Exercise During IVF Pregnancy: Do’s & Don’ts

Exercise During IVF Pregnancy: Do's & Don'ts

AuthorDr. Madhushree Vijayakumar


Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Exercise During IVF Pregnancy: Do’s & Don’ts


Exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, and its significance becomes even more pronounced when you’re undergoing IVF treatment. However, the unique and special journey of an IVF pregnancy often requires extra layers of care and attention. At Motherhood Hospitals, we offer a comprehensive suite of services, including personalized exercise guidance, to ensure you and your baby receive the best possible care. This article aims to provide an in-depth look at the do’s and don’ts of exercising during your IVF pregnancy.

The Do’s

1. Light Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is not just about physical fitness; it’s also about maintaining a healthy heart and mind. Light cardio activities like walking or swimming can be incredibly beneficial during an IVF pregnancy. At Motherhood Hospitals, our team of experts recommends light cardio exercises that are easy on the joints but effective in keeping you fit, allowing you to focus on what really matters during this special time.

2. Prenatal Yoga

Yoga is a holistic exercise that benefits both the body and the mind. Prenatal yoga, in particular, offers stretches and poses that are safe yet effective for pregnant women. Our specialized approach at Motherhood Hospitals includes yoga sessions tailored specifically for IVF pregnancies. These sessions are designed to help you achieve a sense of balance and tranquility, essential elements in making your IVF pregnancy as smooth and joyful as possible.

3. Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises, or pranayama, can be a game-changer during an IVF pregnancy. These exercises help in reducing stress levels and improving the oxygen supply to the blood, which is crucial for both you and your baby. Our top-tier gynecologists at Motherhood Hospitals often incorporate breathing exercises into our comprehensive antenatal care plans, ensuring that you receive the best medical care available.

The Don’ts

1. No High-Intensity Workouts

While exercise is important, high-intensity workouts can do more harm than good during an IVF pregnancy. Activities like High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can put undue stress on your body and should be avoided. Our detailed pregnancy after IVF week-by-week guide at Motherhood Hospitals includes exercise recommendations that are both safe and effective, helping you navigate the unique milestones and challenges of an IVF pregnancy.

2. Avoid Risky Sports

Certain sports come with a risk of falling or injury, and these should be avoided during an IVF pregnancy. Activities like skiing, horseback riding, or cycling on uneven terrains are not recommended. Our team of experts at Motherhood Hospitals strongly advises against such risky activities, focusing instead on exercises that are safe yet effective.

3. Limit Weightlifting

Lifting heavy weights can put excessive pressure on your abdomen and pelvic region, which is not advisable during an IVF pregnancy. At Motherhood Hospitals, we recommend exercises that focus on strengthening your core and pelvic muscles without the need for heavy weights, ensuring that your IVF pregnancy is as comfortable as possible.

4. Consulting Your Doctor

Before embarking on any exercise regimen, it’s crucial to consult your OB-Gyn. At Motherhood Hospitals, our specialized team of gynecologists offers personalized exercise plans tailored to your unique needs. These plans are part of our commitment to providing you with the best medical care available, allowing you to focus on the joy and anticipation of your upcoming arrival.


Exercise is essential during an IVF pregnancy, but it’s crucial to know the right type and amount that is beneficial for you. At Motherhood Hospitals, we are committed to providing you with personalized guidance and the best medical care, making your IVF pregnancy journey as comfortable and joyful as possible. Always consult your healthcare provider for advice tailored to your specific needs

Do’s & Don’ts of Working 9 am to 6 pm During IVF Pregnancy

Do's & Don'ts of Working 9 to 6 During IVF Pregnancy

AuthorDr. Madhushree Vijayakumar


Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist


Do’s & Don’ts of Working 9 am to 6 pm During IVF Pregnancy


Embarking on an IVF pregnancy is a unique and special journey that often requires extra layers of care and attention. Balancing this journey with a 9-to-6 work schedule can be challenging but is entirely manageable with the right approach. At Motherhood Hospitals, we understand the delicate and gentle nature of IVF pregnancies. Our specialized approach includes thorough antenatal checks and closer monitoring by our team of experts, dedicated to making your IVF pregnancy as smooth and joyful as possible. This article aims to guide you through the do’s and don’ts of managing your work life while undergoing IVF treatment.

The Do’s

1. Prioritize Comfort

Comfort is not just a luxury but a necessity when you’re undergoing IVF treatment. Choose clothing that allows you to move freely and doesn’t constrict your abdomen. Opt for ergonomic footwear that provides adequate support. At Motherhood Hospitals, we recommend keeping a cushion or a small pillow at your workplace to support your back, enhancing your comfort throughout the day.

