VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean): Is It Right for You?

VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean)

Author: Dr. Preethika Shetty


Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Kharadi, Pune

VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean): Is It Right for You?


Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) is a term that has been gaining traction in the realm of childbirth. As per Dr. Preethika Shetty MBBS, MRCOG, FRCOG, DGO, Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Kharadi, Pune It refers to the process where women undergo vaginal delivery following a cesarean delivery in a prior pregnancy. The allure of VBAC stems from several potential benefits it holds over opting for a repeat C-section, which include a shorter recovery period, less surgical risk, and the unique experience of vaginal childbirth. This article endeavors to delve deep into the intricacies of VBAC, illuminating the pros, cons, and eligibility criteria to empower expectant mothers with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision.

Understanding VBAC

VBAC is more than just a choice; it represents a shift from the surgical procedure of a C-section to a vaginal delivery. This transition is facilitated by the body’s capability to heal post the initial C-section and the inherent ability to support a vaginal birth. The process of VBAC involves a trial of labor after cesarean section (TOLAC), wherein the mother undergoes labor with the intention of vaginal delivery, closely monitored by healthcare professionals to ensure the safety of both mother and baby​.

Pros of VBAC

Opting for VBAC comes with a plethora of benefits:

  • Surgical Avoidance: Unlike a C-section, VBAC involves no abdominal surgery, thereby eliminating the complications associated with surgical procedures.
  • Speedier Recovery: The recovery period post-VBAC is significantly shorter compared to a C-section, enabling a quicker return to daily activities.
  • Vaginal Childbirth Experience: For many, the experience of vaginal childbirth holds emotional and psychological significance.
  • Consideration for Future Pregnancies: VBAC can be a prudent choice for those planning more pregnancies, helping avoid the risks associated with multiple cesarean deliveries, such as placental problems​.

Risks of VBAC

While VBAC has its merits, it’s not devoid of risks:

  • Failed Trial of Labor: A failed trial of labor could lead to emergency C-sections, which may carry more complications than a planned C-section.
  • Uterine Rupture: Although rare, occurring in less than 1% of cases, uterine rupture is a serious complication where the C-section scar on the uterus breaks open, necessitating an emergency C-section​.

Eligibility for VBAC

VBAC isn’t for everyone; eligibility hinges on several factors:

  • Type of Uterine Incision: The type of incision from the previous C-section plays a pivotal role in determining VBAC eligibility.
  • Previous Uterine Surgeries: Other uterine surgeries may rule out the possibility of VBAC due to the increased risk of uterine rupture.
  • Number of Previous C-Sections: The number of prior C-sections could influence the decision, with many healthcare providers hesitant to recommend VBAC post multiple C-sections.
  • Health Concerns: Existing health concerns could sway the decision towards a repeat C-section to ensure the safety of both mother and child.

Preparing for VBAC

Preparation is key:

  • Medical Consultations: Engaging in thorough discussions with healthcare providers to understand the risks, benefits, and the process is fundamental.
  • Choosing the Right Facility: Opting for a healthcare facility well-equipped to handle emergency situations and VBAC is crucial for a safe childbirth experience​.

During VBAC: What to Expect

The VBAC experience aligns closely with a routine vaginal birth, albeit with continuous monitoring to promptly address any arising complications. The healthcare provider will likely recommend continuous monitoring of the baby’s heart rate and be prepared for a repeat emergency  C-section if necessary​.


VBAC is a nuanced choice with many variables at play. Armed with the right information and guided by professional medical advice, expectant mothers can make an informed decision that aligns with their personal circumstances and aspirations for childbirth. Engage in open discussions with healthcare providers, weigh the pros and cons, and prepare diligently to ensure a safe and fulfilling childbirth experience.

If you are on the verge of menopause or are going through menopause along with urinary symptoms, consult Dr. Preethika Shetty at the Motherhood Hospitals.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynecologist in Pune. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in pune at a center closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Preethika Shetty, please book your appointment here.

Heartburn during Pregnancy: How to Handle?

Heartburn during Pregnancy

Author:  Dr. Madhushree Vijayakumar


Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Hebbal

Heartburn during Pregnancy: How to Handle?


Heartburn, often described as a burning sensation ascending from the stomach to the chest or throat, is a prevalent discomfort encountered during pregnancy. According to Dr. Madhushree Vijayakumar MBBS, MRCOG, FRCOG, DGO, Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Hebbal, the incidence rate is significant, with a range of 17% to 45% of pregnant women grappling with this burning sensation at different stages of gestation. The journey of pregnancy brings about numerous physiological changes, one of which is the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter due to the hormone progesterone, paving the way for heartburn. This article endeavors to furnish a detailed guide on effectively managing heartburn during pregnancy, ensuring a comfortable experience for expectant mothers while safeguarding the baby’s health.

