Benefits of Deep Breathing By Dr. Shilpi

Breathing correctly is important for your overall well-being. Inhaling, exhaling a few deep breaths every day could make a drastic improvement in your lifestyle. It is important to take out 5-10 mins for deep breathing everyday as its benefits are uncountable, here are some important ones that will motivate you to deep breathe.

Natural painkiller

When you deep breathe, the body releases endorphins, which are the feel good hormones and a natural pain killer created by the body itself.

Improves blood flow

When we take deep breaths, the upward and downward movement of the diaphragm helps remove the toxins from the body promoting better blood flow.

Improves immunity

Deep breathing brings fresh oxygen and exhales out toxins and carbon dioxide. When the blood is oxygenated, it ensures smoother functioning of your vital organs, including the immune system. A cleaner, toxin-free and healthier blood supply help ward off infection causing germs from the base and strengthens your immunity. Deep breathing also acts as a natural toxin reliever. It also benefits the absorption of vitamins and nutrients in the body, making sure you recover faster as well.

Improves posture

Believe it or not, bad posture is related to incorrect breathing. If you donŸ??t believe, try it yourself. Try to breathe deeply and notice how your body starts to straighten up during the process. When you fill your lungs with air, this automatically encourages you to straighten up your spine.

Reduces inflammation

A lot is said that diseases like cancer only thrive in bodies that are acidic in nature. Deep breathing is said to reduce the acidity in your body, thereby making it alkaline. Stress also increases acidity level in the body. Breathing also reduces stress and thus the acidity.

It detoxifies the body

Carbon dioxide is a natural toxic waste that comes out from our body only through breathing. But when our lungs are compromised by shallow breathing the other detoxification system starts working harder to expel this waste. This can make our body weaker and lead to illness.

Breathing relaxes mind and body

When you are angry, tensed or scared, your muscles are tightened and your breathing becomes shallow. Your breathing constricts. At this time your body is not getting the amount of oxygen it requires. Long deep breathing reverses this process, allowing your body (and mind) to become calmer.

The Importance OF Getting Vaccinated for Cervical Cancer

Prioritize health: Cervical cancer vaccination insights - Motherhood Hospital India

Dr Surabhi Siddhartha, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospital Kharghar

Cervical cancer is ranked as the fourth common cancer all over the world. One of the main risk factors of it is the human papilloma virus. This type of cancer originates in females at the entrance to the womb from the vagina, the cervix. Although the condition mostly seen in women after 30 years. Currently, you will be shocked to know even girls at a younger age can get cervical cancer. Thus, cervical cancer will not only occur in the sexually active women belonging to the age group of 30-45 but before that too. The reason behind this can be the increasing number of girls have become sexually active at a younger age.

The human papillloma virus can be transmitted during sexual intercourse from one person to another. But this does not suggest that every sexually active woman will get cervical cancer. Did you know? HPV-16 and HPV-18 are known to cause this cancer while abnormal vaginal bleeding during or after sexual intercourse, pain during intercourse, abnormal vaginal discharge, and pelvic pain are some of the common symptoms of cervical cancer in the advanced stages of the condition. Thus, taking cervical cancer vaccination is the need of the hour, and can save many lives.

Importance of cervical cancer vaccinations

Awareness about cervical cancer is extremely low in India, mainly in rural areas. Women are often shy and do not want to discuss their symptoms openly. Though, the vaccines are available still women are not aware of them. Basically, they are not okay with the idea of taking a vaccination. It is recommended for girls at the age of 9 to make sure that they do not skip the cervical cancer vaccinationand no booster is required. Prevention is possible via HPV vaccination which is routinely advised to girls between 12 and 13 years. The cost of the vaccine is around 3,000 per vaccine, and one will require 3 doses 0, 2- and 6-months Gardasil and Cervarix at 0, 1 and 6 months. Every girl should take a cervical cancer vaccine before she gets sexually active as this can increase her risk of cervical cancer. The benefits of taking vaccination are they act as a shield against cervical cancer by preventing the two strains of HPV like 16 and 18. Many hospitals give vaccination mandatorily after delivery. 

Screening about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is preventable if it is detected at an early stage. Screening tests for cervical cancer that is a Pap smear and HPV test must be advised in every young woman above 25 years, every 3 years or early if sexually active. 

