Common Reasons To Visit A Pediatrician

Best Paediatrician near me - Motherhood India Hospital

As a young mother, you’re always conflicted about whether to travel to a paediatrician or a GP for the health needs of your child. However, it is vital to consider choosing the services of a paediatrician because these professionals specifically concentrate on the health of your baby. Records from the Health Department show that 93% of the children saw a paediatrician within the last year. If you’re wondering why you need to see a paediatrician, learn below.

Importance of Regular Check-Ups for Children’s Health

Check-up of the baby: A baby’s health should never be ignored. Newborn experts indicate that the health of a replacement baby should take priority in your life. Health analysis should occur within the primary week of their life. Paediatricians will take a mean of thirty minutes to evaluate the health of your baby, after which they’ll come up with a conclusive analysis of the baby’s wellness. Having a licensed professional analyze the health of your baby is vital in their growth. Most immunizations are done before the child gets to the age of 18 months.

Common Illnesses in Children and When to Seek Medical Attention

Annual Physicians Exams: Child well checks are very necessary, and they should happen on a routine basis. These routine health checks are formally mentioned as annual physician’s exams. They assist in checking whether the baby is growing well and evidently. The annual physician’s exams include the checking of children in terms of height, weight, and overall body appearance. If the baby isn’t growing obviously, certain measures are incorporated to make sure that the right growth and wellness of the baby are achieved.

Childhood Vaccinations and Immunizations

Baby Immunizations: Baby immunization isn’t only a health requirement but a legal undertaking. Failing to need your baby for pediatric care, especially immunization may end up in jail terms for negligence. The American Academy of Pediatrics has developed and implemented a toddler immunization schedule that must be followed to the letter.

A Good Paediatrician Can Help Your Family

Best Paediatrician near me - Motherhood India Hospital

Deciding to pick a brand new pediatrician is challenging. It is often difficult to search out a physician, and one of the goals of a doctor’s office is to form that process easier. Finding an office that’s nearby is simply one factor that oldsters must consider. the most important issue is whether or not a physician is accepting new patients. Many are at capacity with their current patient load and, therefore, unable to simply accept new patient requests unless it’s for the sibling of an existing patient. Always check around to search out if the office is accepting new patients and would be available to treat your family.

What a pediatrician can do for your family?

It is important to grasp the categories of services that are available at the offices of a children’s physician.

Wellness checkups

From the time children are first born until they reach the age of 18, it’s important to go to a doctor regularly for wellness visits. These are appointments designed to trace their growth and development. they permit doctors to see if a toddler is on par for his or her age or if any developmental delays appear. During these appointments, the doctor might also provide children with immunizations. Being immunized for things like measles, mumps, and rubella is critical, especially as children enter school. Some schools won’t let children attend without these immunizations being completed.

Sick visits

A sick child could be a major concern for each parent and a reason to possess a reference to a paediatrician. This makes it easy for the doctor to worry for the kid when he or she takes ill.

A focus on children

It is best to bring a baby to a pediatrician rather than a practitioner who treats people of all ages. By treating children exclusively, he or she has insight and also daily clinical experience that enables the doctor to spot common illnesses quickly and make recommendations supported by best practices.


Vaccinating the baby

List of baby vaccinations

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Vaccines are products given in childhood to stimulate the body’s natural defenses hence preparing it to fight diseases effectively.

Why should your child get vaccinated?

  • It provides protection against diseases like measles and whooping cough.
  • It is a highly effective way to keep your child healthy
  • Vaccinations are timed in a way that the immune system of your child will respond to it at various ages. Thus, they provide protection at all ages.
  • To strengthen the child’s immune system

What type of diseases do the vaccines for children cover?

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Rotavirus
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Acellular pertussis
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Polio
  • Pneumococcal disease
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Varicella
  • Influenza

Ingredients of the modern day vaccines:

Today vaccines make use of certain ingredients like –

  • Adjuvants that boost the body’s response
  • Stabilizers that keep vaccines effective after being manufactured.
  • Formaldehydes are used to prevent contamination by bacteria
  • Thimerosal used in the manufacturing process.

Do you know that certain vaccines protect the babies before birth?

Yes, babies receive antibodies during pregnancy from  the vaccines their mothers had. For example, the measles vaccine protects the baby in the womb for a short time span. However, this protection wears off after a certain time and is thus injected again when they are 12-18 months old. Babies get the shots at this age to keep them protected from measles and two other diseases.

How do the vaccines work?

