What Are The Best Hormonal Treatments For Menopausal Symptoms?

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), at motherhood india hospital

Hormonal Treatments for Menopausal Symptoms: An Overview

Hormone therapy is considered the primary treatment for the symptoms of menopause. But before opting for it, a health professional will go through your medical history and health condition with respect to the benefits and risks pertaining to it.

Quick Fact:
Women suffering from post-menopausal symptoms can also benefit from (HRT) hormone replacement therapy.

The Benefits and Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

As you may be going through menopause, your ovaries can no longer produce the levels of estrogen and progesterone that they used to. When the levels of these hormones is decreasing in the body, it can relate to many uncomfortable symptoms including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, mood swings, night sweats etc. As a result, hormone therapy can boost the levels of this hormone and help in relieving some of the symptoms.

Types of hormone therapy (HT)

While it depends upon your health care professional to whether consider HT or not, there are two main types of hormone therapy that are considered best during menopause:
Estrogen therapy: In this therapy, estrogen will be used alone. During this procedure, a low dose of estrogen in the form of pills or patches may be prescribed for each day. Besides, estrogen may also be given in the form of cream, gel or spray which can help in relieving menopausal symptoms along with preventing bone loss.

Estrogen Progesterone or Progestin Hormone Therapy: As the name suggests, this therapy is also known as combination therapy. In this therapy, a combination of estrogen and progesterone is provided for the patients. Sometimes, progestin may be used instead of progesterone, which is a synthetic form of the same. This may be given in the form of pills or patches as well.

Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Menopausal Journey with the Right Hormonal Treatment

Besides relieving the symptoms of menopause, HT concurs with other health benefits including reducing the risk of bone loss, improving mood, decreasing tooth loss, lowering the risk of diabetes and colon cancer, etc.

Tips To Get Your Body Ready For Pregnancy

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You may be planning for pregnancy, but there may be some questions in your mind regarding how to make your body ready for it. There are some steps that if taken will give you the best possible chance of having a healthy pregnancy along with a healthy baby.

Quick fact:
Your heart actually grows during pregnancy as the blood volume increases up to 50% which makes it beat faster.

The importance of preparing your body for pregnancy

Here are some important steps that you can plan to undertake in order to begin your motherhood easily:
A preconception checkup: If you are ready to get pregnant, it is better that you schedule a preconception checkup. During this checkup, your overall health status will be reviewed along with the health history. Besides, there may some health areas where you need some improvement which can be analyzed by the doctor as well.

Taking folic acid supplement: Before you start conception, it is advised that you should take 400 micrograms of folic acid every day though your first trimester. The process can be started 30 days prior to conception. By taking folic acid, you are decreasing the chances of birth defects in your baby.

Avoid alcohol intake: Excessive drinking is prohibited when you are trying out for pregnancy, though a moderate drink is considered fine. While during pregnancy, it is better to avoid drinking as this may pose health problems for the developing fetus.

Cut off smoking: Smoking can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, where you should halt this activity as it can also make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

Eat well and exercise: Having healthy preconception diet including of whole grains, lean proteins, low fat diary can prepare your body for pregnancy. Moreover, exercising can keep your body strong and healthy.

Monitor your weight: A healthy weight can make your pregnancy smoother where you can easily get pregnant as well. It is better to maintain a healthy weight before trying to conceive.

How Can An Ob/Gyn Help With Your Family Planning?

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You may want to plan the size of your family ahead along while also thinking about a feasible space between children. This is referred to as family planning where a gynaecologist or an obstetrician (OB/GYN) can help you to preset a family plan that is suitable for you.

Understanding Your Reproductive Health: The First Step to Family Planning

As per WHO, 1.1 billion women among 1.9 billion reproductive women have a need for family planning.
Family planning
You can plan the coming of your children along with controlling their number. Besides, you can keep a space between the children as well while planning with an obstetrician or gynaecologist who can help you with the rightful decisions.

The Importance of Regular Check-Ups: Staying on Top of Your Reproductive Health.

You can begin the course of planning by starting to draft a healthy plan for pregnancy with your OB/GYN. The guidelines can comprise of making the required lifestyle changes that can increase the chances of conception along with having a healthy pregnancy

You may be suggested:
• To take prenatal vitamins
• Consuming nutrient rich diet
• Stopping smoking and drinking
• Exercises and overview of medications you take

Besides, there are women who wish to conceive soon after their first child, and some prefer keeping space between the two children. While this can be a matter of safety, your OB/GYN can suggest you the right choice as per your health condition.