Understanding Heartburn

Heartburn is the result of stomach acid backflow into the esophagus—the tube that serves as a conduit for food from the mouth to the stomach. The relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter during pregnancy, primarily due to hormonal changes, facilitates this acid backflow, often leading to heartburn. The discomfort can range from a mild, infrequent annoyance to a severe, persistent irritation, significantly impacting the quality of life of expectant mothers. As pregnancy advances, the growing uterus exerts additional pressure on the stomach, potentially exacerbating heartburn frequency and intensity. Comprehensive knowledge about the dynamics of heartburn and its relation to pregnancy is crucial for devising effective management strategies.

Common Triggers

Identifying and understanding common triggers are the first steps towards effective heartburn management:

  • Spicy Foods: Spices can irritate the esophagus, instigating or worsening heartburn.
  • Fatty and Greasy Foods: Such foods tend to linger in the stomach longer, delaying gastric emptying and creating a conducive environment for heartburn.
  • Caffeine and Alcohol: Both substances can cause the lower esophageal sphincter to relax, enabling stomach acid to surge into the esophagus, and causing heartburn.

Awareness of these triggers and judicious dietary choices can significantly mitigate heartburn symptoms during pregnancy.

Lifestyle Modifications

Adopting certain lifestyle modifications can significantly alleviate heartburn symptoms:

  • Eating Smaller, Frequent Meals: Smaller meal portions reduce stomach pressure, minimizing the likelihood of acid reflux.
  • Avoid Lying Down Post Meals: Waiting at least 3 hours after meals before lying down can prevent acid backflow into the esophagus.
  • Elevating the Upper Body While Sleeping: A slight elevation can help keep stomach acid in its rightful place, reducing heartburn occurrence.

Dietary Modifications

Tailoring the diet to include heartburn-friendly foods while avoiding triggers can offer substantial relief:

  • Incorporate Alkaline Foods: Alkaline foods like bananas, melons, and cauliflower can help neutralize stomach acid​.
  • Include High-Fiber Foods: High-fiber foods like whole grains and root vegetables can aid in digestive health, potentially reducing heartburn symptoms​.
  • Avoiding Known Triggers: Steering clear of foods and beverages that trigger heartburn is paramount.

Non-Pharmaceutical Remedies

Exploring natural remedies, always in consultation with healthcare providers, can offer additional relief:

  • Herbal Teas: Certain herbal teas may soothe the digestive system, although the efficacy and safety should be discussed with a healthcare provider.
  • Chewing Gum: Chewing gum can increase saliva production, neutralizing stomach acid.

Pharmaceutical Relief

Under medical supervision, pharmaceutical interventions can provide effective heartburn relief:

  • Antacids: Antacids can neutralize stomach acid, providing immediate but temporary relief​​.
  • Other Medications: Other over-the-counter or prescription medications may be recommended by healthcare providers to manage heartburn symptoms.

Coping Strategies

Employing coping strategies can help manage heartburn symptoms in daily life:

  • Maintaining a Heartburn Diary: Tracking food intake and heartburn occurrences can help identify personal triggers.
  • Seeking Professional Advice: Consulting with healthcare providers for personalized advice and treatment plans is crucial for effectively managing heartburn during pregnancy.


Managing heartburn during pregnancy requires a multifaceted approach encompassing lifestyle modifications, dietary adjustments, and possibly pharmaceutical interventions under medical supervision. By understanding the causes, identifying personal triggers, and adopting a tailored management plan, expectant mothers can significantly alleviate heartburn discomfort, ensuring a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy journey.

If you are on the verge of menopause or are going through menopause along with urinary symptoms, consult Dr. Madhushree Vijayakumar at the Motherhood Hospitals.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynecologist in Hebbal. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Hebbal at a center closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Madhushree Vijayakumar, please book your appointment here.

Amniotic Fluid: What It Tells Us About Fetal Health

Fetal Health

Author: Dr. Tejinder Kaur

MBBS, Diploma in Hospital Administration, Diploma of National Board training, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine

Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Mohali


Amniotic Fluid: What It Tells Us About Fetal Health


The journey of pregnancy is a profound experience, woven with intricate biological processes that nurture the flourishing life within. Central to this developmental saga is the amniotic fluid, a serene aquatic environment that envelops the fetus, ensuring its well-being and facilitating its growth. This protective liquid not only acts as a safeguard against external adversities but also serves as a mirror reflecting the health of the fetus. This article delves into the depths of understanding amniotic fluid and unveils the insights it offers into fetal health.