Awareness regarding cervical cancer

When it comes to awareness regarding cervical cancer in every 10 women only 2 may be aware of it. While speaking about the rural areas, there is a lack of knowledge and education regarding this. This can increase morbidity and mortality as women-only visit the doctors in an advanced stage where saving lives becomes difficult. 

For awareness amongst rural area, annual pap smear camps be conducted. Vaccine charges should be made affordable for rural women by Govt health schemes or at least early detection measures like pap smear camps be organized regularly. Thus, to improve the outcome and efficacy, women should be educated at the primary level regarding the condition (in schools) to create awareness about cervical cancer. They should be taught about the benefits of taking a vaccination and ways to prevent this cancer should be discussed. 

Health for all women be given priority.

Unawareness and Skipping A Pap Smear Test Can Increase Cervical Cancer Rates

By Dr Manisha Ranjan, Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Motherhood Hospital, Noida

Cervix of a woman is the mouth of the uterus which is examined through vagina. Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal or pre-cancerous cells start to develop. The human cervix has two parts ectocervix which is of a healthy pink color and is covered in flat thin squamous cells as well as endocervix which is the cervical canal and is made up of columnar cells. The area where endocervix and ectocervix meet is the transformation zone which is the most likely region where abnormal and pre-cancerous cells can develop.

HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer

The leading cause of cervical cancer is Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible in about 70-80% of cervical cancer cases. There are over 100 different types of HPV which are considered low risk and do not result in cervical cancer. Nonetheless the high-risk cancer types are HPV-16 and HPV-18 and if a woman has persistent HPV infection then she must see a doctor immediately as they are at a greater risk of developing cervical cell abnormalities

Significance of Pap Test

Precancerous cervical cell do not cause any prominent symptoms which is why regular screening through Pap and HPV tests is recommended. They can catch precancerous cells early and prevent the development of cervical cancer.

Look for these signs to know if you have cervical cancer or not

The possible symptoms of advanced cervical cancer are:

  • Abnormal bleeding that includes bleeding between regular menstrual periods, bleeding after sexual intercourse, bleeding after menopause, bleeding after douching and bleeding after a pelvic exam
  • Pelvic pain that is not related to menstrual cycle
  • Unusual or heavy discharge that is watery, thick or foul smelling
  • Pain during urination as well as increased urinary frequency

These symptoms can also be a result of some other condition than cancer so please see your doctor to know what it is.

Risk Factors

  • Women who do these following things are at a higher risk of cervical cancer than others.
  • Girls who started having early sex
  • Take birth control pills for more than 10yrs increases about fourfold chances of cervical cancer only in women who are HPV positive
  • Have a weak immune system
  • Women who are sexually active with more than one partner
  • Women who have been diagnosed with STD’s (Sexually Transmitted Disease)


Cervical Cancer Exams and Diagnosis

Papinicolaou test (Pap Smear) is an advanced form of cervical cancer screening which is a part of woman’s regular screening exam. The procedure is as follows as the doctor collects cells from the surface of your cervix and looks at them under the microscope. After this if anything unusual is spotted then they will extract a bit of cervical tissue for biopsy which will help in further examination.

Another method is colposcopy in which the doctor will stain your cervix with a harmless dye or acetic acid to improve visibility of abnormal cells. After that the doctor will use a colposcope to magnify your cervix by 8 to 15 times to look for unusual cells.

One more method is the Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) wherein the doctor uses an electrified loop of wire to take a sample tissue of your cervix for a biopsy  Long standing HPV infection may cause the cells to turn into cancer by forming into a tumor over time. Regular Pap smear will help in early detection of cervical cancer so that it can be diagnosed and treated

Pregnancy and COVID-19: What are the risks?

We are distanced from many day-to-day habits. We are distancing ourselves from almost everyone around us. We no longer freely get along with anyone. That’s right! The wave of COVID-19 left us all in shambles. The discomforts and plights are plaguing various walks of our life. Most of our answers are unclear due to the unknown levels of COVID-19 infectivity. The scientific literature on similar pandemics in the past may help discover the effects of COVID-19 in pregnancy. COVID 19 and pregnancy risks remains a regularly explorable subject in obstetrics and gynaecology. 

How does COVID-19 affect pregnancy?

Pregnant womenmay be less likely to contract COVID-19. However, pregnancy is a phase that alters various mechanisms of the body. It modifies many systems of the body including the immune system. The way a body responds to a virulent strain of microbes including viruses may change. Therefore, alterations in the immune system may relate themselves to more complexities. The symptoms of COVID-19 in pregnancy can often become severe.