2. Maintain Open Communication with Employer

Open communication is vital during this period. Inform your employer about your IVF treatment and discuss any scheduling conflicts that may arise due to medical appointments. Many employers are understanding and may offer flexible working hours. Our top-tier gynecologists at Motherhood Hospitals specialize in precious pregnancies and can provide documentation to help facilitate these discussions with your employer.

3. Manage Stress Levels

Work-related stress is inevitable, but managing it effectively is crucial during an IVF pregnancy. Simple techniques like deep breathing, short walks, and even quick meditation sessions can help. Motherhood Hospitals offers personalized guidance to help you manage stress, allowing you to focus on what really matters during this special time.

4. Regular Medical Check-ups

Regular medical check-ups are non-negotiable. These appointments offer a chance for closer monitoring by healthcare professionals. Try to schedule them either before or after work hours to minimize disruption to your workday. Our detailed pregnancy after IVF week-by-week guide at Motherhood Hospitals can help you understand the unique milestones and challenges, ensuring you never miss an appointment.

The Don’ts

1. Avoid Overexertion

While it’s essential to stay active, overexertion can be detrimental. Tasks that require excessive physical effort should be avoided or delegated. Our team of experts at Motherhood Hospitals recommends light activities that keep you engaged without causing strain.

2. Limit Caffeine and Junk Food

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in the success of an IVF pregnancy. Limit the intake of caffeine and avoid processed foods. Stick to a balanced diet rich in nutrients, as recommended by our specialized dieticians at Motherhood Hospitals.

3. Don’t Ignore Symptoms

Ignoring symptoms or discomfort can have serious repercussions. If you experience any unusual symptoms, consult your healthcare provider immediately. At Motherhood Hospitals, our experts are always available for consultation, offering you peace of mind and the best medical care available.

4. Avoid High-Stress Tasks

High-stress tasks can adversely affect your IVF treatment. Discuss with your employer about delegating such tasks or finding alternative solutions. Our team at Motherhood Hospitals can provide additional stress management techniques to help you navigate through high-stress situations.

5. Workplace Accommodations

Workplace accommodations can make a significant difference in your comfort and well-being. Discuss with your HR department about possible adjustments, such as a more ergonomic chair or the option to work remotely on certain days. These small changes can make your IVF pregnancy journey smoother and more comfortable.


Balancing a 9-to-6 job while undergoing IVF treatment is a delicate act but is entirely possible with the right approach and support. At Motherhood Hospitals, we are committed to providing you with the best possible care and guidance throughout your IVF journey. Always consult your doctor for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs.


IVF Pregnancies vs Normal Pregnancies

IVF Pregnancies

Author – Dr Ekawali Gupta   MBBS, MS Degree in OBG from IGMC (Shimla)
Consultant – Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

What are IVF Pregnancies?

An IVF pregnancy begins its magical journey with the successful implantation of the transferred embryo into the uterine lining. From this moment, the embryo flourishes and grows, much like it would in any other type of pregnancy. Given the specialised beginnings of IVF pregnancies, we offer enhanced monitoring, particularly in the early stages. This extra layer of attention ensures the utmost well-being and health of both the mother and the growing baby, making your journey to parenthood as smooth and joyful as possible.

IVF Pregnancies vs Any Other Pregnancy


While IVF pregnancies start with medical intervention, they share many similarities with any other pregnancies as they progress:

  1. Pregnancy Symptoms: An IVF pregnancy, like any other, exhibits similar symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue, and hormonal changes.
  2. Gestational Period: The length of the pregnancy, typically around 40 weeks, remains the same regardless of the method of conception.
  3. Baby Development: The developmental milestones for the fetus are identical in both types of pregnancies, from the formation of organs to the growth of limbs.


Despite the similarities, there are some key differences that set IVF pregnancies apart:

  1. Method of Conception: The most obvious difference is the method of conception. IVF pregnancies involve a series of medical procedures, while other pregnancies occur without medical intervention.
  2. Increased Monitoring: IVF pregnancies usually require more frequent medical check-ups, especially in the early stages, to monitor the health of the mother and fetus.
  3. Risk Factors: IVF pregnancies may have a slightly higher risk of complications such as ectopic pregnancies or multiple births, although advancements in technology are continually reducing these risks.

 After How Many Weeks is IVF Pregnancy Considered Safe?

A common question that most couples undergoing IVF Pregnancies have is, “After how many weeks is an IVF pregnancy considered safe?” The answer varies from person to person, but generally speaking, the risk of complications decreases significantly after the first trimester. It’s crucial to consult with your gynaecologist for a personalised assessment and advice tailored to your specific medical history and needs.