The Multifaceted Functions of Amniotic Fluid:

  • Protection:
    • The cushioning essence of amniotic fluid safeguards the fetus from potential injuries, mitigating the impact of external pressures and maternal movements​.
  • Developmental Aid:
    • It is a playground where the fetus learns to breathe and swallow, crucial activities that foster the development of the respiratory and digestive systems.
  • Temperature Regulation:
    • The fluid retains a stable temperature around the fetus, warding off external temperature fluctuations and creating a warm, comfortable milieu for growth​​.
  • Nutritional and Hormonal Support:
    • Amniotic fluid carries essential nutrients and hormones from the mother to the fetus, aiding in its overall development.

Diagnosing Disorders Through Amniotic Fluid Levels:

  • Oligohydramnios (Low Amniotic Fluid):
    • An indicator of potential problems with the placenta, or congenital conditions affecting the fetus’s kidneys or urinary tract​2​ and maternal diabetes and hypertension.
  • Polyhydramnios (High Amniotic Fluid):
    • An excess of amniotic fluid could stem from gestational diabetes, issues with the fetus’s ability to swallow, or problems with the fetus’s stomach or the placenta.

The Prognosis of Abnormal Amniotic Fluid Levels:

  • Low Amniotic Fluid:
    • Early Pregnancy: Risks encompass miscarriage, physical deformities, or impaired lung development.
    • Late Pregnancy: The fears extend to umbilical cord compression, fetal growth restriction, and respiratory issues, potentially leading to a cesarean delivery.
  • High Amniotic Fluid:
    • The excessive fluid can exert pressure on neighboring organs, triggering symptoms like swollen feet and breathlessness. Severe scenarios may precipitate preterm labor, the fetus becoming too large, postpartum hemorrhage, or stillbirth.

Monitoring and Therapeutic Interventions:

  • Monitoring:
    • Ultrasounds serve as a vigilant sentinel, monitoring the amniotic fluid levels and paving the way for early detection and intervention.
  • Treatment:
    • Low Amniotic Fluid: Strategies include close monitoring, possibly increasing water intake, or induction of labor if near full-term.
    • High Amniotic Fluid: Treatment might involve monitoring the size of the fetus, medication to manage fetal urine production, or in severe cases, draining a small amount of amniotic fluid.


The elucidation of amniotic fluid unveils a realm of insights into fetal health, portraying a vivid picture of the fetus’s well-being. Its analysis transcends a mere procedural protocol, morphing into a narrative that intricately narrates the tale of growing life. Understanding the significance of amniotic fluid and the implications of its abnormalities empowers expectant parents and healthcare providers with knowledge, enabling a proactive approach towards nurturing a healthy pregnancy and ensuring a safe passage into the world for the burgeoning life.

If you are on the verge of menopause or are going through menopause along with urinary symptoms, consult Dr Tejinder Kaur at the Motherhood Hospitals.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a center closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Tejinder Kaur, please book your appointment here.

Fetal Heart Monitoring: Stages, Procedures, & Results

Fetal Heart Monitoring

Author: Dr. Tejinder Kaur

MBBS, Diploma in Hospital Administration, Diploma of National Board training, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine

Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Mohali

Fetal Heart Monitoring: Stages, Procedures, & Results


Fetal Heart Monitoring (FHM) is a crucial practice during pregnancy and childbirth, aimed at assessing the well-being of the fetus by tracking its heart rate and, sometimes, the uterine contractions of the mother. This practice becomes especially vital in a country like India where perinatal mortality rates are relatively high due to various risk factors like maternal infection and preterm birth. This article delves into the stages when FHM is performed, the procedures involved, and what the results could indicate.


FHM is generally conducted during three primary stages:

  1. Prenatal Visits: Regular monitoring of the fetal heart rate during prenatal care appointments helps in the early detection of any irregularities.
  2. High-Risk Pregnancies: Pregnancies deemed high-risk due to conditions like preeclampsia or diabetes necessitate more frequent FHM.
  3. Labor and Delivery: Continuous monitoring during labor and delivery helps ensure the baby’s well-being and can alert healthcare providers to potential distress.


FHM can be carried out through various methods, each with its set of procedures:

  • External Monitoring:
    • Fetoscope: A manual method where a fetoscope, similar to a stethoscope, is used to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. Not used in clinical practice anymore. 
    • Handheld Doppler: Utilizes sound waves to measure the baby’s heart rate, displayed on a pocket handheld screen.
    • Continuous Doppler: During labor, continuous monitoring is done using an ultrasound device held in place on the abdomen, providing a continuous readout of the baby’s heart rate alongside uterine contractions.
  • Internal Monitoring:
    • Conducted inside the uterus, a wire is attached to the baby’s head for continuous heart rate tracking, especially utilized when external monitoring results are unreliable or more precise monitoring is required.