Birth Control Options: Which One Is Right for You?

You may want to prevent your pregnancy temporarily in case your family is complete or you don’t want children for then. There are some birth control measures where OB/GYN can guide you towards determining the right type for you.
Following are some ways by which you can control the birth:
Birth control pills
• Intra Uterine devices
• Vaginal rings
• Hormonal birth control patches
• Birth control shots

Birth control decision is a personal decision where your healthcare professional can help in you in following effective ways.

Essential Steps To A Safe, Healthy Pregnancy

Best Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy - Motherhood India Hospital

Preconception Health: Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnant? Its more than important to take care of yourself where you have to make sure you and your baby are as healthy as possible.

Quick Fact:
Babies start to cry in the womb silently as early as 28 weeks.
Steps for healthy pregnancy

Here are some essential steps that you should undertake in order to have a safe and healthy pregnancy:

Educate yourself: There may be some questions revolving in your mind regarding childbirth along with specific concerns. You can voice your thinking by joining a childbirth class where you can learn about the pregnancy and infant care along with preparing for delivery. Besides, you can get to a healthy start by consulting a health care provider for prenatal care.

Healthy Nutrition During Pregnancy: Essential Nutrients and Foods to Avoid

Eat well: While you are feeding two in your pregnancy, you need to increase your calorie intake by 300 mg a day. You need to consume a diet inclusive of calories, proteins, calcium etc. Moreover, along with having a nutritious diet you equally should stay away from food items that can pose danger to you and your baby, like undercooked meat or eggs, raw seafood, fish with mercury, etc.

Avoid toxins: Tobacco, alcohol, drugs etc. have been related with birth defects, preterm labor and other problems during pregnancy where they should be avoided to ensure your journey is safe.

Stay hydrated and drink well: You should drink ample amounts of water to stay hydrated along with keeping a healthy bowel movement. While water is the best liquid to drink, other liquids as caffeine should be limited for it lacks nutritional value.

Sleep and move well: While pregnancy can relate with some exhaustion, there is a need to take naps and rest enough. You can improve your sleeping with some relaxation techniques before going to bed like yoga, stretching etc. Additionally, rest is good along with exercising quotient that will help you to stay strong while keeping your heart and lungs healthy. Regular stretching and exercising can relieve you from pregnancy discomforts like backaches, constipation, morning sickness etc.

Postnatal Care Tips Every Woman Should Follow

Pregnancy is one of the hardest yet one of the most blissful moments in every women’s life who want to be a mother. But not enough people talk about the unforeseen challenges and overwhelming amount of different kinds of emotions flowing through the veins of the mommy-to-be. And how the arrival of a newborn changes the mental and physical state of the mother.

Before giving birth, the mother’s body undergoes a great deal of change. That’s why the postnatal stage is very crucial for the mother’s health, and following some useful tips mentioned below can make the healing process faster.

Caring for Your Newborn: Essential Tips for Postpartum Baby Care

Take rest:

You probably guessed it to be here, didn’t you? I can not stress the fact enough that your body needs rest after undergoing such a big change. If you think, everything around you seems a bit out of place, let it be. It’s important to get as much rest as you can to allow your body to repair. Simply remain in bed. That is all you need to do for the first few days or even a month in certain situations.

Focus on your diet:

You do not need to prioritize exercise right away, just focus on eating healthily to maintain your current level of fitness. Avoid eating too much high-calorie food because it’s a myth that to better feed your infant, you must eat a lot of ghee and fat.

Stay hydrated:

Your body requires a lot of water because it is still recovering from childbirth. You will urinate more frequently since your body will also be shedding the fluids it stored during pregnancy. Second, breastfeeding causes you to lose liquid once more, necessitating rehydration after each feeding.

Stay physically active:

If your delivery was normal, you can begin working out right away. You can begin after a week if you underwent a Caesarean section, as staying active will help you lose pregnancy weight as well as combat stress, which is prevalent among new mothers.

If needed call the doctor:

The first several weeks after giving birth, a new mother’s body is fragile. Keep your doctor’s appointment so they may examine your cuts and sutures. Do not hesitate to visit the doctor if you have a fever, shivering, disorientation, pain, or discomfort. In the event of a C-section, you should use additional caution.

Food And Nutrition For New Moms After Childbirth

Postpartum Diet: Food to eat after delivery - Motherhood India Hopspital

The Importance of Postpartum Nutrition for New Moms

Pregnancy and childbirth cause significant physical and mental changes in a woman. Also, the thought that childbirth is the end of an entire phase of suffering, is a total myth because the postnatal stage is as hectic as the pregnancy and childbirth.