Symptoms and Milestones

IVF Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week 

Understanding the symptoms of an IVF pregnancy on a week-by-week basis can help you better navigate this unique journey. Here’s a more detailed look:

  • Weeks 1-4: Implantation and Early Signs
    – Mild cramping and spotting may occur as the embryo implants itself into the uterine     lining.
    – There are intense mood swings and emotions due to hormonal changes.
  • Weeks 5-8: The Onset of Morning Sickness
    – Nausea and vomiting, commonly known as morning sickness, often begin around this     time.
    – You may also experience heightened sensitivity to smells and changes in food      preferences.
  • Weeks 9-12: Physical Changes
    – Your breasts may become tender and swollen due to hormonal changes.
    – Increased appetite and cravings for specific foods may become noticeable.
  • Weeks 13-16: Second Trimester Begins
    – Morning sickness usually starts to subside.
    – You may start to show a small baby bump.

Symptoms of Pregnancy After IVF 

While many symptoms are similar to those of any other pregnancy, some unique signs may indicate a successful IVF pregnancy:

  • Tender Breasts: Hormonal changes can make your breasts feel tender and fuller than usual.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Morning sickness is common but can be more pronounced in some IVF pregnancies due to the additional hormones used during treatment.
  • Fatigue: The body works extra hard to support the growing fetus, leading to increased tiredness. This can be exacerbated by the emotional and physical toll of the IVF process.
  • Frequent Urination: As the embryo grows and the uterus expands, you may find yourself needing to urinate more frequently.
  • Mild Cramping: Some women report mild uterine cramping, which is generally considered normal unless accompanied by severe pain or bleeding.

Risks and Complications

IVF Complications

While IVF has made it possible for countless couples to conceive, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with this form of assisted reproduction:

  1. Ectopic Pregnancy: In rare cases, the embryo may implant outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube. It is characterised as an ectopic pregnancy and therefore needs immediate medical attention.
  2. Multiple Births: IVF increases the likelihood of multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.), which carry higher risks for both the mother and babies, such as preterm birth and low birth weight.
  3. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS): The medications used to stimulate the ovaries can sometimes lead to OHSS, a condition where the ovaries swell and leak fluid into the body.
  4. Miscarriage: While the risk of miscarriage in IVF pregnancies is roughly the same as in any other pregnancy, the emotional and financial investment often makes the loss particularly challenging.

IVF Babies

Are Babies Born Via IVF Different?

A common question that many prospective parents have is whether babies born via IVF are different from those conceived naturally. The answer is largely no, with a few caveats:

  1. Physical and Cognitive Development: Studies have shown that babies born via IVF generally reach the same developmental milestones as those conceived naturally. They grow at similar rates and show no significant differences in cognitive abilities.
  2. Health Risks: Babies born via IVF have the same rate of congenital malformations as naturally conceived babies. However, they may be at a slightly higher risk for low birth weight if multiple embryos were transferred.
  3. Genetic Screening: One advantage of IVF is the option for Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS), which can identify embryos with chromosomal abnormalities before implantation. This can be particularly beneficial for older parents or those with a history of genetic disorders.


The journey of IVF pregnancy is a special and unique adventure filled with its own set of rewarding experiences, opportunities for growth, and moments of joy. From the first steps of understanding the IVF process to navigating its distinct milestones, this path is a celebration of informed choices and proactive wellness. While IVF pregnancies may begin with expert medical guidance and benefit from enhanced monitoring in the early stages, they unfold into beautiful, full-fledged pregnancies that are every bit as magical as any other.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best IVF Specialist in Chandigarh.

Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecologist in Chandigarh at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr Ekawali Gupta, please book your appointment here 

How to track your Baby’s Development with a Due Date Calculator

Pregnancy Baby Tracker Due date Calculator Week By Week

Author: Dr. Asha Baxi  MBBS, FICOG, FRCOG, MS
Consultant: Obstetrician, Gynecologist & Infertility Specialist at Motherhood Hospital Indore

As an expecting parent, there are few things more exciting than monitoring the growth and development of your baby during pregnancy. One tool that can be incredibly helpful in this journey is a due date calculator or a pregnancy calculator. By estimating your baby’s due date based on the first day of your last menstrual period, you can gain valuable insights into your baby’s development and plan for important milestones. This blog will explore the benefits of using a pregnancy calculator week by week and discuss how it can help you track your baby’s development throughout pregnancy. 

Understanding Due Date Calculation

A due date calculator is a simple tool that estimates the expected delivery date (EDD) based on the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). It considers the average length of a woman’s menstrual cycle and that ovulation generally occurs around 14 days after the LMP. While it provides an estimate, it’s important to remember that not all pregnancies follow the exact timeline, and the due date may vary slightly. 