While generally safe, continuous electronic monitoring can restrict movement and potentially increase the chances of a cesarean section or delivery using vacuum devices or forceps. Internal monitoring carries risks like injury to the baby’s scalp, maternal infection, or transmission of infections like HIV from mother to baby.

Results & Follow-Up:

Results from FHM are usually shared by healthcare providers promptly. An abnormal heart rate or rhythm doesn’t always signify danger; however, persistent changes in heart rate could necessitate further monitoring, other tests, or in severe cases, an immediate cesarean section or assisted vaginal delivery.

At-Home Monitoring:

At-home fetal heart rate monitors and mobile apps are available but come with their set of drawbacks. They might not provide accurate results and could potentially lead to undue stress or a false sense of confidence. The FDA discourages the use of at-home Doppler devices due to the lack of medical necessity and the requirement of training to accurately use and interpret the devices.


FHM is an invaluable tool for ensuring fetal well-being throughout pregnancy, especially during labor and delivery. While the procedures are largely safe, understanding the nuances, risks, and interpretations of FHM results is pivotal for expectant parents to ensure a healthy pregnancy and childbirth experience.

If you are on the verge of menopause or are going through menopause along with urinary symptoms, consult Dr Tejinder Kaur at the Motherhood Hospitals.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a center closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Tejinder Kaur, please book your appointment here.

Labor Induction: When Is It Necessary and What Are the Methods?

Labour induction

Author –  Dr Ekawali Gupta

MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, 

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mohali.

Labor Induction: When Is It Necessary and What Are the Methods?


Labor induction is a medical procedure wherein doctors use medications or other methods to trigger labor in a pregnant woman. Dr Ekawali Gupta, MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist says that This procedure is critical when waiting for natural labor could pose risks to either the mother or the baby. In India, with its burgeoning population and diverse healthcare challenges, labor induction is a commonly practiced procedure to ensure the safety and timely delivery of babies.

Section 1: Circumstances Necessitating Labor Induction

Labor induction is not a one-size-fits-all solution and is recommended under specific circumstances. Some of the situations that might necessitate labor induction include:

  • Post-term Pregnancy: When a pregnancy extends beyond 40 weeks, it is considered post-term. In such cases, labor induction may be recommended to avoid potential complications.
  • Pre-eclampsia or High Blood Pressure: Pre-eclampsia is a serious condition characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to other organ systems, most often the liver and kidneys. Labor induction may be necessary to prevent severe complications.
  • Health Conditions: Certain health conditions in either the mother or the baby may necessitate earlier delivery. These could include gestational diabetes, heart disease, or other serious conditions.
  • Water Breaking: If a woman’s water breaks (membranes rupture) without the onset of contractions, labor may need to be induced to prevent infections and complications.
  • Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR): This condition occurs when the baby grows slower than normal during pregnancy. Labor induction might be considered to prevent further complications.
  • Cholestasis of Pregnancy: This is a liver condition that causes severe itching and can lead to complications for both the mother and the baby, prompting the need for labor induction.

Labor induction is a decision taken in conjunction with medical professionals who assess the unique health conditions and risks involved. It is a step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of both the mother and the child.

Section 2: Methods of Labor Induction

Labor induction can be achieved through various methods. The choice of method largely depends on the condition of the cervix and the particular circumstances of the pregnancy. Below are some common methods of labor induction:

  • Medicinal Methods:
  • Misoprostol: A synthetic prostaglandin, Misoprostol is used to ripen the cervix and induce labor. The INFORM study conducted in India highlighted the effectiveness and acceptability of low-dose oral Misoprostol, showing promising results, especially in low-resource settings.
  • Dinoprostone: Similar to Misoprostol, Dinoprostone is a Prostaglandin gel used for cervical ripening and labor induction.
  • Mechanical Methods:
  • Foley Catheter: A Foley catheter is inserted into the cervix and inflated to help the cervix dilate. It’s a mechanical method of induction that doesn’t involve medications.
  • Membrane Stripping: This method involves a healthcare provider inserting a finger into the cervix and gently separating the amniotic sac from the uterine wall to stimulate labor hormones.
  • Surgical Methods:
  • Artificial Rupture of Membranes (Amniotomy): This procedure involves making a small opening in the amniotic sac to stimulate contractions and induce labor.

Each method has its own set of advantages, disadvantages, and suitability based on individual circumstances. It’s imperative that the chosen method is discussed and agreed upon with healthcare providers.

Section 3: Success and Acceptability of Various Induction Methods in India

The success and acceptability of labor induction methods in India were notably highlighted in the INFORM study. This study compared oral Misoprostol with Foley catheter induction in a government hospital in India, revealing a 10% higher rate of vaginal birth within 24 hours and less need for caesarean section with Misoprostol. Women in the Misoprostol group were also more satisfied with the outcome compared to those induced with the catheter method.