Some cases reported of COVID-19 pneumonia in pregnancy are less severe and show a good rate of recovery. Most pregnant women develop mild flulike symptoms if they contract COVID-19. A few cases involving chest pain that worsens day-by-day, however, may require immediate clinical attention. Here we explore the topic of COVID-19 and pregnancy risks in detail.

Effect of COVID-19 on foetal health

Concrete data is unavailable to cite the risk of miscarriage in the event of COVID-19 infection. The risk of miscarriage may increase in the second trimester. Foetal Growth Restriction (FGR) may be a possibility in COVID-19 infection. There’s no concrete evidence that shows that COVID-19 exposure in pregnancy may pass on the infection to the unborn. Nine women in China were tested positive for COVID-19 infection. Their nine babies, however, went on to be tested negative for the virus. A case in London contradicted the previous scenario. A pregnant lady in London tested positive for COVID-19. Her baby tested positive for the virus too.

The healthcare providers assisting the events are unable to establish the mode of transmission. It’s not clear whether the unborn falls victim to the virus in utero or shortly after he or she is born. Opinions worldwide vary as to what comes next after a pregnant lady contract the virus. A few opinions hold that the baby may not contract the virus during pregnancy. Nor may the baby fall prey to any developmental delays or defects. No persuasive evidence is available to establish a correlation between COVID-19 and its interferences in overall pregnancy. 

Effects of COVID-19 in the first trimester

Studies denote that the infection of COVID-19 may not predispose the first trimester of pregnancy to early pregnancy loss. Data on pregnant women to test positive for COVID-19 in the first trimester is still unavailable. Some anecdotes suggest that the patients infected with high fever may raise the risk of birth defects or developmental defects. Evidence to demonstrate such impacts, however, is unavailable. 

Coronavirus and pregnancy

No data suggests an increase in the risk of spontaneous abortion due to COVID-19. Evidence is still unavailable to prove the status of Coronavirus as teratogenic. The healthcare fraternity may need extensive data to demonstrate how coronavirus influences pregnancy. The infection of COVID-19 doesn’t associate itself with the clinical end of pregnancy. However, pregnant women with COVID-19 may be at increased risk of severe COVID-19. It might be prevalent especially if those infected people hail from ethnic minority backgrounds. Pre-existent conditions like Diabetes, Blood Pressure and obesity may complicate the health of pregnant women with COVID-19. 

What kinds of symptoms of COVID-19 may prevail in pregnant women?

Cough and fever may be the two most common symptoms of COVID-19 in pregnant women. In comparison with non-pregnant women in their fertility age, the pregnant and newly conceived women infected with COVID-19 may remain asymptomatic. Pregnancy during COVID 19 comes with dozens of medical responsibilities.

What are the risk factors that associate themselves with COVID-19 in pregnant women?

High body mass index is one of the most significant risk factors in pregnant women with COVID-19. Conditions that existed before their conception including diabetes and chronic hypertension may lead to developing severe symptoms of COVID-19. Studies even impute the severe symptoms of COVID-19 to advanced maternal age. Many studies warn that preeclampsia and gestational diabetes are two of the important risk factors that may occur in pregnant women.

No persuasive evidence exists to substantiate how these risk factors influence the outcomes of pregnancy with COVID-19. Women who have conceived should take care of themselves, specifically if they have pre-existent health conditions. Obstetricians should take the initiatives and educate pregnant women about risk factors and precautionary measures against them. There may be additional risk factors if you have a pregnancy-specific condition.

How should obstetric staff observe precautions during the pandemics like COVID-19?

  1. Medical facilities should generate substantial space and staff to help prevent the viruses like COVID-19 from going awry. 
  2. Help pregnant women and new mothers to observe proper precautions and protocols.
  3. Staff members should use every safety protocol and follow the guidelines as they proceed to meet pregnant women at Maternity Unit.
  4. If a staff member finds that someone has COVID-19 or someone is a PUI, he/she should initiate the most suitable infection control techniques. 