Estimating Your Due Date

To use a due date calculator, you must know the first day of your last menstrual period. Once you have that information, enter it into the calculator, which will provide an estimated due date. This data is a reference point for tracking your baby’s development throughout pregnancy. 

Tracking Your Baby’s Development 

A due date calculator helps you keep track of your baby’s growth and development by breaking down your pregnancy into weeks and trimesters. Here’s how it can assist you: 

 1.Weekly Updates: After estimating your due date, a due date calculator provides weekly updates on your baby’s development. These updates offer insights into your baby’s size, weight, and significant milestones for each week of pregnancy. You can learn about the development of vital organs, changes in your body, and what to expect during specific stages. 

 2.Trimester Milestones: Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, and a due date calculator can help you identify and prepare for important milestones within each trimester. It gives you a timeline to anticipate and understand the changes and challenges that may arise during each stage. This knowledge allows you to monitor your baby’s growth and ensure you provide the best care for yourself and your little one. 

 3.Personalized Information: Due date calculators often provide personalized information based on your estimated due date. It can include tips for a healthy pregnancy, suggestions for prenatal care, guidance on nutrition and exercise, and information about common symptoms or discomforts you may experience at different stages. 

 4.Appointment Planning: By having an estimated due date, you can plan your prenatal appointments accordingly. Regular visits to your healthcare provider are crucial for monitoring your baby’s growth, checking your health, and addressing any concerns. With the help of a due date calculator, you can schedule these appointments in advance and stay on top of your prenatal care. 

Preparing for the Arrival 

In addition to tracking your baby’s development, a due date calculator can help you prepare for the arrival of your little one. Knowing your estimated due date allows you to plan for important tasks such as setting up the nursery, purchasing baby essentials, arranging maternity leave, and even deciding on baby names. It gives you a sense of direction and helps you stay organized during this exciting and busy time. 

Tracking your baby’s development during pregnancy is an incredible journey that can be enhanced with the help of a due date calculator. By estimating your due date, this valuable tool provides weekly updates, trimester milestones, and personalised information and helps you plan your prenatal appointments. It enables you to monitor your baby’s growth, understand the changes in your body, and prepare for the arrival of your little one. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for any specific concerns or questions you may have along the way. Enjoy this time and embrace the excitement of bringing a new life into the world! 

 At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Indore. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Indore at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr.Asha Baxi, please book your appointment here.


  • How accurate is a due date calculator?
    A due date calculator provides an estimate based on the first day of your last menstrual period and the average length of a menstrual cycle. While it is a valuable tool, it’s important to note that not all pregnancies follow the exact timeline, and the due date may vary slightly. Your healthcare provider may use additional methods, such as ultrasound, to further refine the estimated due date. 
  • Can a due date calculator determine the exact date of conception?
    No, a due date calculator cannot determine the exact date of conception. It estimates the due date based on the first day of your last menstrual period and assumes birth occurred around 14 days after that. However, conception can occur at different times, and it’s challenging to pinpoint the exact moment. 
  • What if my due date doesn’t match my baby’s actual arrival?
    It’s common for the actual delivery date to differ from the estimated due date. Only about 5% of babies are born on their due dates. The length of a pregnancy can vary, and factors such as gestational age, maternal health, and the baby’s readiness for birth can influence the timing. Always consult with your healthcare provider for guidance on your specific situation. 
  • Can I rely solely on a due date calculator for monitoring my baby’s development?
    While a due date calculator provides valuable information about your baby’s development, other monitoring sources should exist. Regular prenatal visits with your healthcare provider are essential for comprehensive monitoring of your baby’s growth, as they can conduct physical examinations, perform ultrasounds, and provide personalized care based on your specific needs. 
  • Are there any risks or limitations associated with due date calculators?
    Due date calculators are generally safe and helpful tools for tracking your baby’s development. However, they have some limitations. They rely on average cycle lengths and may not account for irregular periods or variations in individual menstrual cycles. Additionally, they are not diagnostic tools, so if you have concerns about your pregnancy or your baby’s development, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation.

Top 7 Mindful Techniques for Painless Vaginal Delivery

Mindful Techniques for Painless Vaginal Delivery

Author: Dr. Tejinder Kaur MBBS, Diploma in Hospital Administration, Diploma of National Board training, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine
Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Mohali

Anticipating the arrival of a baby is remarkable for women. A woman goes through various physical, psychological, and hormonal changes to prepare for labour. According to Dr Tejinder Kaur, MBBS, Diploma in Hospital Administration, Diploma of National Board Training, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine, Consultant-Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, it is natural for pregnant women to feel concerned and anxious about the labour process and the accompanying pain. Modern medicine, however, has made it comparatively easier and bearable for women. The best pregnancy doctor and a vaginal birth enthusiast in Mohali now recommend promising solutions for expectant mothers to seek a comfortable birthing experience. 