The results of the INFORM study are encouraging for the use of low-dose Misoprostol, particularly in patients with mild hypertensive disease in low-resource settings. However, further studies are needed in women with severe, early-onset hypertensive disease and intrauterine growth restriction.

The choice of induction method greatly affects the experience and satisfaction of women undergoing labor induction. Hence, continuous research and patient education are pivotal in optimizing the labor induction process in India.

Section 4: Risks and Precautions

The best gynaecologist in sector 32 says While labor induction is a common practice, it is not without risks. Some potential risks include:

  • Uterine Hyperstimulation: Over-stimulation of the uterus can lead to fewer resting times between contractions, potentially stressing the baby.
  • Infection: Any invasive procedure carries the risk of infection, which could be detrimental to both mother and baby.
  • Unintended Cesarean Delivery: Labor induction might increase the likelihood of needing a cesarean section, especially if the cervix isn’t ready for labor.

It’s crucial to discuss these risks and any concerns with healthcare providers. Proper prenatal care, understanding the procedure, and following medical advice can significantly mitigate these risks.

Section 5: Preparing for Labor Induction

Preparation is key to a smoother labor induction experience:

  • Mental Preparation: Understanding the procedure, setting realistic expectations, and staying positive are essential.
  • Discussion with Healthcare Providers: Having a detailed discussion about the induction plan, potential risks, and pain management options is crucial.
  • Pain Management: Considering pain relief options in advance and discussing these with healthcare providers will ensure better preparedness.

Section 6: Conclusion

Labor induction is a vital procedure that can ensure the safety and timely delivery of the baby. While it carries certain risks, with proper preparation and medical guidance, the process can be made smoother and less stressful. The choice of induction method should be a collaborative decision made with experienced healthcare providers.

Dr Ekawali Gupta will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Mohali.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a center closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Ekawali Gupta, please book your appointment here.

Fear of Labour and Childbirth: Understanding and Overcoming the Dread

fear of labour and childbirth

Author –  Dr Ekawali Gupta

MBBS, MS Degree in OBG,

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mohali.

Fear of Labour and Childbirth: Understanding and Overcoming the Dread


The journey towards motherhood, albeit beautiful and exhilarating, is often accompanied by a spectrum of emotions, fears being one of them. The fear of labour and childbirth is a common concern among expecting mothers, especially in a culturally rich and diverse country like India. However, understanding and addressing these fears can significantly enhance the birthing experience. This article by Dr Ekawali Gupta, MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,  delves into the common fears associated with labour and childbirth, and their underlying causes, and provides pragmatic coping strategies to overcome them.

Understanding Fear of Labour and Childbirth

As per the best Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Sector 32, Labour and childbirth is a profound life event. The fears surrounding it are often rooted in the fear of pain, fear of the unknown, fear of medical interventions, and fear of something going wrong during the process. Each fear carries its own set of anxieties that can significantly impact the mental and emotional well-being of the expecting mother.

Causes of Fear

  1. Lack of Knowledge: The unknown aspects of labour and childbirth can be daunting. Lack of knowledge can magnify fears and lead to increased anxiety and stress.
  2. Past Traumatic Experiences: Women who have had past traumatic experiences, or who have been exposed to negative childbirth narratives, may carry a heightened fear towards childbirth.

Impact of Fear

Fear can have a ripple effect, influencing the mother’s psychological well-being, her experience of childbirth, and potentially leading to adverse obstetric outcomes and postpartum mental health difficulties.

Coping Strategies

  1. Education and Preparation:
  • Antenatal education can demystify the process of childbirth and provide realistic expectations. Understanding what to expect can alleviate fears and provide a sense of control.
  1. Professional Support:
  • A doula can provide support, information, and advocacy during pregnancy, labour, and postpartum, making the process less intimidating.
  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:
  • Practices like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can help manage stress and anxiety, providing a calming effect.
  1. Positive Reinforcement:
  • Surrounding oneself with positive childbirth stories and avoiding negative narratives can help in fostering a positive outlook towards childbirth.
  1. Individualized Birth Plan:
  • Creating a birth plan that aligns with one’s values, preferences, and comfort levels can provide a sense of empowerment and reduce fear.

Professional Help

Seeking counselling or joining support groups can provide a safe space to express fears and work through them with professional guidance.


Facing the fear of labour and childbirth is a crucial step towards ensuring a positive birthing experience. By understanding the root of these fears and employing coping strategies, expecting mothers can look forward to embracing the transformative journey of childbirth with confidence and serenity.

Dr Ekawali Gupta will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Mohali.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Ekawali Gupta, please book your appointment here.