Precautions to observe by pregnant women

  1. Start practising social distancing from your home. 
  2. Stay at least 2 meters or 6 feet away from others including your family members if they have a high risk of infection.
  3. Take vaccinations and immunize yourselves against COVID-19 or other opportunistic ailments.
  4. Take even flu vaccination if your obstetrician guides you.
  5. It may not protect you from COVID-19, but it will safeguard you from flu which may complicate your pregnancy. 
  6. Use tissue each time you feel like sneezing or coughing or do so.
  7. Call your General Physician or obstetrician immediately if you encounter respiratory issues.
  8. Prefer video consultations over every other mode of clinical support. 

How can I breastfeed if I am suspected to carry COVID-19?

  1. Sanitize yourself regularly as your immediate supervisor suggests.
  2. Make sure you are using the mask each time you are around your baby. 
  3. Avoid sneezing or coughing while you carry your baby.
  4.  Sterilize the breast pump as your immediate supervisor/attendant directs.

Everything you possibly could need to know about finding the right Gynecologists in Noida?

The journey of bringing a new life into the world is one where you need some help, and the doctor who can care for you before, during and after your pregnancy is a Gynaecologist

A Gynaecologist is a person who is specializes in female genital tract and women’s overall health condition. All the disorders related to vagina, ovaries, cervix, and womb are examined and treated by a Gynaecologist. The gynaecologist is the one who is certified to deliver babies are the obstetrician.

Gynaecologists play a very significant role in a woman’s life, especially when she is expecting. Your gynaecologist can help you plan a family, screen you for diseases and treat the same and a lot of other things. A lot of women find it difficult to find the right gynaecologist. Inability to do so can affect you in more ways than one. So here you ll understand on how to find or choose a gynaecologist.  

How to Find the Right & best Gynaecologist in Noida?

It is important to feel comfortable and confident about your gynaecologist. So special care must be taken to find the best gynaecologist in Noida for yourself.

Here are major points that you must keep in mind while finding one.

  1. Most important, he/she should be someone with whom you feel comfortable with.
  2. The gynaecologist should have a good reputation as they are doctors who will know the most intimate and personal facets of a female’s life.
  3. Ideally, look for a Gynaecologist, who is also an Obstetrician if you are planning a baby.
  4. Consult your friends and relatives or find reviews online. It is important that the doctor lives close to your house if you are planning a pregnancy.
  5. Only friendly, caring and responsive gynaecologist makes their patient comfortable. They should be willing to answer all your queries accurately and precisely.

Remember Gynaecologist would be the part of your life in the most important phases and so choosing the right one is critical.

A Gynaecologist will be a part of one of the most important phases of your life. So make sure you trust your gynaecologist completely. Unless you are satisfied, never settle for less!

Helping you create a life!

Motherhood is a beautiful part of life and for many women getting pregnant can be a demanding phase. Doctors from the best IVF centre in Indore are there to help smoothen the conceiving process for you and your partner. For everyone, it is not easy to conceive and in such a scenario in vitro fertilization is an option you can consider. Infertility can be caused by many factors like imbalance in the menstrual cycle, vaginal infections, polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovulation disorders and endometriosis. 

What you need to know about In vitro fertilization? 

In vitro fertilization is a series of procedures performed to help you with the conception of a child. Mature eggs are collected from the ovaries and fertilized by the sperm in a lab. IVF is one of the most effective methods of assisted reproductive technology which you can access from an IVF specialist in Indore. Women with various causes of infertility and different age groups can visit the best IVF centre in Indore for assistance. 

How can we help you?

Our teams of doctors are renowned?˜IVF specialists in Indore?˜who will hold your hand through the whole IVF process and help you in every step. Being one of the?˜best IVF centres in Indore, our team of doctors will recommend you treatments after testing you thoroughly and will pay heed to your customized needs.?˜

In recent times, women are reaching out to science and technology to help them solve infertility related problems. If you and your partner are keen on getting pregnant and are facing any kind of difficulty, it is advised that you seek professional help and guidance from an?˜IVF specialist in Indore.?˜

Blog on Mental Health During Covid Crisis

Do’s and don’ t during the current covid crisis

How to maintain good mental heath during the current crisis.

1. stay positive

2. remember 97% recover ( there are many who have put up their stories on the net)

3. listen and follow the instructions given from authentic sources. ( doctors, govt, health care workers)

4. if you have self quarentined follow a routine at home, do not spend time lying down on the bed  watching tv. Try to be as active as possible at home.