Techniques for Painless Normal Delivery 

 Of late, there has been a lot of buzz around painless childbirth or delivery. It, however, does not suggest that the women would experience no pain at all. It denotes that the pain would be manageable leading to a less stressful period of 9 months. The laparoscopic surgeon in Mohali tells us that having an active pregnancy and informed decision-making during your pregnancy certainly helps you prepare for an effortless labour process (painless vaginal delivery). The expectant mothers must be mindful of certain things before delivery to ensure a painless normal delivery. It includes:  

1.Yoga During Pregnancy 

 Although only light or moderate exercise is recommended during pregnancy yoga during pregnancy is mostly safe as it does provide relief from the pain. In addition, you can also try pranayama to relax your mind. Make sure, however, that you perform such exercises only in the presence of an experienced professional. 

2.Enroll in a Childbirth Class 

Today, a lot of pregnancy support groups conduct childbirth classes to familiarize yourself with the stages of labour. It makes sure that you practice comfort measures before the event to help you feel less anxious. 

3.Have a Support Group 

 Although you have a supportive partner by your side, you may still need additional help. For instance, you and your partner may get trained on support for a labouring person and their partners.  

4.Distract Yourself 

In first-time pregnancies, labour lasts for more than 12 to 24 hours. Hence, when you feel contractions, you will feel them first in your lower back. When you start feeling so, do not panic or worry as it can worsen the contractions.  

5.Eat Lighter Snack 

Eating lighter snacks in the early stages of labour will help you maintain energy levels. Avoid fatty or hard-to-digest foods as these can make your stomach too much full and you will begin to feel nauseated. It can also cause vomiting during labour. Moreover, staying hydrated is also important to maintain stamina in labour. 

6.Take a Shower 

Pain also causes tension all over your body which can create discomfort. A warm shower can help you counter that response. For labour, a warm shower is fine at any stage of labour. 

7.Get in the Tub 

According to the best pregnancy doctor in Mohali, soaking in a warm bathtub can also help you ease the pain. These days, a lot of women also consider having a water birth for relaxation in early labour. If you want, you can also discuss your alternatives with your doctor. 

 Thinking of pain associated with labour is normal for expectant mothers. It is, however, not normal to stress yourself out way before the labour pain. To make this easier, you can try the above-mentioned techniques and discuss them with your best pregnancy doctor in Mohali, Dr Tejinder Kaur. You can consult her at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Tejinder Kaur, please book your appointment here.

Bleeding in Pregnancy: Spotting, Light, Heavy

Bleeding in Pregnancy

Author: Dr. Tejinder Kaur MBBS, Diploma in Hospital Administration, Diploma of National Board training, Fellowship in Reproductive MedicineConsultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Mohali

Bleeding or light spotting from the vagina during pregnancy is common. Approximately 25% of all pregnant women during pregnancy experience bleeding or spotting. According to Dr Tejinder Kaur, MBBS, Diploma in Hospital Administration, Diploma of National Board Training, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine, Consultant-Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, bleeding and spotting in pregnancy do not always mean a problem. It can, however, be a sign of miscarriage or other complications. If you experience any such symptoms, meet a high-risk pregnancy doctor in Mohali at the earliest to safeguard your pregnancy. 

Why Are You Bleeding During Pregnancy? 

Bleeding during pregnancy is common and may occur due to varied reasons. According to the gynecologist in Mohali, you are more likely to have bleeding in the first trimester of your pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding at any time point in pregnancy, however, can also indicate an underlying complication or condition. Hence, it is always advised to meet a high-risk pregnancy doctor in Mohali to determine if the bleeding is caused by something serious.  

What is the Difference Between Bleeding and Spotting? 

 As mentioned earlier, bleeding or spotting can occur anytime from the time you get pregnant to right before you give birth. Spotting refers to light bleeding. It is so light that you would not even notice blood at first glance. Bleeding, on the other hand, is heavier similar to menstrual flow. 

What Causes Bleeding in the First Trimester? 

 Bleeding or spotting in the first trimester is common and does not always indicate something serious. It can, however, be due to underlying conditions, including: 

 1.Implantation Bleeding: 

 This occurs when the fertilized egg implants on your uterus wall and causes light bleeding. It is usually considered normal. 

 2.Molar Pregnancy: 

 It is a rare condition when a fertilized egg implants in your uterus but a tumor develops instead of a foetus. 

3.Ectopic Pregnancy: 

This refers to a condition when pregnancy begins outside your uterus such as in the fallopian tubes. 

 4.Subchorionic Haematoma: 

Subchorionic hematoma refers to bleeding from one of the membranes surrounding the embryo inside your uterus. 