Vaccines spark the immune response to specific diseases. So, the next time that the virus Or bacteria invades your body in the future, your immune system will already know how to fight it. Thus, the body is now ready to fight infections more efficiently.

Vaccines form a significant part of baby health. The infants bear a weak immune system. They need vaccines to strengthen immunity. It is thus highly recommended that you ensure that your child is fully vaccinated in the early stages of life.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Neonatologist who are experts providing optimum state-of-the-art care for critically ill, as well as recovering, neonates and infants.

Do take an appointment with the best Neonatology hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Immunity Boosting Foods For Kids

Immunity Boosting Foods
Author: Dr. Vrushali Bichkar MBBS, IBCLC, DM (Neonatology), MD (Paediatrics)

Consultant – Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Lullanagar, Pune

Immunity Boosting Foods

Is your child refusing to eat a proper diet? Are you worried about his immunity? Whenever the weather changes, kids become susceptible to many diseases such as cold, flu, throat infections and stomach infections.

Immunity is the shield that protects your child from all ailments and helps them live a healthy life. Therefore, you must provide immune booster supplements as their daily supplements.

Importance of immunity-building foods

The immunity level to fight infections in the child tends to decline due to various factors such as sleep deprivation, lack of exercise, consumption of junk food, and stress. To maintain optimum immunity levels, it is essential to take a proper diet full of nutrients and immunity booster food that will help build immunity in the body. Under-nourished children that live in poverty suffer from malnutrition and low immunity. They are more vulnerable to diseases and health disorders.

The micronutrients that are vital immunity-builders and makes a healthy and balanced diet are zinc, iron, copper, selenium, folic acid, vitamins A, B6, C and E.

Let’s discuss the food items that includes these immunity boosters.

  1. Sweet potato: Sweet potato is rich in vitamin B6. It is essential in building better immunity as it is also rich in protein, potassium, Vitamin A and fibre.
  2. Banana: Banana is regarded as one of the best immunity boosters as it contains high levels of vitamin B6. It is also a comfortable food for toddlers as they can easily consume it in cereals or smoothies or can eat it as a whole fruit.
  3. Chickpea: A child having zinc deficiency can suffer from impairment of both phagocyte and lymphocyte cell functioning. Chickpeas consist of Vitamin B6 and Zinc and greatly help prevent this deficiency.
  4. Walnut: Another source of zinc is walnut. Nuts like walnuts, almonds are easy to incorporate in the child’s diet as you can give it in the form of smoothies or crackers or even energy bars. Kids love that!
  5. Jaggery: Jaggery is a prime source for iron which helps increase immunity in kids. Jaggery can easily replace sugar because of its sweet taste. You can incorporate jaggery with chapati, or make sweet toffees with it which are all-time favourites.
  6. Pumpkin: Although pumpkins are not one of most favourite vegetables for kids, it is a great source of vitamin A. Consumption of pumpkin can provide immunity against diseases like diarrhoea, measles and so on. Excess consumption of pumpkin can cause toxicity. Therefore, it should be consumed in a natural, balanced diet.
  7. Curd: Curd naturally contains bifidobacterium or lactobacillus which are non-pathogenic bacteria, also known as good bacteria. These are probiotics that are known to be great immunity boosters and provide protection against diseases like diarrhoea.
  8. Berries: Berries are colourful, tasty and full of antioxidants. These are regarded as the best immunity food for both kids and adults. Berries reduce the risk of cell damage and help in boosting the immunity system. Berries like strawberries, blueberries, cranberries or raspberries are nutritiously delicious and are generally liked by kids.You can serve these as it is or can prepare milkshakes, custards or smoothies.
  9. Citrus fruits: Lemons, oranges, limes, or grapefruit are all classified as citrus fruits. The citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. They are juicy and mouth-watering which are liked by the kids. Not only Vitamin C, these citrus fruits are the source of Vitamin B, magnesium, antioxidants, phosphorus and potassium. This is why they are among the best immunity boosting foods.
  10. Dry fruits and seeds: Dry fruits and seeds are the major source of providing immunity. Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and cashews in dry fruits and seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, protein, healthy fats, fibres and vitamins. They can be served with hot milk.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best fetal medicine specialists in Lullanagar, Pune.We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Fetal Medicine hospital in Lullanagar, Pune at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Vrushali Bichkar, please book your appointment here.

When should I seek medical help for my newborn?