5. stay in contact with the world digitally

6. look at what you can achieve by being at home. Enjoy it

7. Remember you are not the only one going through the crisis, the whole world is.

you are not alone

8. if you are feeling overwhelmed seek help from mental health care professionals. many are available online.

9. keep in touch with extended family members digitally

10. Humour is a good way to handle crisis.

watch movies which can make you laugh and read books if you are an avid reader.

11. Do not watch information which causes you anxiety. Avoid 24×7 watching and discussing about covid ( twice a day information from reliable sources should be enough)

12. Check the well being of near and dear ones digitally

13. Do not drink alcohol or smoke tobacco as a coping stratergy , it only worsens the situations

14. Do not sigmatise people whom have contacted the virus be supportive .

15. Bravado does not help , follow instructions given from authentic sources.

16. Do not focus on the number of cases focus on what you should do to keep safe.

Dr Vijayakumar D R


Consultant Psychiatrist 

Motherhood Hospital Hebbal 

General information and advice for all pregnant women during the coronavirus pandemic

Q. What effect does corona virus have on pregnant women?

Pregnant women do not appear to be more likely to be seriously unwell than other healthy adults if they develop the new coronavirus. It is expected the large majority of pregnant women will experience only mild or moderate cold/flu like symptoms. Cough, fever, shortness of breath, headache and loss of sense of smell are other relevant symptoms.

More severe symptoms such as pneumonia, seem to be more common in older people, those with weakened immune systems or long-term conditions. As yet, there is no evidence that pregnant women who get this infection are more at risk of serious complications than any other healthy individuals.


Q. What effect will coronavirus have on my baby if I am diagnosed with the infection?

As this is a very new virus we are just beginning to learn about it. There is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage.

Emerging evidence suggests that transmission from a woman to her baby during pregnancy or birth (vertical transmission) is probable. There has been a report of two cases in which this seems likely, but reassuringly the babies were both discharged from hospital and are well. In all previously reported cases worldwide, infection was found at least 30 hours after birth. It is important to emphasise that in all reported cases of newborn babies developing coronavirus very soon after birth, the baby was well.

Given current evidence, it is considered unlikely that if you have the virus it would cause problems with your babyŸ??s development, and none have been observed currently.

In China, some babies have been born prematurely to women with symptoms of coronavirus. It is unclear whether coronavirus caused these premature births, or whether it was recommended that the baby was born early for the benefit of the womenŸ??s health.

Q. What can I do to reduce my risk of catching coronavirus?

The most important thing to do is to follow government guidance. For pregnant women and the rest of their households, this includes:

  • Regular hand washing
  • Use a tissue when you or anyone in your family coughs or sneezes, discard this and wash your hands
  • Avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus. These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough
  • Avoid non-essential use of public transport when possible
  • Work from home, where possible.
  • Avoid large and small gatherings in public spaces, noting that pubs, restaurants, leisure centres and similar venues are currently shut as infections spread easily in closed spaces where people gather together.
  • Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media
  • Use telephone or online services to contact your DOCTOR or other essential services .

Q. I am pregnant, what do I need to do?

As a precaution, you should follow government advice about social distancing; stay away from public places and avoid anyone who has symptoms suggestive of coronavirus It is still considered necessary for pregnant women to go out for essentials, such as food shopping, exercise and to attend antenatal appointments..

Q. Should I attend my antenatal and postnatal appointments?

Yes. It is really important that you continue to attend your scheduled routine care when you are well.

Daily Post and Cover story

As Hospital OPDs Shut In Coronavirus Lockdown, E-consulting Comes To Patients’ Rescue

E-consulting is especially useful for those who are in the family way, say in their third trimester who need regular monitoring. Doctors say there is a changing pattern in the queries of the patients.

Aruna Roy, an auto-immune warrior who has been suffering from lupus would visit her doctor every two months for a review. She had a severe sepsis attack a couple of years ago and has to taper and increase the dosage of her medicine every time her bones hurt or when she suffers from severe fatigue. She has a long-term medical condition and a weak immune system.

Due to the Coronavirus scare, she is unable to visit her doctor but is regularly in touch with her doctor through tele-consultation. Ÿ??Lupus is a disease where your white blood cells instead of protecting your body from invaders attack your cells, tissue and all vital organs. My body is prone to infection. Hence I have opted for tele-consultation and online OPD with my doctor during this period of coronavirus scare,” says Roy

Online consultation, which many doctors have started, is like a virtual visit to your doctor. The appointment is booked online, a link is sent to the patient through an SMS. The patient dials the doctor at the appointed time, get the check up done and doctor uploads the prescription with her electronic signature. “We are doing about 200 online consultations a day since the national lockdown began,” says Vijayarathna Venkatraman, CEO, Motherhood Hospitals, Bangalore.