5.Cervical Polyps: 

This refers to a non-cancerous growth on your cervix that bleeds during pregnancy due to increased estrogen levels. 


This refers to loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks. It starts with heavy bleeding along with severe cramping.  

What are the Causes of Bleeding in the Second or Third Trimester? 

Bleeding in the second or third trimester indicates complications. Hence, the top gynecologist in Mohali suggests you watch out for bleeding during the second or third trimester. The bleeding during this phase indicates: 

  1. Placenta previa. 
  2. Placental abruption. 
  3. Incompetent cervix.
  4. Preterm labour. 
  5. Miscarriage. 

How Much Bleeding is Normal in Pregnancy? 

Spotting in early pregnancy, that is, during the first trimester is usually normal and does not show any serious issues. You should, however, still meet a high-risk pregnancy doctor in Mohali if you are unsure if it is spotting or bleeding. 

What Should You Do if You Have Bleeding or Spotting During Pregnancy? 

 Contact your gynecologist if you have any kind of bleeding during pregnancy and ensure: 

  1. To keep track of how heavy your bleeding is. Note if it gets heavier or lighter and how many pads you are using. 
  2. To check the colour of the blood. Check if the blood is brown, dark, or bright red. 
  3. To not use a tampon or have sex when you are bleeding.  

Contact Dr Tejinder Kaur at the Motherhood Hospital at the earliest if you have:  

  1. Heavy bleeding
  1. Bleeding with pain or cramping
  1. Dizziness
  1. Pain in your belly or pelvis

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Tejinder Kaur, please book your appointment here.

Nurturing Motherhood: A Comprehensive Guide to Pregnancy 

Guide to Postpartum Recovery and Infant Feeding

Author: Dr. Manju Gupta MBBS, MS
Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Noida  


Welcome to Motherhood Hospital! Dr. Manju Gupta and our dedicated team of healthcare professionals are here to guide you through this beautiful journey of pregnancy. In this blog, we will explore the various aspects of pregnancy, from the early signs to prenatal care and everything in between. Let’s embark on this incredible journey together.  

Signs of Pregnancy 

The journey to motherhood often begins with subtle yet significant signs that your body undergoes. Some common signs of pregnancy include missed periods, breast tenderness, frequent urination, and fatigue. If you notice these symptoms, it might be time to consider taking a pregnancy test.  

Pregnancy Test 

Taking a pregnancy test is a crucial step to confirm your suspicions. Home pregnancy tests are readily available and are quite accurate. They work by detecting the presence of the hormone hCG in your urine. A positive test result is a joyful moment that marks the beginning of your incredible journey.  

Prenatal Care

Once you confirm your pregnancy, the next step is to schedule your first prenatal care appointment. Dr. Manju Gupta and her team at Motherhood Hospital will provide you with personalized care and guidance throughout your pregnancy. Prenatal care is essential to monitor the health of both you and your baby, ensuring a smooth and healthy pregnancy journey.  

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness, often characterized by nausea and vomiting, is a common pregnancy symptom. While it can be uncomfortable, it is usually a positive sign that your body is adapting to the changes pregnancy brings. Dr. Manju Gupta can provide you with tips and strategies to manage morning sickness and ensure you stay well-nourished during this time.  

Pregnancy Cravings

Cravings for specific foods during pregnancy are entirely normal. Your body may be signaling a need for certain nutrients. It’s important to indulge in your cravings in moderation, making healthy choices whenever possible. Dr. Manju Gupta can help you create a balanced diet plan that meets both your cravings and your nutritional needs. 

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Weight gain is a natural part of pregnancy, but it should be managed carefully. Gaining too much or too little weight can have an impact on both you and your baby’s health. Dr. Manju Gupta will monitor your weight gain and provide guidance on maintaining a healthy balance throughout your pregnancy.  


As you embark on this extraordinary journey of motherhood, remember that you are not alone. Dr. Manju Gupta and the team at Motherhood Hospital are here to provide you with the best possible care and support. From the early signs of pregnancy to managing morning sickness, cravings, and weight gain, we are dedicated to ensuring a healthy and happy pregnancy for you and your baby. Your journey to motherhood starts here at Motherhood Hospital! 

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Noida. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Noida at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Manju Gupta, please book your appointment here.

Nurturing Life: Stages of Pregnancy

Nurturing Life: Stages of Pregnancy - Motherhood Hospitals

Author: Dr. Manju Gupta MBBS, MS
Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Noida  

Pregnancy is a miraculous and transformative experience in a woman’s life. It’s a time when a tiny spark of life grows into a beautiful, unique individual. Throughout this journey, a woman’s body undergoes incredible changes, fueled by the intricate dance of pregnancy hormones. Today, we’ll delve into the magical world of pregnancy, from the baby bump to fetal development, the significance of ultrasounds, the exhilarating moment of the baby’s first heartbeat, and the natural weight gain that accompanies this wondrous process.  

