

It is the day and age of the multitalented and multifaceted women who handle their professional and personal lives with the utmost finesse. However, the constantly changing lifestyle and stressful environments have brought about serious health issues that are affecting them. Across the world, women suffer from cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), osteoporosis, and depression. That’s not all. Incidences of stroke, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes are also common.

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. And, if you’re going through an illness, recovering from surgery or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an integral part of your treatment and potentially hasten healing.

A yoga therapist can work with patients and put together individualised plans that work together with their medical and surgical therapies. That way, yoga can support the healing process and help the person experience symptoms with more centeredness and less distress.

What Can You Do? 

Steer clear of unhealthy eating and drinking habits, get ample physical exercise, and get adequate sleep. Along with this, yoga – will help women get their health problems under control.

Why Yoga?

Yoga, better known as a body and mind cleanser, has umpteen benefits. Regular practice helps women maintain better physical and mental health, energy levels, and self-esteem Yoga can give the following health benefits:

Yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility: Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength.Yoga helps relieve back pain: Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain.

Yoga helps relieve back pain: Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain.

Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms: Gentle yoga has been shown to ease some of the discomfort of tender, swollen joints for people with arthritis.

Yoga relaxes you to help you sleep better: Research shows that a consistent bedtime yoga routine can help you get in the right mindset and prepare your body to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods: You may feel increased mental and physical energy, a boost in alertness and enthusiasm, and fewer negative feelings after getting into a routine of practising yoga.

Yoga helps you manage stress: According to the National Institutes of Health, scientific evidence shows that yoga supports stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss and quality sleep.

Yoga connects you with a supportive community: Participating in yoga classes can ease loneliness and provide an environment for group healing and support. Even during one-on-one sessions, loneliness is reduced as one is acknowledged as unique, listening to and participating in creating a personalised yoga plan.

It’s never too late for a woman to start practising yoga. Start with Surya Namaskar and practice forward bends and twists. Also, include inversions (not to be practised during menstruation) and a few backward extensions. Practising these asanas for 30-40 minutes daily, five days a week, will show tremendous results.

At Motherhood Hospitals we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Indore. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries, including various laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best maternity hospital in Indore at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors, who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Archana Dubey, please book your appointment here.

Advantages Of Music Therapy for General And Mental Health

Advantages Of Music Therapy for General And Mental Health

Author: Dr. Shweta Nayak MBBS, DNB(OBG), MNAMS, CCGDM, KISAR Fellowship in Infertility, Fellowship in Basic Ultrasound
Consultant:  Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital Mysore

Music therapy can be a beneficial and pleasurable way to lessen the symptoms of many ailments, including depression, mood swings, and anxiety, even if it cannot treat any mental health conditions. Through music therapy, people can communicate their feelings and experiences in a special and approachable way. Ancient civilisations had a strong musical tradition, which is present in all cultures today. However, music is now understood to be essential to overall health and wellbeing. Our brains release dopamine and serotonin when we listen to energetic, enjoyable music, which makes us feel happy. On the other side, quiet music encourages peace and relaxation.

Music is a universal human trait. The healing power of music has been acknowledged in almost all traditions of music. Music therapy is moving from a social-science model focusing on overall health and well-being towards a neuroscience model focusing on specific elements of music and its effect on sensorimotor, language and cognitive functions. A handful of evidence-based music therapy studies on psychiatric conditions have shown promising results. 

Music therapy is an evidence-based treatment that helps with a variety of disorders, including cardiac conditions, depression, autism, substance abuse and Alzheimer’s disease. It can help with memory, lower blood pressure, improve coping, reduce stress, improve self-esteem and more.

Music therapy may help you psychologically, emotionally, physically, spiritually, cognitively and socially. When used in conjunction with conventional therapies like talking therapy, research demonstrates that music therapy is effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. Dopamine, a hormone released by music, and endorphins both contribute to the “feel good” emotions that people experience. It also helps to encourage self-expression, improves social connection, and enhances the mood of patients. 

Music helps people feel more confident, relaxed, and emotionally healed. Additionally, music can help those who have endured traumatic events and can aid people in managing pressure and stress.

  • Helps with anxiety
  • Reduces stress
  • Improve symptoms of depression
  • Improves cognitive functions and delays Alzheimer’s
  • Promotes emotional wellness 

People have listened to music for a very long time because it can have a good effect on their moods and emotions. Music therapy has many other benefits in addition to helping with mental health difficulties, such as providing a creative outlet, strengthening education and cultural awareness, and improving cognitive skills like memory.