Dr. Sunil Puraswani  - Best Pediatrician near me

Author: Dr. Sunil Puraswani  MBBS, MD (Paediatrics), Fellowship in Neonatology

Consultant – Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospitals, Indore

Dr. Sunil Puraswani  - Best Pediatrician near me

Parenthood is an exciting phase but along with it comes several challenges as well. Providing neonatal care is not an easy task since newborns don’t come with any instruction manual. With so many self-proclaimed newborn caring experts present around, you may often find yourself in a situation where you may not what’s the best. And times like being clueless about the right action for your baby’s health is something you want to avoid. 

It’s fine if you are worried after seeing certain symptoms in your newborn which may be harmless. On the other hand, it’s also risky to avoid these symptoms and not look for the best neonatal services in Bangalore since it may lead to serious health conditions. Your thumb role should be “When in doubt, consult your doctor”. Also, avoid going to hospitals for every small matter since it may put an effect on your savings while also exposing your newborn to various infections with frequent health care visits.

Best Pediatrician Motherhood Hospitals, Indore

Symptoms and signs of sickness in your newborn

Practically it is not possible to call your doctor every single moment during the small issues but the following symptoms and signs are something which you shouldn’t avoid:

1. Your baby is avoiding required feed

The first sign of a sick baby is avoiding the required dose of feed. Since babies have small stomachs, they need to be fed at small and frequent intervals along with having very little energy reserves. If your newborn is not showing interest in feeding then you need to get in touch with your doctor.

2. Your baby’s skin is too warm or cold

A small baby’s body is capable of catching a cold or fever very quickly. In case your baby’s skin is too cold or too warm then start with checking their temperature. A temperature of 100.4 F or higher is the sign of fever while 97.7 F or lower is too low for your baby. Contact the child doctor or best fetal medicine specialist for further advice.

3. Your baby is dehydrated

If you want to check whether your baby is dehydrated then you can look for lack of tears when the baby cries, reduced number of wet diapers (normal frequency is 6-8 diapers a day), sunken soft spot on the baby’s head, dry mouth and sunken eyes. Dehydration can be a dangerous situation for your baby and should be addressed immediately with the best neonatal intensive care unit.

4. Disturbed bowel movements

Take note of the number of wet and messy diapers your child makes, too few or too many is the sign of disturbed bowel movements. In case of signs like hard or scanty stools, loose or watery stools or a baby struggling during bowel movements, get in touch with your child’s paediatrician.

5. Change in behaviour

In case you see your baby being too lethargic, floppy, sleepy or crying inconsolably, it is a sign for you to get in touch with your child’s doctor.

6. Rashes on the skin

Contact your child specialist if you see your child’s skin developing rashes, mottled or pale on the body with a temperature that’s higher or lower than normal. Apart from this, your baby’s doctor needs to be contacted in case of developing jaundice that doesn’t go away or spreads throughout the body parts.

7. Difficulty in breathing

Rapid breathing, grunting, stuffy nose, flaring nostrils, coughing, retraction of the ribs or bluish skin colour are the signs to contact your paediatrician immediately.

8. Eye or ear discharge

Sticky discharge from one or both eyes or ear drainage needs immediate attention from your paediatrician.

9. Appearance of blood

Blood appearing in the baby’s spit-up, poop, nose discharge or navel should be immediately addressed by the doctor. Apart from this, pain or bleeding from the penis is also a concerning situation.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we deliver exceptional healthcare services to women and children with highest standard of care and competence.

Book your Appointment with Dr. Sunil Puraswami for all the paediatrics related issues.

Reasons To Immunize Your Child.

In the past few months, the word immunity has become a  commonplace term in our daily life, especially in the current  COVID19 scenario. Immunity has achieved enormous  importance and everyone is constantly striving to enhance it  through various means. As a parent, you would be naturally  concerned about your child’s immunity. To make your little one  immune to most diseases and infections, understand the  importance of immunization

Vaccines produce immunity through the manufacturing of  antibodies in the body that works like the protective agents  countering any attack of infectious diseases and other  conditions. By following the schedule of timely vaccination, your  child can be protected from a lot of diseases such as polio, whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis, etc.  

In our country, we have various government-run health  awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of  immunization and some vaccines are available for free at  designated centres on scheduled dates. However, every parent  needs to be aware and follow the vaccination schedule that  starts from the time of birth until the child becomes a teenager. 

Today, let’s explore the reasons to immunize your child and gain an understanding of the vaccination schedule you need not  miss. 