Pregnancy Hormones: The Architects of Life  

Behind the scenes of every pregnancy, a symphony of hormones plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the myriad of changes in a woman’s body. Hormones like progesterone, estrogen, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) guide the growth of the placenta, maintain the uterine lining, and support fetal development. These hormones ensure that your body creates the perfect environment for your growing baby.  

The Baby Bump: A Visible Reminder of Life

One of the most thrilling aspects of pregnancy is the emergence of the baby bump. As the fetus grows, the uterus expands to accommodate the developing baby. This visible sign of pregnancy is a testament to the remarkable journey that you and your little one are embarking on together. It’s a daily reminder that life is blossoming within you.  

Fetal Development: A Marvel of Nature

From a single cell to a complex, multi-organ organism, fetal development is an awe-inspiring process. Every week brings new milestones as your baby’s organs, limbs, and features take shape. It’s a time when the baby’s senses begin to develop, and tiny kicks and hiccups become part of your daily routine.  

The Role of Ultrasound During Pregnancy

Ultrasound technology has revolutionized prenatal care. These non-invasive procedures allow us to glimpse into the womb and monitor the baby’s growth and development. Ultrasounds offer valuable insights, not only into the baby’s health but also the gender, providing parents with cherished memories and a deeper connection to their unborn child.  

The First Heartbeat: A Momentous Occasion

Few moments in life can compare to hearing your baby’s first heartbeat. This exhilarating event usually occurs during the first prenatal visit, around the 6th to 8th week of pregnancy. The rapid “thump-thump” of the baby’s heart is a profound confirmation of life’s miracle, bringing tears of joy to many parents’ eyes.  

Weight Gain During Pregnancy: A Natural Process

As your baby grows, so does your body. Weight gain during pregnancy is a natural and essential part of the process. It ensures that you have the necessary reserves to support both your health and your baby’s development. However, it’s important to strike a balance between gaining enough weight for a healthy pregnancy and avoiding excessive weight gain.  

In conclusion, pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with wonder and anticipation. It’s a time when pregnancy hormones harmonize to create the perfect environment for your baby’s growth. The baby bump proudly displays the miracle within, while fetal development unfolds in an intricate dance of life. Ultrasounds provide glimpses of your growing baby, and the first heartbeat is a momentous occasion that etches itself into your heart forever. Embrace the natural weight gain that accompanies this journey, for it is a testament to your body’s incredible capacity to nurture and sustain life.  

At Motherhood Hospital, Noida, we are honored to accompany you on this incredible journey, providing care, support, and expertise every step of the way. Together, we celebrate the magic of pregnancy and the boundless love that grows with each passing day. 

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Noida. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Noida at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Manju Gupta, please book your appointment here.

 How to Take care of yourself during pregnancy?

How to Take care of yourself during pregnancy?

Author: Dr. Manju Gupta MBBS, MS
Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Noida  


Bringing a new life into this world is a beautiful and transformative journey, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and discomforts. As an expectant mother, it’s essential to prioritize your health and well-being during pregnancy. To help you navigate this incredible journey, we have sought the expertise of renowned gynecologist, Dr. Manju Gupta, from Motherhood Hospital. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into various aspects of a healthy pregnancy, including pregnancy vitamins, common discomforts, managing swelling and back pain, the benefits of pregnancy yoga, safe exercises, and maintaining a balanced diet. 

Pregnancy Vitamins: Nourishing You and Your Baby

One of the first steps to a healthy pregnancy is ensuring you and your baby receive the right nutrients. Dr. Manju Gupta emphasizes the importance of prenatal vitamins, which provide essential vitamins and minerals like folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamin D. These nutrients play a crucial role in fetal development and can help prevent birth defects. 

Common Pregnancy Discomforts: Coping and Comfort

Pregnancy often brings about various discomforts like morning sickness, fatigue, and heartburn. Dr. Manju Gupta advises expectant mothers on managing these discomforts through simple lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medication. Understanding that these symptoms are a part of the pregnancy journey can help ease the emotional strain. 

Managing Swelling and Back Pain During Pregnancy 

Swelling, particularly in the legs and ankles, is a common occurrence during pregnancy. Dr. Manju Gupta shares valuable tips on reducing swelling, such as staying hydrated, elevating your legs, and wearing compression stockings. Additionally, she provides insights into alleviating back pain through proper posture and gentle exercises. 