Superfoods for Easy, Comfortable, and Smooth Delivery: An Indian Perspective

Superfods for Smooth Delivery

Author –  Dr Ekawali Gupta

MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, 

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mohali.

Superfoods for Easy, Comfortable, and Smooth Delivery: An Indian Perspective


     Pregnancy is a life-changing experience that brings joy, anticipation, and sometimes, a fair share of anxiety. One of the best ways to alleviate these concerns is through proper nutrition. The food you consume during this crucial period not only nourishes you but also has a direct impact on the well-being of your unborn child. This article by Dr Ekawali Gupta , MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist aims to guide expecting mothers in India through a curated list of superfoods that can make the journey to motherhood easy, comfortable, and smooth.

Why Superfoods?

The best Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Sector 32 says that The term “superfoods” refers to nutrient-dense foods that offer a range of health benefits. During pregnancy, these foods can provide the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants needed for both maternal health and fetal development. Incorporating superfoods into your daily diet can ease the delivery process and ensure a healthy pregnancy.

List of Superfoods for a Smooth Delivery

1. Spinach

Benefits: Rich in iron, calcium, and folic acid, spinach is excellent for boosting hemoglobin levels and ensuring proper fetal development.
How to Include:

  • Add to salads with a dash of lemon juice.
  • Blend into green smoothies.
  • Cook a traditional Indian dish like ‘Palak Paneer’.

2. Almonds

Benefits: Packed with protein and healthy fats, almonds are great for heart health and sustained energy levels.
How to Include:

  • Snack on a handful.
  • Add to morning cereal or oatmeal.
  • Use almond flour in baking.

3. Yogurt

Benefits: A probiotic-rich food that aids in digestion and boosts the immune system.
How to Include:

  • Enjoy as a standalone snack.
  • Incorporate into Indian recipes like ‘Raita’.
  • Blend into smoothies or shakes.

4. Lentils

Benefits: High in protein and fiber, lentils are essential for muscle development and digestive health.
How to Include:

  • Cook into various Indian dishes like ‘Dal’ or ‘Sambar’.
  • Add to salads or soups.
  • Make lentil patties or burgers.

5. Berries

Benefits: Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, berries help in boosting immunity.
How to Include:

  • Add to smoothies or shakes.
  • Incorporate into desserts like berry parfait.
  • Mix into yogurt or cereal.

6. Avocado

Benefits: High in healthy fats and folic acid, avocados are excellent for fetal brain development.
How to Include:

  • Slice and add to salads.
  • Mash into guacamole.
  • Blend into smoothies.

7. Chia Seeds

Benefits: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, chia seeds are good for heart health and digestion.
How to Include:

  • Add to smoothies.
  • Make chia pudding.
  • Sprinkle over salads or yogurt.

8. Sweet Potatoes

Benefits: Packed with Vitamin A and fiber, sweet potatoes are good for vision and digestive health.
How to Include:

  • Roast as a side dish.
  • Make sweet potato fries.
  • Incorporate into Indian curries.

Cultural Context

In India, traditional wisdom often recommends foods like ‘Ghee’, ‘Ajwain’, and ‘Methi’ during pregnancy. These foods have Ayurvedic properties and are believed to ease the delivery process. However, it’s essential to consult healthcare providers before incorporating these or any other foods into your diet.

Consulting Healthcare Providers

While the benefits of superfoods are widely acknowledged, it’s crucial to remember that each pregnancy is unique. Factors such as pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, and nutritional deficiencies can significantly impact your dietary needs. Therefore, consulting healthcare providers becomes an indispensable step in your pregnancy journey.

Why Consult a Doctor?

Your obstetrician is your primary guide throughout your pregnancy. They can assess your overall health, monitor the baby’s development, and provide personalized advice. Before making any significant changes to your diet, it’s essential to consult your doctor to ensure that the foods you consume are beneficial and safe for both you and your baby.

Role of a Certified Dietitian

A certified dietitian can offer specialized nutritional guidance tailored to your needs. They can help you create a balanced diet plan that includes the right mix of superfoods, vitamins, and minerals essential for a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery.

Allergy Checks and Food Sensitivities

If you have a history of food allergies or sensitivities, consulting a healthcare provider is even more critical. They can recommend alternative foods that provide similar nutritional benefits without causing adverse reactions.

Medication and Food Interactions

Certain medications prescribed during pregnancy may interact with specific foods, affecting their efficacy or causing side effects. A healthcare provider can guide you on how to navigate these interactions safely.

Traditional and Cultural Beliefs

In India, traditional and cultural beliefs often influence dietary choices during pregnancy. While some of these foods have proven benefits, it’s essential to validate their safety and efficacy with healthcare providers, especially if they are new to you.