Not only vaccination helps in countering any future dangerous  diseases but also helps in controlling the spread among children.  This gains significance as children as toddlers have more  exposure to the external environment such as schools, play  areas, creches, nurseries, etc. Despite the current COVID situation, children are less exposed; it is still recommended to  keep a tab of the immunization schedule. Isn’t it better to be  safe than sorry? On another note, we hope things get back to  normal and our children have a better and safe world to explore  and enjoy! 

Do you understand that by following a proper vaccination  schedule, you can avoid severe health complications, serious  illnesses, and hospitalization of your child?  

Despite the world not being safe enough to travel right now,  wouldn’t you want your child to travel freely without any  potential health threats? Are you aware that measles can be contracted during travel? Therefore, it is essential to take the vaccine shots as per the schedule. 

Considering our social commitment, it is important to keep our communities free from disease. You can do a small but  significant part by taking your child to the doctor for the vaccination procedure. Let us commit to keep our community  and country free from the impending dangers of diseases by doing our bit. 

Now, let us look at the vaccination schedule to be followed for  your child during the early stages: 

  • At birth, you need to vaccinate your child against polio and Hepatitis (B) and also have Bacillus CalmetteŸ??Gu??rin (BCG)  administered. 
  • When your baby reaches 6 weeks, ensure to have DTP 1, IPV1,  Hepatitis B (B2), HIB1, Rotavirus 1, and PCV1 vaccines  administered. 
  • At 10 weeks, remember to have your baby vaccinated against  HIB2, IPV 2, Hepatitis B (HB 3), Rotavirus 2, and PCV 2. 
  • At 14 weeks, your baby needs to get vaccinated against HIB 3,  IPV3, Hepatitis B (HB*4), Rotavirus 3, and PCV 3. 

From 6 months until your child enters and completes the teen  years, there is a detailed vaccination schedule.

For more information on the importance of vaccination and the  various boosters to improve, talk to our experts. 


New-Born Baby Care Essentials – 10 Essential Things To Know!


Motherhood is a continuous learning experience. Are you ready to journey through some essentials to learn more about your little one? Here are 10 things to know about your new-born baby

1. Baby feed: Your baby may often feel hungry. Make sure to feed your baby every 2-3 hours. Please don’t be tempted to feed your baby with solids to keep the stomach full. Strictly, no solids,  please. 

2. Holding with care: Holding a newborn baby can be a frightful experience. However, holding your baby for 2 hours in a day can be soothing. Holding your baby can promote breastfeeding,  improves confidence in the baby, and also strengthens the bond between the baby and the parent. Hold your bundle of happiness close to your heart. You will see the difference! 

3. Baby products: Use products free from fragrances and chemicals. As your baby might be sensitive or allergic to certain fragrances or chemicals, it is always the best way forward to use gentle and safe products, namely soaps, powders, lotions, etc. 

4. Massages: Give gentle massages as it will help your baby relax. Massages help to promote development in muscles and keep tummy problems at bay. Massaging will also help your confusion as you would not know the real cause of your baby’s crying Ÿ?? whether it is hunger, pain, discomfort, etc. Gradually,  you will become better at this. Understand and respond! 

8. Diaper changes: Do you know that your baby might require frequent diaper changes? Prepare mentally for this routine. On average, you might require to change the diaper approximately 6-10 times a day. This will help to avoid any discomfort your baby might undergo due to frequent discharge of urine or stool. Check your baby’s diapers after every feeding session. 

9. Tummy time: Ensure that your baby spends more time on his/her tummy during his/her waking time as this will promote strength in the back muscles. However, please take care that your baby doesn’t sleep on the tummy. 

10. Umbilical cord: Don’t be in a hurry to clip off the remnant of the umbilical cord. If you apply even little force or do anything to remove the umbilical cord unnaturally, this can lead to infections. Just keep it dry. It will fall off on its own. 

For more information on new-born care essentials, talk  to our experts.

Dos And Don’ts To Follow To Protect Your Kids During COVID-19 Unlock

The ongoing lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic has forced a large part of the worldŸ??s population to stay indoors. But, in India, the government has suggested some relaxations in the lockdown period to revive the economy. The worry now is how to get kids out again without significantly raising the risk of the spread of the disease. One should not forget the fact that the deadly coronavirus hasnŸ??t gone away from our country and we are still in the process of coming up with a vaccine.