Also, the nutritional needs of a new mother who is taking care of herself, a newborn she may have should take precedence over weight loss in the immediate postpartum period. Therefore, the new mothers need to be sure to consume all the nutrients both they and the baby require.

Nutrient-Dense Foods for Postpartum Healing and Recovery


Salmon acts as a nutritional powerhouse in new moms as it is rich in a type of fat called DHA. The growth of your baby’s nervous system depends on DHA. DHA is present in all ,breast milk, although it is present in greater quantities in the milk of mothers who consume more DHA in their diets.


The pregnancy cravings are a mood spoiler, aren’t they? Well, those annoying cravings stay even in the initial stage of childbirth. But the good news is, that beef doesn’t know any cravings. And Iron-rich meals, such as lean beef, might help new mothers feel more energized as it is loaded with Vitamin B-12.


Beans that are high in iron, especially those that are dark in color like black beans and kidney beans, are a fantastic breastfeeding food, especially for vegetarians. They provide high-quality, non-animal protein at an affordable price.


Eggs are a flexible food to get the protein you need each day. For breakfast, scramble a few eggs, or have an omelet and salad for dinner. To increase the amount of this crucial fatty acid in your milk, choose eggs that have been DHA-fortified.


Dehydration is a particular risk for breastfeeding mothers as it drains energy. Make sure you stay hydrated to maintain your energy levels and milk production. You can opt for juice and milk to fulfill some of your fluid needs.

Postnatal Care-First 6 Weeks Of Recovery

Postpartum Care: Caring for Your Health After Childbirth - Motherhood India Hospital

No one needs to be Sherlock to understand that, despite how exciting and amazing ,pregnancy may seem, it is one of the most challenging experiences a woman will ever have. While some people might believe that after childbirth, the challenges are over, they are not. For the mother, the postnatal stage can be just as frantic and stressful as the first two. Therefore, it’s crucial that the mother have excellent postnatal care, especially in the first six weeks following delivery.

Caring for Your Newborn in the First Few Weeks of Life

There are some things you may do to hasten your recovery, but keep in mind that every mother’s recovery is different because every pregnancy and body are distinct. So, I’ve provided some tips for postnatal self-care here for new mothers.

Breastfeeding and Nutrition: Tips for Nourishing Yourself and Your Baby

The first step to recovery is maintaining a healthy diet. Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. You should also drink a lot of water if you are lactating.


To help you feel less worn out and fatigued, try to get as much sleep as you can. You will need to get as much rest as you can because your infant could not have a regular waking and sleeping schedule.

Try light and moderate exercise:

Exercising doesn’t have to be anything demanding; go for a leisurely stroll around, try breathing exercises, or pelvic floor exercises. However, when it is appropriate to begin exercising, your doctor will advise you.

Ice your perineum (for normal delivery):

Regularly ice your perineum. Specific perineal ice packs are available to buy. In the first several weeks, ice the perineum for 10 minutes at least three times per day.

Maintain hygiene:

You might have undergone a perineal tear or an episiotomy if you had a normal delivery. To avoid infection and hasten to heal, keep the wound clean and dry. Every time you use the bathroom, wash the wound with water.

If you had a cesarean, once the stitches are removed you can take a shower and a bath as usual After taking a shower, tap the wound dry and avoid using soap on it.

Consulting The Maternity Experts For Postnatal Care

Postnatal Care for Mothers and Newborns - Motherhood India Hospital

The postnatal stage which begins right after the birth of the baby is equally as crucial as pregnancy and childbirth. During this stage, the mother and the newborn needs equal care and attention, that’s why this article focuses solely on why consulting maternity experts is necessary for correct postnatal care.

Why Postnatal Care is Important and What to Expect

Given that maternal and infant death typically happens within the first few hours of giving birth, postnatal care is absolutely essential for both the mother and the newborn child. The mother must give the kid ongoing care and attention, prioritizing early and exclusive breastfeeding, sanitary skin and umbilical cord care, and keeping the newborn warm.

The mother and infant are not to be sent home during the postnatal care treatment time since the first 24 hours are crucial. Several procedures aid in lowering the danger for both the mother and the kid during these times. Prior to the mother being discharged from a medical facility, she will receive counselling and an evaluation as a part.