Many therapies can help individuals improve their emotional growth, social skills, and motor control. Music therapy is no exception to these benefits. Some may say music therapy goes a step beyond normal therapies by helping to change the brain. Music can retrain certain cognitive abilities and promote behavioural changes. But, as great as this all sounds, music therapy does have its cons. Music does have a powerful impact on our emotions and our physical health.

At Motherhood Hospitals we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Indore. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries, including various laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best womancare hospital in Indore at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors, who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Archana Dubey, please book your appointment here.

Keeping Fit With a Colourful Plate Of Fruits And Veggies

Author: Dt. Arti Singh MSc – Nutritional Science
Consultant:  Nutritionist & Dietician at Motherhood Hospital Kharghar, Mumbai 

Diagnosing diseases early through regular screening tests is the best defence for treating the disease. It can be hard to keep up with the demands of everyday life, especially if you feel pulled in numerous directions. But the one place you shouldn’t cut corners involves your preventive care. Regular health checks keep potential health issues at bay and nip any developing problems in the bud. In some cases, they can even save lives since issues such as breast cancer can be treated early, and preventive measures can be taken. 

It is essential to see your doctor for regular health checks. The checks can pick up early signs of disease or illness so that you will get treatment earlier. A general check-up is recommended once a year. If you are at higher risk of a disease or condition, you may need to get checked more often.

Health screening monitors your well-being

Unlike scheduling an appointment because of a cold or flu, you must have health screenings to monitor your overall health and wellness. 

These screenings vary based on your age and individual needs, but they always focus on the following:

  • Screening for medical issues 
  • Establishing a baseline for your general health 
  • Assessing your risk of future medical issues 
  • Encouraging a healthy lifestyle 
  • Updating vaccinations
  • Building a trusted relationship with your provider

Health screening checks for many things 

These screenings focus on your unique healthcare needs, especially your gynaecological health. The health checks are tailored to your age and lifestyle but always capture vital signs, such as weight, height, pulse, and blood pressure. These measurements help give general insights into your overall health. 

Based on your age and sexual activity, the following also need to be performed: 

  •  A physical exam 
  • Internal and external genital exam
  • HIV and Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) testing
  • Preventive screenings for cervical cancer or breast cancer

These health screenings also allow you to share any concerns about your health. These conversations can also help you build a relationship with your doctor.

Health screenings evolve along with you

Not only can health exams detect serious problems – such as cervical cancer – before you may notice any symptoms, but they can help you feel your best at every stage of life. That’s because your health screenings evolve with your unique needs. For example, you may have questions about your period or body changes when you start puberty. This can also be a good time to get the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which can protect you from STDs. Once you become sexually active, your health screenings will become a safe place to discuss healthy sexual relationships, birth control methods, and STD prevention and testing. And, as you prepare for pregnancy, these appointments can focus on having a healthy pregnancy. And, if you no longer want to have children, you can discuss more permanent birth control options. Finally, your health screenings will evolve as you move out of your reproductive years, from perimenopause to menopause and beyond. 

Preventive health checks

Screening for ultrasound, Pap smear, and a mammogram is an important part of preventive healthcare for women. It can detect potential health issues early, prevent the development of certain health conditions, assess an individual’s risk, and provide education and empowerment for individuals to take control of their health. 

Make health screening a priority
It’s easy to make excuses to skip your check-up. However, it would help if you considered this visit a nonnegotiable meeting you cannot miss. Your health should be your number one priority. Start treating it that way and schedule your visits.

At Motherhood Hospitals we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best woman care in Whitefield, Bangalore. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries, including various laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors, who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Nirmala M, , please book your appointment here.

Balancing Hormones With Exercise

Author: Dr. Archana Dubey MBBS, MS (OBG)
Consultant: Gynecologist, Infertility and Laparoscopy at Motherhood Hospital Indore

The goal of your endocrine system is to maintain balance, which means female hormonal health is more than reproductive health, it is whole body health.

Hormones control heart rate, sleep cycles, sexual function, and reproduction. The metabolism, appetite, mood, stress, and body temperatures are all affected by hormones which largely affect a woman’s function of life.

Hormones, the chemical messengers, are responsible for our weight, mood, appearance, energy, anxiety levels and even fertility. Even a slight imbalance in our hormones can wreck our well-being and hence, it is important that they remain balanced. Physical activity strongly influences hormonal health. Apart from improving blood flow to your muscles, exercise increases hormone receptors.

Will exercise help in maintaining hormonal balance? 