Although researchers are working on developing the vaccine, the only way we can prevent the infection is by adhering to the basic guidelines suggested by the health bodies for ourselves and our kids. Managing kids in this lockdown and keeping them safe from a host of potential threats is of importance during this time. Here are some essential dos and donŸ??ts in this regard:

Keep Recently Bought Groceries Out Of Reach Of Kids

By now we are all aware why it is extremely important to be cautious while handling the groceries we bring home every few days. Since any object coming from outside might be a potential virus carrier, make sure that you place all such stuff in a safe and secluded spot in the house which is out of reach of your children. You can place it in the storeroom or in the balcony and lock the door. Do not let the child touch any of these objects before they are thoroughly washed with soap and warm water or cooked.

Sanitise Yourself And Kids Immediately After Returning From Outside

As soon as you are back from grocery shopping or a short cycling session in the park, make sure to have a bath and put the clothes out for laundry. Do not let the child touch any object, be it keys, masks, cap, spectacles, toys etc before they are washed or sanitised.

Ensure Shoes Are Kept Outside

Kids have a habit of touching everything within their reach out of inquisitiveness. It is very important therefore, to strictly separate the shoes you take out. Place a shoe rack outside the house and always leave those shoes out so that the child does not touch them by mistake.

Keep In Touch With The ChildŸ??s Pediatrician

If possible, keep in touch with the childŸ??s pediatrician in the case that the child develops fever and common cold. In consultation with the doctor, keep a few basic medicines at home to ensure they are handy when the child needs.

DonŸ??t Delay Your KidsŸ?? Important Vaccinations

Though the infection has brought the world to a standstill, do try to get the child vaccinated where services are available because they protect them from serious diseases. World Health Organisation also warned us, saying immunisation is an essential health service which may be affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic and disruption of immunisation services, even for brief periods, will result in increased numbers of susceptible individuals and raise the likelihood of outbreak-prone vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) such as measles.

Be Judicious About Your Choices

As a global society, we canŸ??t say for certain what will happen next Ÿ?? whether a sudden surge in new coronavirus cases will make it necessary to reinstitute quarantine measures, as has happened in Singapore and Hong Kong, or, worse still, fears of a more contagious strain come to be. The smart thing to do is remain cautiously optimistic about regaining your freedom to move, but remain realistic that we donŸ??t know what the future holds.

Maintain Respiratory Hygiene In Public Places

It is always a bad habit to cough or sneeze openly in public. Droplets through coughing and sneezing are what had led to such a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases worldwide. Thus, it is recommended to maintain your respiratory hygiene while in public. Cover your mouth with a tissue or cough and sneeze in your folded arm.

Chickenpox in Toddlers: By Dr. Mohammed Yunus Kafil

Chickenpox in Toddlers:

Chickenpox (varicella), a viral illness characterised by a very itchy red rash, is one of the common infectious diseases amongst children. It is usually mild in children but occasional complications like bacterial pneumonia may occur.

People who have had chickenpox almost always develop lifetime immunity (meaning you are extremely unlikely to get it again). However, the virus remains dormant in the body and it can reactivate later in life and cause shingles.

What causes chickenpox?

Chickenpox is caused by the herpes varicella-zoster virus. It is spread by droplets from a sneeze or cough, or by contact with the clothing, bed linens or oozing blisters of an infected person. The onset of symptoms is 10 to 21 days after exposure. The disease is most contagious a day or two before the rash appears and until the rash is completely dry and scabbed over.

What are the symptoms of chickenpox?

Chickenpox appears as a very itchy rash that spreads from the torso to the neck, face, and limbs. The symptom lasts for 7 to 10 days, the rash progresses from red bumps to fluid-filled blisters (vesicles) that drain and scab over. Vesicles may also appear in the mouth, on the scalp, around the eyes or on the genitals and can be very painful.

This cycle repeats itself in new areas of the body until all of the sores have healed (takes about two weeks). The disease is contagious until all the spots have dried up. Unfortunately, the virus is also contagious for at least one day before the rash breaks out.

When to seek medical advice?

  • You think your child has chickenpox. A doctor can confirm your diagnosis
  • Chickenpox is accompanied by severe skin pain and the rash produces a greenish discharge and the surrounding skin becomes red, these are signs of a secondary bacterial skin infection
  • Chickenpox is accompanied by a stiff neck, persistent sleepiness or lethargy as these are symptoms of a more serious illness such as meningitis or encephalitis. Get medical help immediately
  • While your child is recovering from chickenpox and gets fever, convulsions, starts vomiting, or feeling drowsy. Get medical help immediately
  • An adult family member gets chickenpox
  • You are pregnant, have never had chickenpox and are exposed to the disease. Your unborn child may be at a risk so seek medical advice without delay.