Pregnancy Yoga: Nurturing Mind and Body 

Pregnancy yoga is a wonderful way to stay active, reduce stress, and prepare your body for childbirth. Dr. Manju Gupta recommends prenatal yoga as a safe and effective practice during pregnancy. She discusses the benefits of yoga, including improved flexibility, reduced anxiety, and better posture. 

Exercise During Pregnancy: Staying Active Safely 

Regular exercise can boost your mood and energy levels while promoting a healthy pregnancy. Dr. Manju Gupta highlights the importance of discussing your exercise plan with your healthcare provider. She also suggests safe exercises for expectant mothers, such as walking, swimming, and low-impact aerobics. 

A Healthy Pregnancy Diet: Fueling Your Journey 

A balanced diet is the cornerstone of a healthy pregnancy. Dr. Manju Gupta provides guidance on essential nutrients, meal planning, and managing weight gain during pregnancy. She encourages expectant mothers to focus on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, while minimizing processed foods and sugary snacks. 


Embarking on the journey of pregnancy is a profound experience, and Dr. Manju Gupta’s expertise from Motherhood Hospital can help you navigate it with confidence and ease. By prioritizing pregnancy vitamins, managing discomforts, addressing swelling and back pain, embracing pregnancy yoga, engaging in safe exercise, and adopting a healthy diet, you can nurture both your own well-being and that of your precious little one. Remember, a healthy pregnancy lays the foundation for a bright and beautiful future. 

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Noida. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Noida at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Manju Gupta, please book your appointment here.

How to nurture your pregnancy?

Nurturing a Healthy Pregnancy

Author: Dr. Manisha Tomar MBBS, DNB, DGO
Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Noida  


Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement and anticipation, but it also comes with a responsibility to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby. To shed light on some essential aspects of a healthy pregnancy, we’ve turned to the expert guidance of Dr. Manisha Tomar from Motherhood Hospital, Noida. In this blog, we’ll discuss various topics ranging from foods to avoid during pregnancy to handling stress and travel. Let’s dive in! 

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy 

One of the first things an expectant mother should consider is her diet. What you eat can directly impact your baby’s development. Dr. Manisha Tomar emphasizes the importance of avoiding certain foods during pregnancy: 

These may contain harmful bacteria like salmonella or E. coli, which can lead to food poisoning. 

Raw Seafood: Raw fish or shellfish may carry parasites or bacteria that can be harmful to the baby. 

Unpasteurized Dairy Products: These can harbor listeria, a bacterium that can lead to serious complications during pregnancy. 

High-Mercury Fish: Large predatory fish like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish should be avoided as they contain high levels of mercury, which can harm the baby’s developing nervous system. 

Pregnancy and Caffeine 

Moderation is key when it comes to caffeine during pregnancy. Dr. Manisha Tomar recommends limiting caffeine intake to around 200-300 milligrams per day, equivalent to one 12-ounce cup of coffee. Excessive caffeine consumption has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage and preterm birth, so it’s best to exercise caution. 

Alcohol and Pregnancy 

Alcohol and pregnancy don’t mix. Dr. Tomar advises complete abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy. Even small amounts of alcohol can potentially harm the baby, leading to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), which can cause lifelong physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities. 

Smoking and Pregnancy 

Smoking during pregnancy is another major no-no. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes can restrict the baby’s oxygen supply, increase the risk of preterm birth, and lead to other complications. Quitting smoking is crucial for the health of both the mother and the baby. 

Pregnancy and Stress 

Stress can have adverse effects during pregnancy. Dr. Manisha Tomar encourages expectant mothers to find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and seeking support from loved ones or professionals. Chronic stress can lead to preterm birth and low birth weight, so it’s important to prioritize mental well-being. 

Pregnancy and Travel 

Traveling while pregnant is generally safe, but it’s essential to take precautions. Dr. Tomar suggests consulting with your healthcare provider before planning any trips. Avoid long journeys, stay hydrated, wear comfortable clothing, and take frequent breaks to stretch your legs. Ensure you have access to medical facilities at your destination, just in case. 

Pregnancy and Work 

Balancing work and pregnancy can be challenging, but it’s vital for your well-being. Dr. Manisha Tomar advises pregnant women to communicate openly with their employers about their pregnancy and any necessary accommodations. Ensure your work environment is safe, and take breaks to rest as needed. 


 Pregnancy is a remarkable journey that requires careful consideration of various factors. Dr. Manisha Tomar’s expert guidance highlights the importance of a healthy diet, avoiding harmful substances like caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco, managing stress, and taking precautions during travel and work. By following these guidelines, expectant mothers can nurture a healthy pregnancy and set the stage for a bright and beautiful future for their little ones. Remember, the well-being of both mother and baby is paramount! 

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Noida. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Noida at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Manisha Tomar please book your appointment here.