Informed Choices

Ultimately, consulting healthcare providers empowers you to make informed choices. It ensures that your diet aligns with your medical history, current health status, and the specific needs of your pregnancy.


A well-balanced diet, rich in superfoods, can significantly ease your journey through pregnancy and delivery. Remember, the choices you make now will not only affect your well-being but also shape the future health of your child. Choose wisely, eat well, and embark on this beautiful journey with confidence and care.

Dr Ekawali Gupta will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Mohali.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Ekawali Gupta, please book your appointment here.

Signs Your Child Should See a Paediatric Urologist

Signs Your Child Should See a Paediatric Urologist

Author – Dr. Pawan Deep Singh

M.B.B.S, DCH, DNB Pediatrics, Consultant – Paediatrics & Neonatology

Signs Your Child Should See a Paediatric Urologist


As a parent, it could be difficult for you to know when your child’s bladder problems need attention. At times, you may not know if your child’s bedwetting is normal or highlighting other issues. According to Dr. Pawan Deep Singh, M.B.B.S, DCH, DNB Pediatrics, as a parent, you should consult the best paediatrician in Chandigarh preferably a paediatric urologist if you notice any change in the bladder patterns of your child.

What Does a Paediatric Urologist Do?

Paediatric urology is a different discipline from paediatrics. If you visit the best paediatricians in Chandigarh for consultation, they will provide treatment for many minor urological problems including urinary tract infections without fever, and so forth. You should, however, consult a paediatric urologist for ongoing, urgent, and non-routine urology issues involving your child’s kidney, ureters, bladder, urethra, testicles, and genitalia.

Signs Your Child Should See a Paediatric Urologist

You should visit the best paediatrician in Chandigarh for the following:

1. Bedwetting and Bladder Issues

Potty training of kids is not always easy. Sometimes you may not even know if your child has a medical problem or he is just a late bloomer. Bedwetting can occur because of urinary incontinence, stress, or a urinary tract infection. Of course, every child is different. As a general rule, however, if your child is not dry through the night by the age of six, you may have to consult a paediatric urologist.

2. Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection or UTI can affect even babies and children. It may also be common in children. You should, however, visit a paediatric urologist if your child has had multiple UTIs.

Dr Ashish Dharmik tells us that recurrent urinary tract infections may be a sign of anatomic abnormality leading to infections. Children having recurrent UTIs also have some type of abnormal voiding behaviours. Hence, it is important to identify such traits and get those treated.

3. Congenital Issues

A lot of children may have urological problems due to congenital issues. Paediatric urologists also perform surgery to treat a wide range of birth defects involving organs inside the body including kidney, bladder, or reproductive organs in both girls and boys. The primary goal of such surgeries is to let the child achieve or maintain a normal urologic function.

What are the Telltale Signs of Urologic Condition?

Your child may not be able to explain the cause of the pain to you. The telltale signs, however, can help you in discovering a urological condition. For instance, the most common sign of urological condition in children is bedwetting. Although your child has reached a certain age, he/she may not be able to control the urine. This can be a warning sign for you to visit a paediatric urologist. The other common symptoms include:

1. Pain while urinating.

2. Burning or stinging sensation when urinating.

3. Frequent urination.

4. An urgent need to urinate.

5. Foul smell in the urine.

6. Cloudy or bloody urine.

7. Pain in the lower back.

8. Pain around the bladder.

9. Fever.

If you notice any change in the regular urinating pattern of your child, visit a good paediatric urologist or Dr. Pawan Deep Singh at Motherhood Hospitals in Chandigarh.

How to Deal with High-Risk Pregnancy? 

High -Risk Pregnency

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

How to Deal with High-Risk Pregnancy? 


A few moments in life are as powerful as the joy of getting pregnant. If, however, you have been diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy, the emotions can turn towards anxiety and concern. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, high-risk pregnancies can also have healthy babies and safe outcomes with early and regular prenatal care. Of course, a high-risk pregnancy will demand additional changes from your end, hence, it is important to have the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon by your side during this crucial period. 

How to Deal with High-Risk Pregnancy? 

If you are diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy and wish to know how to deal with it, here is all you need to know: 

1. Stay Informed 

A high-risk pregnancy is a condition that can potentially harm either the health of the child, mother, or both. The best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon says that a lot of contributing factors can result in high-risk pregnancy. Conditions such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, twins, placenta previa, gestational diabetes, and previous miscarriages generally lead to high-risk pregnancies. If you fall into any of these, it is important to get yourself checked before getting pregnant to avoid complications. 

2. Create a Plan with Your Doctor 

 By discussing your outcomes with the laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon, you will have a proactive plan in hand which will give you peace of mind. Hence, you need to discuss this with your obstetrician and attend all prenatal care appointments.  