What is treatment for chickenpox?

Chickenpox is extremely contagious. Keep your child at home until all of the blisters have burst and crusted over.

Most cases of chickenpox require little or no treatment beyond treating the symptoms.

The prescription antiviral drug Aciclovir is effective for shortening the duration of chickenpox symptoms and may be recommended for certain people with chickenpox, such as pregnant women, those with a weakened immune system and adults who seek medical advice within 24 hours of the rash appearing.

In addition, your doctor may recommend painkillers and an antihistamine to relieve pain, itching and swelling. Antibiotics are used if a secondary bacterial skin infection arises or if the person with chickenpox develops bacterial pneumonia.

Vaccination for chickenpox:-

IAP(Indian academy of pediatrics) recommends two doses of chickenpox vaccine for children, adolescents, and adults.

Children should receive two doses of the vaccine’the first dose at 15 months and a second dose at 4 and half years.

Kids who are older than 5 years but younger than 13yrars, who have not had chickenpox also may receive the vaccine, with the two doses given at least 3 months apart.

Kids 13 years or older who have not had either chickenpox or the vaccine need two vaccine doses at least 1 month apart.


Dr. Mohammed Yunus Kafil | Know your doctor

The Common Cold in Children

Cold is the most common reason for a pediatric office visit. ItŸ??s responsible for a childŸ??s absence from school & parentŸ??s staying away from work.

Let us try to understand this common illness in the next few paragraphs.

What causes a Cold?

Ÿ??ColdŸ? is a group of symptoms caused by a number of viruses.Over a hundred viruses may be responsible. Therefore a child may be affected multiple times each year.

Children under 6 years of age may average 6-8 colds per year. Children in daycare appear to suffer from cold more commonly. The frequency of such episodes may decrease by the time they reach primary school.Episodes of cold may be more in children as they are still developing their immunity.

Colds may occur at any time of the year. Transmission occurs from one person to another directly or due to viruses in the environment. Colds tend to be more contagious during the first two to four days.

Contact Ÿ?? Cold virus may survive on the skin for upto 2 hrs & on surfaces (such as door handles, toys ) for upto a day. Infection can spread by touching such objects& then touching the nose, eyes, mouth of the uninfected.

Inhalation– Droplets containing virus or viral particles are released by coughing & during exhalation. However it is not usually transmitted by this route.

What are the symptoms?

Signs & symptoms usually show up a day or two after exposure. Nasal congestion & discharge are the most common symptoms. Discharge can be clear, yellow or green. Fever may be present during the initial phase. Other symptoms include: Sore throat, cough, difficulty in sleeping and decreased appetite. The glands in the neck may be enlarged. Symptoms may continue for up to 2 weeks and are usually worst during first 10 days. A second cold may sometimes superimpose and extend the period of sickness.

What are the complications?

Ear infections, wheezing, sinusitis & pneumonia are the common complications.

Ear infections: If a child develops fever after the initial phase of illness or fever continues for a prolonged period (beyond 3 days) ear infection can be suspected.

Wheezing: Children may develop wheezing even if they have not wheezed before. Colds may worsen asthma.

Sinusitis: If nasal congestion does not improve does not improve over 10 days then sinusitis may be suspected.

Pneumonia: Late onset of fever or prolonged fever may suggest pneumonia, especially if the child has signs of breathing difficulty.

How do you manage?

Treatment of cold is usually symptomatic:

  • Anti-histamines, decongestants and cough expectorants have been used with adults.
  • Improve symptoms of nasal congestion. Saline nose drops may be used to thin mucus.
  • Suction can be used to remove secretions. Adequate amounts of fluids must be taken. Honey can be used in children older than one year. Antibiotics are not effective in treating colds but may be used if complications are suspected.
  • Vitamin C used preventive may decrease the duration of cold.

How to prevent:

Hand hygiene:

  • Maintaining hand hygiene either by washing with soap and water or by using alcohol based hand rub.
  • Avoid contact of child with people who are ill.
  • Clean surfaces with household cleaner eg. Lysol

Danger Signs:

Seek immediate help in the presence of the following symptoms.

  • Prolonged refusal of feeds
  • Excessive irritability or lethargy
  • Difficulty in breathing or rapid breathing
  • Fever lasting more than 3 days
  • Prolonged nasal congestion (more than 10-15 days)
  • Ear pain & other signs of infection