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World Prematurity Day: Preterm delivery due to leaking of amniotic fluid

World Prematurity Day: Preterm delivery due to leaking of amniotic fluid
Nancy had just entered her 7th month of pregnancy, and was enjoying every aspect of it. From choosing baby names to decorating the nursery, she and her partner had planned it all. They were now just patiently waiting for their little bundle of joy to enter their world and turn it into a magical fairytale. Little did they know that Nancy was going to give birth to a premature baby, in just 30 weeks of gestation. The care and attention given by NICU Preterm delivery is always a challenge. Apart from the mother going through a lot of physical and mental trauma, there are added concerns about the wellbeing of the child and the extra attention the baby will need to reach its pink of health. This is exactly what the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Motherhood aims at. The level 3 unit offers the most advanced care for preterm babies. This wing is equipped with cutting-edge respiratory equipment including nasal cannulas, CPAP and ventilators. The monitoring equipment feature cardiac monitors, respiratory monitors and pulse oximeters. Apart from state-of-the-art medical equipment, the level 3 NICU unit is also run by the friendliest staff of doctors. The well-certified neonatologists, neonatal nurses and respiratory therapists give your little one all the attention they need to nurture them back to health. An extreme case of amniotic fluid leakage In Nancy??s case, her baby was born in 30 weeks of gestation with a birth weight of 1 Kg 200 gms. Due to preterm delivery and respiratory distress syndrome the baby had to be kept in the NICU for around 50 days. When Nancy was rushed to the hospital, she was 7 and half months into her pregnancy with a cervical stitch. She also experienced leaking of amniotic fluid, which is a protective liquid that serves as a cushion for the growing fetus. Apart from protecting the baby, the fluid also provides the facility to exchange nutrients, water and biochemical products between the mother and the baby. Due to early onset leaking of the amniotic fluid, Nancy had to be treated immediately and the preterm baby was rushed to Motherhood's NICU. However, Nancy??s baby was successfully nurtured to health at the NICU wing. According to Dr. Prashanth Gowda, The baby is now 10 Kgs, showing all normal signs of developmental milestones. It gives immense pleasure to see such a small, very low birth weight baby, whom we call NICU graduates, bring such laurels to our hospital.? The baby was discharged on 8th of May, 2016, and is doing fine post discharge. Dr. Gowda adds that the baby is in perfectly good health now and the parents are happy and thankful for the NICU team.

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