Absolutely, as the amount of movement and physical activity we do daily makes a huge impact on the hormonal responses of the body. Our heart rate and the activation of our nervous system also cause our brain to release various hormones, which ultimately control how our peripheral organs respond. It is pretty amazing how every part of our body works together to ultimately carry out a mission. Exercise has a powerful effect on balancing, suppressing, and increasing certain hormones. Excess oestrogen, insulin, and cortisol are the hormones responsible for weight gain, while HGH, testosterone, and progesterone are the ones responsible for keeping us lean. Leptin is another hormone, which, when too low, signals your body to store fat. 

Which hormones are impacted by exercise?

Epinephrine/Norepinephrine: Responds to stress, either physical or psychological. Insulin: Made by the pancreas on the arrival of glucose into the bloodstream, it rises and falls according to what you eat. 

Cortisol: Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress, low blood sugar and exercise. 

Oestrogen: A wonderful hormone in the right amount, it makes conception and pregnancy possible. It’s also a natural mood lifter.

Human Growth Hormone: Quite simply one of the most powerful hormones. It’s a fat burner, which forces your body to draw energy from your fat reserves first.

Testosterone: It’s vitally important for women as it builds muscle, burns fat, increases energy and sex drive, and strengthens bones.

Progesterone: A hormone that regulates menstrual function and pregnancy.

Serotonin: Physical activity releases serotonin, which promotes a good night’s rest. Increasing your serotonin levels can boost mood, appetite, digestion, memory, and sexual drive. 

Splitting your workouts between cardio, resistance, high intensity exercise and yoga will ensure you’re balancing all of the major male and female hormones, cortisol and insulin. Cardio, for example, is helpful in balancing oestrogen, the primary female sex hormone. When levels of oestrogen are too high or low, it can lead to bloating or water retention, menstrual cycle issues and mood swings. A lack of oestrogen can also put women at more risk of developing both breast and ovarian cancer.

At Motherhood Hospitals we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Indore. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries, including various laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best maternity hospital in Indore at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors, who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Archana Dubey, please book your appointment here.

Being a First Time Mom

Author: Dr. Sanjay Wazir MBBS, MD – Pediatrics, DM – Neonatology
Consultant: Medical Director (NCR)- Neonatology at Motherhood Hospital, Gurgaon

Becoming a parent can be a bit overwhelming and being a first-time mom has its own set of challenges as you get introduced to a lot of new things, ranging from breastfeeding to soothing a crying baby. Most first-time moms go into motherhood with expectations. What they’ll be like as a mom, how they’ll feel and even what the baby will be like. But your idea of parenthood and the reality of being a parent will likely be two very different things. 

The truth is in the first few weeks, you’ll learn a lot about yourself and being a parent. As your little one depends on you for everything, your responsibility increases. You may be quite anxious about the situation. It is alright to worry, just remember not to allow it to overpower you. Some of the common situations that most moms face are:

Why is my baby crying frequently? 

In the initial months, you will notice your baby crying frequently. Instead of stressing on the eating and sleeping habits or what could be wrong with the child, find ways of soothing your child and get him / her to adapt to the people and surroundings.

  • Am I feeding the child right?
    Breastfeeding is a new challenge which most moms experience during their initial days of childbirth. Some babies do not suck properly or reject the breast milk. Instead of thinking of alternatives, it is always advisable to reach out to your doctor who will provide you with the right solution.
  • Handling the newborn
    It can be an overwhelming experience to get through the child’s routine. Be it giving the child a bath, feeding or clipping the nails. These routine things can make you feel nervous. But, nevertheless, following your maternal instincts will help you cater to all the needs of your baby confidently.
  • Bowel movement 
    The bowel movement of your child is not constant. It could be too frequent or no bowel movement for days. An irregular routine can upset you. If you notice any abnormal change in the bowel movement or color, reach out to the doctor instead of panicking and you will get the right solution.

Spitting milk after a breastfeed or during burping

It is absolutely normal for a baby to spit up some milk immediately after a breastfeed or during burping. This should not be a cause of concern. If the baby is regularly spitting or throwing up and not gaining weight, then it is the time to consult a doctor.

  • Changing diapers
    Changing diapers is another important thing as your child diapers get soiled almost after every feed during the initial days. Not changing the diapers will not only make the child uncomfortable but will also be prone to infections. These are a few guidelines and there are numerous things that you need to take care of for your newborn. However, remember this experience of a lifetime which you will always cherish .

At Motherhood Hospitals we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Kharadi, Pune. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries, including various laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best maternity hospital in Kharadi, Pune at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors, who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Preethika Shetty, please book your appointment here.