E-consulting is especially useful for those who are in the family way, say in their third trimester who need regular monitoring. Doctors say there is a changing pattern in the queries of the patients. Dr Suhasini Inamdar, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist says: Ÿ??The queries of the patients are quite different now. Expecting mothers are concerned about their health and baby during this Coronavirus lockdown. They are concerned about the virus affecting their health. Since some pregnancies are complicated and immunity of some of the patients are low, they are worried that they might get COVID-19.Ÿ?

Most big hospitals in the metros have started e-consulting. Wockhardt Hospitals in Mumbai for instance is providing a solution for any health-related problem to every family via its virtual consultation facility. Dr Parag Rindani, centre head, Wockhardt Hospitals: “ItŸ??s a video conference between a doctor and a patient at home. The motto of this service is to provide the best healthcare facilities to the patients without them having to visit the hospital in the time of lockdown.”

According to reports, AIIMS will begin a teleconsultation facility for its patients by the end of this week as it has shut down its OPD. Majority of the issues can be solved via online consultation for minor illnesses. But for anything serious, doctors say they can’t come to a conclusive diagnosis in the absence of a physical examination and inability to prescribe tests. However, a general plan of treatment can be discussed to put the patient at ease. As Dr. Ritu Garg of Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Ÿ??While we physically canŸ??t examine our patients, we hear them out and take down the questions and symptoms they have. However, a lot of these are follow up patients of the doctors. For example, diabetes patients check their blood sugar at home and then video consult with the doctor to titrate their medications.Ÿ?

In this worrying lockdown situation, there has been an increase in demand for support from mental health professionals too. Many psychiatrists are offering virtual sessions and telephonic support which is extremely important. Says Dr Sapna Bangar, psychiatrist, Mpower, Mumbai, who is offering online consultation to her patients, Ÿ??Counselling has always been about emotions and a large part of it is interpreting what may not have been said but communicated by body language, eye contact and reading the cues some of which maybe lost online. However, with advanced technology and skilled therapists a lot can be solved too.”

The Medical Council of India has also released guidelines about prescriptions and tele-medicine. Health and wellness Apps are also witnessing a huge increase in doctor consultation on their platform. For instance, vHealth, a doctor consultation service has seen a surge in its queries. Dr Sneh Khemka of vHealth says people are using their services to check their symptoms for COVID-19. In such cases vHealth doctors are screening symptomatic patients to identify COVID-19 risks. They are proactively staying in constant touch with high and medium risk patients to help them get the required guidance. Since COVID-19 is a notifiable disease, such cases are also being reported to the government authorities.

E-consulting platforms like these, and hospitals offering virtual OPD in your city can be easily found by a simple internet search.

How to calculate your due date?

There are multiple ways to calculate your date, as follows:

First day of last period: The best way to estimate your due date is to count 40 weeks, or 280 days, from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Another useful way is to subtract three months from the first day of your last period and add seven days.

Conception date: If your cycle is irregular, the LMP method may not work for you. Just add 266 days to get your estimated due date.

IVF transfer date: If youŸ??ve gone throughassisted reproductive technology cycles, you can calculate your due date more precisely using your IVF transfer date.

If you are already pregnant, then book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. It offers a complete birthing experience to couples by hand-holding them through their journey towards parenthood. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technology and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offerinclude:

Comprehensive pregnancy care, preconception care, pregnancy care, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, maternal-foetal medicine, vaccination, antenatal classes, diet and nutrition plan by clinical dietician, physiotherapy, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care

If you have failed IUI, IVF treatment, then book an appointment at Motherhood Fertility. We are a renowned fertility and reproductive centre, well-equipped with expert doctors (male andrologists), female fertility doctors, skilled team of nurses, counsellors, physiotherapists, and clinical dieticians. The team of experts provides comprehensive fertility services like IUI treatment, ICSI, artificial insemination and IVF treatment backed by our state-of-the-art andrology lab.The team conducts all fertility tests for men, women and advanced laparoscopic and surgical treatments for all fertility issues.