Navigating the Postnatal Period: Advice from Maternity Experts

Postnatal care is usually done by maternity experts. In the first few hours following birth, the situation is evaluated, and any potential issues are identified. The postnatal examination aids the medical examiner in determining whether the mother or the baby exhibits any characteristics of the disease.

Women should be made aware of how important it is to have support, prioritize postpartum visits, and schedule them on time. During these exams, it is also crucial to emphasize the significance of having a balanced diet and receiving enough rest and sleep.

Who is eligible?

Only recent mothers and their newborns are qualified for the treatment. Every new mother and her newborn child must receive postnatal care. Women who give birth in a hospital alone are not the only ones who qualify for postnatal care. Even if the mother gives birth at home, it should still be made available to her.

Any side-effects?

There are no adverse effects to the treatment because this session concentrates on educating women about caring for their newborns and spotting warning indications.

Everything You Need To Know About Postpartum Recovery

Post Delivery Care Tips for New Born Baby and Mother- Motherhood India Hospital

Understanding Postpartum Recovery: What Happens to Your Body After Childbirth

Your postpartum recovery won’t be just some days. Full recovery from the process of childbirth can take months. While many ladies feel mostly recovered by 6-8 weeks, it should take longer than this to want yourself again. During this point, you will feel like your body has turned against you. Try to not get frustrated. Remember that your body isn’t attentive to your timelines and expectations. The most effective thing you’ll do for its rest is to eat well and provides yourself with an occasion.

During this point, your hormones also are fluctuating. you will not be thinking clearly and can be more emotional. Again, give yourself time for this to pass.

Nutrition for Postpartum Recovery: Fueling Your Body for Healing and Breastfeeding

During the primary six weeks, concentrate on your body. You’ll be tired and focused on your baby, but try and notice changes in your own body. This is often vital as you heal.

As you start to feel better, resist the temptation to try and do more. Overdoing things at this time can set you back in your recovery. Focus on nourishing your body with good foods, drinking lots of water (especially if you’re breastfeeding), and getting enough rest.

Here is more of what you’ll be able to expect during your postpartum recovery.

Abdominal pain: As your uterus shrinks into its normal size and shape, you may feel pain in your abdomen (lower belly). These pains are called “afterpains.” Most of those pains are going to be dull, but some are going to be sharp.

Hormonal shifts: Besides fueling your mood swings, hormones also are chargeable for other postpartum symptoms. You’ll be sweating more, especially at nighttime after you sleep. Just ensure that your sweating isn’t among a fever.

Seeking Help: Knowing When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider for Postpartum Concerns

Pay attention to your body after the biological process. Soreness is to be expected, but not an excessive amount of pain. Don’t be so committed to caring for your baby that you just ignore your health.

Postpartum Recovery: What To Expect And How To Heal?

Postpartum Recovery Tips for New Moms - Motherhood India Hospital

Imagine, you’ve made it through pregnancy and the challenges presented in the form of childbirth, and have officially a mother! This is often the daily you’ve dreamt of, and also marks a stage stuffed with uncertainty and discomfort for several women.

Self-Care: Prioritizing Your Well-being During the Postpartum Period

The transition from pregnancy to postpartum brings a spread of the latest symptoms and hurdles, but you don’t must eff alone. From healing tips and remedies to item checklists and recovery timelines, here’s everything you wish to understand about postpartum recovery.

How Long Does Recovery Take After Giving Birth?

Consider the primary six weeks postpartum a recovery period irrespective of your specific birth story. Whether labour and delivery were a breeze or a gruelling process, your body needs time to heal. Each woman can experience different symptoms and can recover at her own pace.

If you had a giving birth, your perineum (the area between the anus and also the vagina) is going to be sore and should take three to 6 weeks to heal. If you had an episiotomy or perineal tear, expect a total of six weeks and don’t be surprised if complete healing takes longer.

And don’t worry, while your vagina might not be identical again after parturition, it’ll likely be very close.

If you delivered by C-section, you’ll likely spend the primary few days recovering within the hospital followed by four to 6 weeks of healing reception. Don’t be surprised if you continue to experience some perineal pain along the way.

Postpartum Vaginal Bleeding—What’s Normal And What’s Not?

Don’t worry—postpartum bleeding made of leftover blood and tissue is common up to 6 weeks after delivery. Expect a flow like a significant period for up to the primary 10 days. After that, it’ll taper far from red to pink, brown, and eventually a yellowish colour.

During recovery, don’t use tampons. If you bear over one pad in an hour or you’re passing large clots, call your doctor instantly to make certain you’re not experiencing a postpartum haemorrhage.