3. Prioritize Your Self-Care 

By prioritizing your self-care, you will ensure better outcomes for yourself and the baby. Self-care ensures a healthy diet, reduced exposure to toxins, exercise, getting enough sleep, and avoiding situations that create stress.  

4. Listen to Your Body 

 Do not expect too much from yourself and listen to what your body is telling you. If you need some rest, allow yourself to sleep. Since your body is growing a foetus, you may not have enough energy throughout the day. Listen to your body and if you feel something is not normal, consult the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon at the earliest. 

5. Address Mental Health Concerns 

Research shows that depression is common in women with high-risk pregnancies. You need to know that such feelings may arise and it is alright to feel this way. A lot of women tune into the vicious cycle of blaming themselves for the difficult pregnancy but it is not the truth. If you ever feel that the pregnancy is taking a toll on your mental health, visit Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

6. Have a Support System 

Surround yourself with people whom you are comfortable with and who care for you. High-risk pregnancy will ask you to make several lifestyle changes that may also require you to scale back on commitments or obligations. Hence, having a core group of family and friends during this time can take you out of the guilt. If needed, you can also join a high-risk pregnancy support group in Gurgaon or share your concerns or feelings with your doctor. 

7. Develop a Right Mindset 

Stress and anxiety can trigger your pregnancy. Staying relaxed and calm, however, can help you in overall wellbeing. Despite how jittery you feel, make sure to do things that make you happy. This will help you regain a sense of normalcy and take your mind off worries. 

High-risk pregnancy can be difficult to manage with all the growing concerns and worries. With the right support, however, you can surpass this with better outcomes. If you need an expert to help you on this journey, consult Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

Preparing for Pregnancy: A Checklist for First-time Mothers 

Preparing for Pregnancy A Checklist for First-time Mothers description

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

Preparing for Pregnancy: A Checklist for First-time Mothers 


Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, especially for first-time mothers. As a first-time mother, the thought of having a baby is both exciting and overwhelming. With so many things to plan and do, the mothers can get confused. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the need to make everything perfect can make the mothers stressed out. Instead of being overwhelmed, a checklist can help women to do all the right things without any worries.  

A Checklist for First-time Mothers  

The best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon have created a checklist for first-time mothers as follows: 

1.Schedule a Pre-conception Checkup 

A lot of women do not consider the need for a pre-conception checkup. This checkup, however, is important to ensure your health or any changes you need to make before getting pregnant. The doctor will conduct a thorough assessment to rule out any medical condition that can affect your pregnancy. 

 2. Evaluate Your Lifestyle 

A healthy pregnancy is a by-product of a healthy lifestyle. Before getting pregnant, make sure that you are following the right lifestyle. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, exercise, get enough sleep, and limit alcohol consumption, and caffeine intake. 

3. Start with Folic Acid 

Folic acid or vitamin B is an important vitamin that prevents birth defects in the baby. This vitamin, hence, is to be started before pregnancy. Do not, however, self-administer and consult the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon for your folic acid intake. 

4. Evaluate Your Work Environment 

If you are exposed to hazardous chemicals during work, it’s probably time for you to change the job. Any kind of demanding job or exposure to harmful chemicals can put your health at risk. Hence, make sure that you discuss it with your doctor as well as your employer for suitable options. 

5. Find an Obstetrician 

An obstetrician is someone with whom you will be sharing your entire pregnancy journey. Make sure to choose the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon that you can trust and feel comfortable with. Take your time to research, schedule a consultation, and discuss your goals. 

6. Create a Birth Plan 

A birth plan refers to your pregnancy outline. It includes your preferences for labour and delivery, pain management, whether you prefer vaginal or caesarean delivery, or your postpartum care. Creating a birth plan can help you in knowing yourself better and it will help you to have a positive birth experience. 

7. Prepare Your Home 

Welcoming your new baby requires a lot of preparation at the back end. Make sure that you baby-proof your home with all the necessary renovations. Prepare a room for your baby that you always dreamt of and your journey will become more fruitful. 

8. Research Your Insurance Options 

Another important aspect to consider before getting pregnant is the insurance. Make sure that your existing insurance covers your maternity along with all the costs associated with prenatal care and delivery. If not, you can add a supplementary insurance policy to cover additional costs. 

9. Pack Your Hospital Bag 

 Instead of jittering at the last moment, learn how a hospital bag is to be prepared. You can also discuss the essentials with your doctor to ensure you do not forget anything. 

First-time mothers are kind of on a rollercoaster ride with their pregnancy. They experience all sorts of emotions in one go. In a nutshell, the mothers want their pregnancy and eventually, the baby to be safe and sound. Hence, a checklist is important to make sure that you are doing everything right. You can discuss all your options and create a customized checklist based on your diagnosis with Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals.